Femme Fatale ships and strategy

Hi all,

Been playing this plug-in and enjoying it... but I'm finding that it's pretty tough to make money, and like FH, most of the ships are kinda underpowered. Should I save my pennies to buy a decent warship, or is there a Tachyonic Fighter (or something like it) available later in the game? Thanks...


Later in the game there is a ship that is quite powerful. It's powerful in it's own right however, not like the Tachyonic Fighter is.

If Murder Were Legal, You'd Be Dead.
Only The Good Die Young


I'm not sure about Femme Fatale, but I know that in Frozen Heart there's a very easy method to get ~tons~ of money.

  1. Go fight pirates around Propus (I recall) and the system above.
  2. Get a good enough reputation with the Rigellians with Step 1.
  3. Go to Polaris and land. Take off, land, take off, until you see a Luxury Liner that ISN'T labelled Rigellian.
  4. Board, take the million credits, and if your reputation is still positive, go back to Step 3.
  5. When your reputation drops, it's back to Propus, which has more tolerance and should let you land.

Voila. : )



Yeah, that was just about the only way I could score credits in FH, hitting luxury liners when I passed through Polaris every once in a while. I, too, don't know if it works in FF, as I got stuck early on, and gave up (much patience this one lacks, hmmmm).

-Payback37 (url="http://"http://www.clarkson.edu/~curtislg")Biggles Productions(/url)
Treat all the world as the world deserves,
With love or with hate but never with harm,

--an excerpt from The Seafarer , an Anglo-Saxon poem translation

(This message has been edited by Payback37 (edited 11-26-2001).)

When you play either FH or FF, you have to change your attitude towards ships, fights and money. You do not need to go and fight pirates. And you will meet Lars fairly early on in the game. His present will be invaluable. As for the ship, a Wanderer is already plenty... Good luck

Why did the blonde stare at frozen orange juice can for 2 hours?
Because it said 'concentrate'.


Originally posted by Sensei:
**When you play either FH or FF, you have to change your attitude towards ships, fights and money. You do not need to go and fight pirates. And you will meet Lars fairly early on in the game. His present will be invaluable. As for the ship, a Wanderer is already plenty... Good luck

Indeed. In FF, I'd suggest using a cargo shuttle(availible on Minkar Orbiter) until you can afford a Mosquito(2M, also on Minkar Orbiter), which can be useful for some of the more difficult mid-game missions.

asc( );

Well, the luxury liner trick worked like a charm, and I wound up with as much money as I could ask for; enough to get me through the rest of the game.

But those later messages are also right: the game clearly doesn't demand anything more than a Mosquito, at least until late in the game.

One further question: how do I know when the plug-in is over? I retrieved my memories: is that it? It seems... anticlimactic compared to Frozen Heart.


Femme Fatale's missions are over once you retrieve your memories.

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-Tom Clancy