Voinian String

Can somebody send a pilot file that is named Phagun Garg that has just joined the Vonians(spelling?) and does not have like a super pumped up Cresent Warship or anything, just a simple small ship. Send it to phagun999@yahoo.com



Originally posted by Dark Bahamut:
Is there a plug-in that lets you start as a Vonian(spelling?)? Because I suck at this game and use fork lifts and every time I try to capture that shuttle I blow it up! I also want to be able to do their missions and not just have one of their ships.... help would be appreciated.

Nope, as that would effectively be a TC. You might want to wait for one of the Override plugs for Nova to be released, as I'm pretty sure they'll let you start as Voinians.

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"http://www.evoverride.com")http://www.evoverride.com(/url)!
"The onion you are eating is someone else's water lily." -- actual fortune cookie


Originally posted by shayborg:
Really? What kind?

Well, I'm an aeronautical engineer. I decided on my major near the end of my junior year, when I watched half a Bill Nye about the physics of airplanes. It was cool enough to make me want to go into that field. In addition, my senior year, I found out that I really enjoy physics (I just got what, to my best estimates, is a 64 out of 60 on a physics exam a couple days ago :D), so this is right up my alley. It's one of the toughest majors at my school. I get a total of two electives in 4 years here. Not much room for variance, because there are so many course I'm required to take. Ah well, I'll survive, I always do. BTW, I'm a freshman.

-Payback37 (url="http://"http://www.clarkson.edu/~curtislg")Biggles Productions(/url)
Treat all the world as the world deserves,
With love or with hate but never with harm,

--an excerpt from The Seafarer , an Anglo-Saxon poem translation

Is there a plug-in that enables a weapon that disables a ship on hit?

i have done all of the voinian strings (e.g.the last mission, destroryed UE planet) but i have not got the better version of the Dospect Armor, i have all the other technology's, ships, turretd rockets but no the Better Version of the Dospect Armor.
what do i do ?


i have done all of the voinian strings (e.g.the last mission, destroryed UE planet) but i have not got the better version of the Dospect Armor, i have all the other technology's, ships, turretd rockets but no the Better Version of the Dospect Armor.
what do i do ?


That's quite impressive: a double post with different login names!

Uh... Try looking throughout Voinian space. Not all voinian worlds stock Brosnev (sp?)plating...



The above post can be concidered
"Parlez vous sans mon derreire"
As the french probably wouldn't say.


Originally posted by nemo2062:
The only problem with the Dreadnought is that once you land you lose all its tight ass weapons.

This is an excellent point. After about 48 attempts, I finally was successful at boarding and capturing the Dreadnought. (Maybe the fact that, in my final attempt, I had squeezed 32,767 crewmen into my Igadzra, helped out!) But what good was it? Once I took it back to my crib (Sol) to show my Bloods what I had, I had a big, honkin, well-armoured freighter.


If you don't capture it, abort the mission and try again. Each time you do this the capture odds go up until they level out at 11%.

I'm afraid I don't follow you. You have to abort the "Capture Dreadnought" mission to get your hands on it in the first place; are you going after it in Isled instead? Can one abort that first mission and get it again? And why would your odds go up each time?


i have looked in every planet for the plating but i car'nt get it, the last time i spoke to the Voinian, they told me that the next stage was to secret(sp) for a human to know about, scince then i have not had any missions, and not had the 1000 armor plating


i have looked in every planet for the plating but i car'nt get it, the last time i spoke to the Voinian, they told me that the next stage was to secret(sp) for a human to know about, scince then i have not had any missions, and not had the 1000 armor plating, i dont understand ?


You should have gotten access to it before the last Voinian mission.

Dunno where you've gone wrong bro.



The above post can be concidered
"Parlez vous sans mon derreire"
As the french probably wouldn't say.

2 questions:

1. Do you have to start the entire game over if you want to use the Reign of the Vononians plug-in?

2. On one mission it says to plant a probe on an Emphalga mining planet, I can not find the planet I am supposed to put it on! Someone please help....


Originally posted by Dark Bahamut:
Do you have to start the entire game over if you want to use the Reign of the Vononians plug-in?

I don't think so.

David Arthur
(url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/talon-ev/")Talon Plugin for the original Escape Velocity(/url)
(url="http://"http://inpar.dhs.org/mc.html")An Upcoming EV Override Mission Editor(/url)

Check the Voinian homeworld for the Bronev Plating. There are a few other
places but this is one I am sure of.(For Cold) Also it is really 100 shipyard units
of armor. An example is if you put bronev on a ship that normaly has 40 in armor, like
a UE destroyer then you would now have 140 in armor. (I still use 1.0.1 so forgive
me if this value for the destroyer has not carried over). The 1000 refers to the
value in resedit which is always 10 times what is in the game.

You do not have to start the game over to play ROTV, but you cannot have played any UE missions and probably should have finished the Voinian string. The Emalgha mining planet is the planet right above Emalgha, called Kelmaon, I believe. Well, it's the other planet inhabited by the Emalgha. Hope that helps, Bahamut.

-Payback37 (url="http://"http://www.clarkson.edu/~curtislg")Biggles Productions(/url)
Treat all the world as the world deserves,
With love or with hate but never with harm,

--an excerpt from The Seafarer , an Anglo-Saxon poem translation

I have a Vononian mission where I am supposed to destroy a convoy fleet at Outpost Alpha but every time I go try the mission and go back to Ysomething outpost it doesn't give me money or anything, what's wrong? Some things you should know are is I have the newest version of EVO and I have used a cheater plug-in some and I have tried aborting the mission and getting it again, what is wrong? Do I need to restart my pilot file? Please help!

I think I figured out why some missions do not terminate! It has to do with the 35 ship limit! Like if you have 25 escorts and you are fighting a UE fleet and the entire fleet does not come in to the system because of the ship limit the flag that says you killed all the ships does not turn on and the mission is not completed! If you do not understand post and I will try explaining again.