What difference does shield strength make?

Re-reading the FAQ, I came across a nugget I hadn't noticed before:


Q: How can I improve my chances of capturing a ship?
A: The larger the number of crew in your fleet, the higher your chances of capturing an enemy ship. Shield strength also makes a difference when your capture odds are calculated.

(Italics mine)

How, exactly, does shield strength enter into this? Should I make sure that my shields are fully regenerated before boarding a larger ship?


"Prejudice is silly. There are so many perfectly good reasons to hate people on an individual basis "

I thought that it was their shields (or rather, armour) which did it. For example, when you disable a ship, you know how you can shoot it a few times without it blowing up? Well, every time you shoot it, it gets closer to blowing up, and the closer to blowing up it is, the better chance you have of capturing it.

"Give a man a fire and you keep him warm for a night, but set him on fire and you keep him warm for the rest of his life" - Sergent Colon



Originally posted by scaryfish:
**I thought that it was their shields (or rather, armour) which did it. For example, when you disable a ship, you know how you can shoot it a few times without it blowing up? Well, every time you shoot it, it gets closer to blowing up, and the closer to blowing up it is, the better chance you have of capturing it.



Your shields do it. Not sure on actually why - crew morale, maybe?



Originally posted by SilverDragon:
Your shields do it. Not sure on actually why - crew morale, maybe?

I figure the idea is that the better condition your ship is in, the less crew are needed for repairs, and therefore more are available to take over the enemy ship.

David Arthur
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I fnd it annoying that I can't seem to captire any ship unless I have 6 times that ship's crew.

Hey, Laziraman, here's a little question.

If you have 60 crew, attacking a ship with 30 crew and defence turrets and knowledge of the area and control of all functions, including locking doors, who will win?



Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Hey, Laziraman, here's a little question.

If you have 60 crew, attacking a ship with 30 crew and defence turrets and knowledge of the area and control of all functions, including locking doors, who will win?


Silly question. Whoever has The Plot on their side, of course.

(What do you mean, "open-ended game"? :D)

"She said, 'Honey, you know I gave up cigarrettes for my new-year's resolution... but I didn't give up SMOKIN'!"
-- The Blues Brothers, "I Don't Know"
Bounty Plus, Final Battle and the Annotated Bibles
idisk: andyg

Perhaps a better question is: how likely is it that any ship that has just withstood nearly total destruction can maneuver, jump and fight. Weapons systems, life support, etc. are never damaged in a battle.

I'm not complaining , mind you; I love plundering! 😉


"Prejudice is silly. There are so many perfectly good reasons to hate people on an individual basis "

I imagine that if a hostile crew see you pull up alongside in a virtually undamaged ship when they're in a battered, drifting derelict, they are more likely to decide to surrender. UE mercenary captains are clearly not vindictive; they allow people who surrender to change sides and work for them. That's the only rationale I can think of for how you can use a Helian (6 crew) to take over 6 different ships, and add them all to your fleet.

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