Golden Horizon - Part 3

Haar stood there as the Federation soldiers shot at the Rarkyl, and the doctors took it away. As he heard the Kiran Jaen talking to Scorcher, he stepped forward.

"Quiet, Kiran," Haar spat. Igadzra history involving the Kirans was short, but not exactly cordial either. Haar turned to Scorcher. "I want to fight the Rarkyl, when he's healed. I'll take with me a spear, and nothing else. Are you going to let, or do I have to force my way?"


The body of the I.S.S Templar was complete, and the finishing touches were being done - rather long for finishing touches, it would still be two to three weeks.

The turbophase project was moving along, but was still a good four weeks away.

Metaphorically speaking, I'm metabolically challenged.

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 09-30-2001).)

Scorcher glared at Haar and Jaen. "Commander Marshall, get these two out of here for the moment. If they resist, shoot them."

Marshall and several other officers led Haar and Jaen out, then Scorcher turned to Arik. "Sorry about that, bad day. And sorry again, but you will be unable to see the Rarkyl; just a few minutes ago it escaped and killed a bunch of scientists before we stopped it. It's now being brought to a more secure location for analysis. Oh, and another thing; I somewhat doubt you'll want to talk to it. For any more info, talk with Commander Marshall."

Scorcher then walked out and over to Haar and Jaen. "Haar, I guess you can fight it, just not at the moment. Jaen; if you didn't notice, I am a higher rank than you. If you ever want to get out of the big mess you've gotten yourself into, then I suggest you shut your big mouth before I shoot you myself. I suggest you get some advice from Major Arik. In the meantime, I need to give a report to Sisay about your behavior."

And with that, Scorcher walked off...


Carnotaur went over to Sisay after hearing what the Kayan colonel had to say. "First of, Sisay, no matter what your rank is, I don't want you go bossing around all of my colonels. Is that understood?"

Carnotaur cooled down a bit then asked the colonel to leave. He turned back to Sisay. "Now, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?"

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Arik nodded when Scorcher mentioned a bad day and thanked the Admiral. He overheard the Admiral talking to the two people and when he started walking away, the major walked up to the Commander Marshall and was about to speak when Jaen interrupted.

Jaen was red faced, showing over his somewhat bronzed face. He looked at the Admiral and shouted behind his back, "You are a coward, Admiral Scorcher. You don't deserve the rank of Admiral because you lack the true warrior skill. In fact you are a lesser being, not like us Kisani. And you, you Igadzra," Jaen turned his gaze on Haar and continued, "are nothing more then a louzy piece of filth. Your race should be ashamed of its cowardince..."

Arik had grown tired of listening to the Kiran colonel and did something pratical. He lashed out and delievered an uppercut that knocked Jaen unconcious and caused the colonel to drop to the floor. He looked at Haar and said, "I rather dislike his kind. I'll have to talk to his superiors about this. I apologize for any offense this poor excuse for a Kisani may have given. He must have never realized there are no lesser races."

He turned to Commander Marshall and said, "So Commander, what can you tell me about this Rarkyl?"

Sisay shook his head at the president's outburst. "Sorry for that incident, President. Besides, he was young and has alot to learn. He does however seemed trained, a true estimate of your government's skill."

The commander reached into a pouch at his side and took out a data crystal. He handed that and a small crystal like device to Carnotaur. "Carnotaur, Hawk Kael's last request of me before his death was to give these to you. The data crystal holds a message from him prior to his death. The contrapon he brought with him back from Kisa; it is suppose to be an archive or something, though he never was able to get it to work. There is also another reason why I came here. I am leaving for Kisa, because thanks to Hawk's journey there was something to be exploited. I am to attempt a jump into the system and open up a monthly opening. The reason why I do this is because should the war turn against us, there are enough habital worlds in Kisa to allow for some colonists to exist there. While I am gone, the Kiran will be under the command of Captain Ravens, and she will represent any actions seen fit. I also wanted to see my homeworld one last time. What you are doing is a good thing, Carnotaur. I'm sure your gods are proud of that fact."

