fishermans statue

Where do you find it after he tells you it was stolen?

"I think TV remotes should have a button that allows you to kill the person on screen."-George Carlin

go to the well (eastern part of the town) and talk to the person standing there. if i remember correctly he'll tell you where to go.
good luck.


Where do you find it after he tells you it was stolen?

Short hint: As Andre above mentioned, there is a person in town(Berglum) who knows
where it went to.
More information: It is a kid in Berglum who knows where it went to.
(Spoiler below - read on if you don't want to find the kid yourself and solve the puzzle
on your own)
Spoiler: The statue was stolen by a pack of mages. They are 1 screen south of the
town of Berglum, gathered around a fire pit. If you kill all of the mages, when the
last one dies you "find" the statue and it goes into your inventory.

Shoot 'em with everything you've got. If anything still lives, shoot 'em again.

Gracias a Ambrosia for this webboard and the people contributing to it, no need to get stuck anymore! In my opinion though, it would have been far more logical if a fisherman would have been robbed by PIRATES instead of mages. But who cares!

“One game a day keeps the shrink away" -anonymous deranged gameaddict


it would have been far more logical if a fisherman would have been robbed by PIRATES instead of mages

I agree. But the one problem with that, logically, is that if pirates would have
robbed the statue, and the fisherman would not leave port until you returned his
statue, how would you go after the pirates?

Shoot 'em with everything you've got. If anything still lives, shoot 'em again.