Out of Gas!

You can get cheat programs that give you more fuel. Try the Advanced Character Editor. I can't remember where you get it though...



The above post can be concidered
"Parlez vous sans mon derreire"
As the french probably wouldn't say.


Originally posted by VoinianAmbassador:
'Marie Celeste' style colony on the planet, and I seem to remember that you can refuel there. If so, perhaps you could top off your tanks, fly back to civilisation

Hey thats a great idea!

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I don't know about ACE, but I know PFE 3.0b can do it, and you can snag that on the Plugs page.

-Payback37 (url="http://"http://www.clarkson.edu/~curtislg")Biggles Productions(/url)
Treat all the world as the world deserves,
With love or with hate but never with harm,

--an excerpt from The Seafarer , an Anglo-Saxon poem translation

Well it took me a while to find EVedit, but I've altered this:
(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/WebObjects/FileSharing.woa/wa/default?user=rebel_council&templatefn;=FileSharing3.html&xmlfn;=TKDocument.3.xml&sitefn;=RootSite.xml&aff;=consumer&cty;=US&la;")http://homepage.mac....sumer&cty=US(/url) ng=en(the url dosent work to mac.com, sorry)

Override Data 2 file to make F-25 refuleable. Replace the original with it, and store the origonal somewhere safe. When I've refuled and left the system replace my file with the original data file, and you're done! 🙂

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(This message has been edited by rebel council (edited 11-13-2001).)

The best solution I know of -- if you don't mind cheating -- is simply using PFE (seant's Pilot File Editor) to reset your fuel levels, which I think it does. It should be on the EVO add-ons page.

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"http://www.evoverride.com")http://www.evoverride.com(/url)!
"Whether 'tis better in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them ... But you don't do either. Neither suffer nor oppose. You just abolish the slings and arrows. It's too easy." -- John the Savage, Brave New World

Whoa, is there an echo in here? Dunno, maybe it's name is shay! 😄 Just kidding, big guy!

-Payback37 (url="http://"http://www.clarkson.edu/~curtislg")Biggles Productions(/url)
Treat all the world as the world deserves,
With love or with hate but never with harm,

--an excerpt from The Seafarer , an Anglo-Saxon poem translation


Originally posted by shayborg:
**The best solution I know of -- if you don't mind cheating -- is simply using PFE (seant's Pilot File Editor) to reset your fuel levels, which I think it does. It should be on the EVO add-ons page.


Actually, I don't think it does that(but I might be wrong). So at tis point my solutions is better! 😛

(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/rebel_council/PhotoAlbum2.html") My Photo among other things Album(/url)
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Thanks to everyone who sent me information. PFE was what finally did it. I was able to add some fuel using it.

I highly recommend this program to all EVO afficionados.

With that, I close this topic.


aka El Renno

(quote)Originally posted by Payback37:
**Whoa, is there an echo in here? Dunno, maybe it's name is shay!:)

Visit my EVO web site at **(url="http://"http://www.evoverride.com")http://www.evoverride.com(/url)****!
"Whether 'tis better in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them ... But you don't do either. Neither suffer nor oppose. You just abolish the slings and arrows. It's too easy." -- John the Savage, Brave New World

Lesson learned here: for people to respond to your posts, you must insult them (or make blatant generalizations). Otherwise, it is perused and ignored.

-Payback37 (url="http://"http://www.clarkson.edu/~curtislg")Biggles Productions(/url)
Treat all the world as the world deserves,
With love or with hate but never with harm,

--an excerpt from The Seafarer , an Anglo-Saxon poem translation

waiit a minute! what the hell? so every time you get in a pinch, or stuck, you cheat? so what if you had to fight some badass ship, but you just couldnt quite do it.. do you cheat and boost your sheilds up for that mission? my point.. is your objective to beat the game or become soo badass that no one can handle you, or is it to enjoy playing it? i'm seriously not trying to start a fight here, but comon, cheating is about as fun as pulling teeth. i'd start a new pilot 😉

i want a mac computer so i can play all the EV games again

Cheating when you're out of fuel is not quite the same as cheating to beat the dreadnaught or whatever. One you can defeat, with enough skill, with just about any ship. The other you can't get out of and is really frustrating if you've actually got a badass ship but still can't get out of it.



The above post can be concidered
"Parlez vous sans mon derreire"
As the french probably wouldn't say.

You could use 2 ramscoops to eventually regain your fuel, and to make it even better, equip 2 additional fuel tanks. If you have the patience, you could just drive around, eventually regaining your fuel, or buy a new ship with better fuel efficiency. You could always plunder other ships fuel, but you said there were no ships coming by. You could also do that escort thing, which I think is ingenius, but personally I would prefer the ramscoop/ext. fuel tanks idea. You make the choice.



Originally posted by Voyager II:
**You make the choice.

I think he has, A LONG, TIME, AGO! 😛 j/k

"God made people because that dinosaur game sucked" - Xbox
(url="http://"http://members.home.net/e-gamerguy1/ev/bfs3/")BFSIII Website(/url)
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Well u can just use an auto refueller if you have enough money or just use a ramscoop if available.