"Farewell, President. If all goes as planed, you'll see me in a month or so." With that Sisay left the President and headed off to his fighter.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

In the system of Mira, a bulky battlecrusier and a rather small fleet came out of hyperspace. the fleet was made of only fighters but they had many enhacenments, mostly speed enhancements and could dodge very well. beams of light shot out of the ships into all sub-space tears near it, they turned blue and were no longer harmfull.-------
Warpgate=16 posts
Dreadnaughts=11 posts

You know your to stressed when your hearing mimes.

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 10-10-2001).)

When Nelson Psack looked at his agenda, he realized that he had received a message from the Voinians. With he asked his agenda to speak up and realzed that it had a Federation encryption. It was strange. "Go ahead boy.", he said to the machine.

"From the Horoth civilisation to the Sladerei Solidarity.

I am Hitheerot, the Horoth representative in this galaxy.Our great nation travelled with the Kayan alliance to discover help to get rid of the Edien scum and to know more about our neighbors. We happen to know that we could have a common past in the Andomeda galaxy.
We know that you have used a worm hole generator to enter the Milky Way, we would like to meet your natio to discuse about if it is stil useable.


Interresting thought Psack. Boy, what do we know about the Horoth. Nada mister. Than send then listen:

" We are pleased to know that our civilisations have share a past history. Unfortunately, our Solidarity haven't heard from the rest of the Sladerei for more than two hundred years. We fled to other spaces. Since we are in the Grenits system and that we are discussing with the Voinians other matters, we invite you abort the S.S.S. Savior our small home.

Nelson Psack,
Sladrerei Solidarity."

Salutations ŕ la vie

Haar's eyes were dark. He stared at Arik.

"Hehehehe...when he wakes, tell him that I never was rehabilitated. That 'oughta get him. And if it doesn't? Hehehehehe..." For the first time, there was a glimpse of madness in Haar's eyes. But of course, not even SilverDragon himself knew all of Haar's past.

A man who had killed half a dozen of his fellow students at schools for lesser insults, a man who had ripped out the voice box of his elder brother for wittering at him, a man who had assassinated one of his teachers at the academy and then killed the police officers who came to investigate. A man who was finally caught up with, and put in prison.

A man who had broke out of the prison, killing three more guards, hijacked an Igadzra Arada, and gone off during the major Azdgari-Igadzra encounters to turn an unholy amount of Azdgari vessels into slag.

Haar's ship had been disabled, but one of his greatest feats, destroying an Azdgari Warship and raiding fleet singlehandedly, had been recognised by SilverDragon, commander of a squadron, and Haar had joined the squadron in it's adventures.

If the Igadzra knew just who Haar was, he would have been long dead. However, no-one knew the fully story, no-one.

Haar was looking forward to his fight with the Rarkyl. The Rarkyl was a born killer, and so was Haar.

" fighting my brother all over again..." he muttered.


The I.S.S Templar was now only a week away, just being touched up on. A test run had shown that the engine was not routed correctly, almost resulting in the ship's destruction, but the problem had been fixed. Very soon now, the first Igazrada would be functional.

As for the turbophase project, that was beginning to move along more swiftly, and would be done two weeks after the Igazrada, easily.

This week and last, ten Igazras had been built. There was great discussion whether another Igazrada would follow the last, or whether more attentionld be paid to increasing the number of Igazras in the Igadzra Union fleet.

Meanwhile, Igadzra ships had dispersed to take up patrols around their space, and the Azdgari battlefleet had been sent home, for now, with many thanks. Request for supplies had been sent to the Azdgari, Miranu and Zidagar to compensate for the losses.

SilverDragon grinned. With ten new Igazras, and more being constructed at every moment, his forces would soon recover.

He just hoped that they would be ready again before the Akrahd were.


-From SilverDragon, personally-
-To the Akrahd Empire-

Know thee, Akrahd. You have made a mortal enemy with us, and we shall continue to fight thee until not a single Akrahd life exists in this galaxy.

Fear, Akrahd, for now you shall truly see the might of the Igadzra.

Emperor SilverDragon
Bane of the Akrahd

-End message-

Metaphorically speaking, I'm metabolically challenged.

On the other side of Mira, about 200 fighters came out of hyperspace, and shot hundreds of missiles toward the larger ships. these were the bombers. they were also very heavly armoured and were made up pretty much of just armour and missiles.
Warpgate=15 posts
Dreadnaughts=10 posts

You know your to stressed when your hearing mimes.

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 10-05-2001).)

MOD: Grundy, sorry, but the Federation has set up a heavy defense perimeter in the outlying systems surrounding Mira (forgot to mention that in posts). Also, there are a TON of ships in Mira (primarily Voinian) which could destroy you easily.

There are also no "Wormholes". There ARE sub-space distortions, but you can't get rid of them that quickly. You'd also have trouble navigating the debris fields. You could also not; get close enough to the planet to fire missiles, the missiles you did fire would simply hit the defense shield that the Federation setup around Kenra, and the Federation and Voinians would have advanced warning of your approach by the other ships that you'd HAVE to go through to get to Mira.

Please edit your post.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

From the busy aura of the Gateway, where sounds of tens of thousands merged into an almighty "noise", a sound most people of the Gateway had long since gotten used to, one vessel took off.

A vessel that's beauty was only outmatched by it's firepower, a craft so spectacular that many believed it would mark the beginning of a new era in Igadzra history.

The I.S.S Templar, the first Igazrada, a vessel three times the length of the Igazra and many times stronger, a vessel that while without a fighter bay, could reduce almost any vessel to stardust in no time at all.

It's captain, one Commodore "Sans" Lavare, was a proud as any could be to command one of the most powerful craft in existance.

Many had believed SilverDragon would captain the Templar, but in actual fact SilverDragon piloted a newly constructed Igazra. Along with the construction of that Igazra, ten Izagas had been built.

Now, over the fifty or so ships that had survived the previous battle, there were 15 Izars, 10 Izagas, and 10 Igazras. That would, of course, be brought to an equal figure, as was common with all Igadzra ship. 5 more Igazras and 5 more Izagas would be built, and then 20 Izars to balance the forces from The Dragon's Claw.

With eighty five vessels at the ready, and more on the construction line, the Igadzra Union was truly becoming great again.

The most important question was between SilverDragon and his colleague Karshi, though only few knew it. There was word among the higher up that a mention of reformation had been made by SilverDragon, and people were wondering just what was going on in secret.

"Before every war comes the word", went one Igadzra saying. At closer inspection, it actually meant "before every military occassion there is a political one", and perhaps it would be quite true today.

Meanwhile, far off, Haar was training intensely, for his fight with the Rarkyl. Igadzra honour was not to be tested with, even a scourge of the Igadzra knew that.

Metaphorically speaking, I'm metabolically challenged.

OOC: Technically this isn't allowed either in this webstory's rules or in board rules, but I'm doing it anyway.

<keeps at the top>

Post, guys, or I'll start posting more than once in a row!

Metaphorically speaking, I'm metabolically challenged.

Hum... Could I write the meeting with Nova6 or any other high ranked voinian?
You can post SilverDragon 🙂


Salutations ŕ la vie

(This message has been edited by Admiral Nelson (edited 10-09-2001).)

5 Igazras and 5 Izagas were built, straining the economy of the Igadzra Union, and Turbophase will be done next post.

OOC: <yawns> C'mon, guys, if you don't start posting, I'll have more ships than the Ediens in no time.

I'm so sorry it happened. I should have done more...

ooc: pounds on Golden Horizon Wake up everyone! This is your nice little alarm clock! Post! brings in a fuzzy little trilling hen from across the street ok, so it's not a rooster. Shut up.

Rima staggered back to her ship. She shuddered. She could get a report about the Rarkyl later. She didn't need anymore close encounters with it. She yawned and set the ship on an autopilot back to Mirava. She needed some food and drink and rest. She walked to her quarters and watched the space speed by with a sigh. So short, yet so long a journey in space. Soon they would be back to their torn home.

Of course Women don't work as hard as men....They do it right the first time.
My AIM is Rima17456


Grunadulater orders all shipyards to mass produce and orders the dreadnaught shipyards to extream produce, spend all free money and time on the naughts.He also cancels the alien project, all ships selfdestruct.
Suddenly in mira after only about 5 min, all remaining ships except the battlecrusier just out.grunadulater packs his personal ship with him and rigadaz and orders the battlecrusier to selfdestruct when reaching critical mass, after killing all fighters posible,and jumps out of the system to the dreadnaughts shipyard.
Warpgate=14 posts
Dreadnaughts=8 posts

You know your to stressed when your hearing mimes.

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 10-10-2001).)

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 10-10-2001).)

This "political" change was a strange one. No word passed to the public, but all of a sudden, SilverDragon began to withdraw from many aspects of command. Karshi and other officials seemed to be taking more command.

The long awaited news was brought - Igadzra logistics department had advised an attack on the Akrahd system of NSI-2389, once the navy had at least a hundred ships, of which they had 95.

Thus, ten new Izars had been built, bringing the numbers to 105, 33% of each ship type. For a while Izars were to be built to raise the number of active ships, and soon the Igadzra fleet would set off for NSI-2389. After that, they had intention to move further in, and possibly attack the Akrahd capital itself.

With the turbophase project now complete, also, weapons power was becoming stronger.

A new project would be begun soon.


Admiral Johnson looked over the large Federate raider fleet. It had been assembled under his order for a small raid on the Gadzair system to help boost the morale of the Federation forces, and help lower the morale of the Ediens. It also had some historical significance. The last time the Gadzair system had been raided, ever, by any force in the galaxy, was six years ago by Azdgari and Voinian forces led by Arada Pilot himself. It was in this battle, the Battle of Gadzair, Arada Pilot had been killed. That battle was a setback for Voinian and Azdgari forces. This battle would be different. The Voinians would be able to get a taste of revenge against the Voinians, and it would be a big setback for the Ediens. Because of what happened last time the Gadzair system had been raided, Admiral Johnson had arranged for most of the ships in this fleet to be composed of mostly Azdgari.

It was also a raid of some importance because of the fact that the Gadzair system was part of the Azdgari sector, meaning that the Federation would be assaulting a new sector instead of just the Igadzra and Miranu sectors. They hadn’t raided any other sector for the last six years.

Admiral Johnson nodded to the com officer. The officer flipped switch, and nodded back to Johnson. The Admiral spoke to the assembled fleet. “Soldiers and officers of the Federation, today we embark on a historic raid.

“The last time a raid was made on the Gadzair system, over 22,000 Azdgari and Voinian soldiers died fighting the Edien Empire. This time it will be different. We will be able to exact revenge on our enemies, to repay them for the deaths and suffering they caused.

“But we fight not just to exact revenge. We fight not to repay our enemies for sufferings or deaths. One could say that it would be a good enough reason just to fight them just to exact revenge. Some could say that it would be enough to fight them to pay them back for the atrocities that they committed to this galaxy and it inhabitants. We aren’t fighting now against tyranny or oppression. Those things just add to this.

“We’re fighting to survive. We’re fighting to live on. Today, we shall show the Ediens, that we will fight for freedom!”

A loud cheer was heard over the comlink as Admiral Johnson turned to the helm officer. “Ahead full. Johnson to the fleet, prepare to enter slipstream for the Gadzair system!”

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

OCC: Carno, I am posting it, revoke me if necessary.

The voinian cruiser dock at the multi-purpose dock of the S.S.S. Savior. The vibration that were produced by the tiny collision shivered the remaining hair on the back of Psack. On his way to the docks, his advisors interupted him for matters of second order. He was going to meet Nova6 and for the first time they could end a meeting with a small smile on the respective mouth.
In the meeting room, teh sat facing each other with there advisor next to them.
-Thank you for coming in the S.S.S. Savior for a second time Nova6. I hope that today's meeting will erase some scraches.
-I also do.
-Representing the Sladerei Solidarity, I wish to keep our traditions alive less than century, then the Sladerei will be able to exchange with everyone. Just enough time to be more numerous to survive any internal catastrophy.
-This means to us that a planet and a station are primary goals. We can exchange technologies such as the multi-kinetic shield, the Alliance frigate.
-What about the worm-hole generator.
-Well.. its has worked once but we cannot predict where is located the final destination. So it would be of no use at all. The planet could be DSN-7962 away from Voinian traffic.
-I will talk with my knowledgeble men and meet you tomorrow on my cruiser.

Nova6 walked back to his cruiser. Psack was not proud of the answers of Nova6, you cannot enhance if you don't ask questions. He would see tomorrow.

Salutations ŕ la vie

Fifteen Izars had been produced, and many more were on the line. The Igadzra wargroup, led by the I.S.S Templar and backed mainly by the fourty elite ships of Dragon's Claw, had set off for Draco, their most important staging point in the offensive -- Zeus also would be a staging point later on.

Logistics officers were making some headway, but things were still very masked, as the Akrahd Nebula was a dangerous and greatly unknown place. At the risk of losing scout vessels, however, the Igadzra Union had not sent any of their ships out - at least, not yet.

The Gateway, the heart of the Igadzra, was surprisingly quiet at this time. Meanwhile, a council was being held deep within the bowels of that capital, to decide upon the new project of the Igadzra Union, with the Igazrada completed.

The decision came, with over 90% of the council voting to it. Using new thoron technologies the Igadzra Union were to develop weaponry to greatly outshine the old SAEs, as well as all other different versions of the weapon. The new SAIs would use a miniaturized thoron engine, meaning that their range was increased incredibly. The actual damage increment was unimportant in perspective - SAIs could easily travel twice the distance that the SAEs could, and faster. A barrage of SAIs from across a star system would be truly devastating.

Meanwhile, the shipyards of Igadzra had been redirected. Only ten Izars were to be produced in the place of fifteen, and the Gateway, which usually built one third of all Igadzra vessels, would now be assigned to the job of building the I.S.S Challenger, a new Igazrada. Due to the heavy work on SAIs and the great demand for Izar squadrons, this would take three works (7 posts) and not just over two (5 posts).

Meanwhile, many of the Igadzra were already wondering if the Igazrada was reall the saviour of them. Calls for a larger ship, an Izarya type vessel, were being made. To non-Igadzra, Izarya translated as "starcraft dock carrier", which more fluently meant a ship that carried and built Izars. The Igazrada translated as "colossal fighter", which in all aspects, it was.


Gateway: IGAZRADA Production
Type: Dreadnought Construction
Posts: 7 posts

Gateway: Project SAI
Type: SAE Upgrade Research
Posts: 8 posts


On his way to the ship that would carry him to the voinian cruiser, Psack noticed that he could even wait more to have more. But this strange idea passed and he climb abort the shuttle.

In the private quarters of Nova6, one could feel the tension, both knew that they would have to lose something in order to get something else.

I have analysed your suggestions Psack and I am ready to accept some of them. The Alliance Frigate is not what we are looking for, a faster ship would be better. I look forward to a cooperation in the building of one in the near future. The we will accept the plans of the drestroyer and the motorisation of the your fighters. The multi-kinetic shield would be interresting but since it as to be mounted outside our ship, it would decrease our armor strenght. The planet will be available but not the station.

Well this seems to be allright to me. We are pleased to know that a military cooperation between our nation could be possible. When will the planet be ready to welcome the Sladerei? In term, if we could help the Voinian to battle against the Ediens, it would be an honor.

The planet will be freeing the voinians in a little more than a month, i have to personaly talk with the official to let them understand that it is an important moment and they are helping the great Voinian Empire. I knew that you would propose a military help so I have organizeda training camp near Holm that will train ten of your ships. Then they will teach to the other what to do against the Ediens. We will patrol you space until the Sladerei gain enough force to autoguard themself.

I thank you and hope that this positive meeting will be the first of many.

Have a nice day, answered Nova6.

Pasck went back to his shuttle with a smile. The worm-hole geneator was still in their hands, as well as the kinetic shield. The planet did matter sincehe knew that the Sladerei would have gotten one pretty soon.

Now the hard work had to start, in 4 post, they would be able to land all of them on DSN-7962.

Salutations ŕ la vie

OOC: I'm not going to post again, at least not tonight. Anyone else care to post?
