Anomalies in the Ji nebulosa

Yesterday when I explored the Ji nebulosa did I found a new inhabitated planet (F-25). That have never happened to me before. I have also sided with the voinians (and Iggies) for the first time. Does any of you have an idea if this has something to do with each other or, if not, what could be the reason why the planet never had been inhabitated in previous games?

Segla i medvind

You are the first person to discover it. Ever. And it's uninhabited. But habitable. There's nothing special about the mission, or your discovery. Sorry.




Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**You are the first person to discover it. Ever. And it's uninhabited. But habitable. There's nothing special about the mission, or your discovery. Sorry.


Nope, it was inhabited, with mission computer, trading, outfitting, shipyard and a bar. The two latter empty though.The goverment was independent (I think) and they didn't like me. The only plug-in I'm using is Reg. of Voinians (or whetever its called).

Segla i medvind

Exactly, matey-o. Don't ask questions until you lay down what plug-ins you're using. They change lots of things, even some unrelated ones. F-25 should be uninhabited, and should be never colonized (not plug-ins)

As for ROTV, I haven't played it, personally.



Lemme guess -- you're using the F-25 plug-in? 🙂

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It's probably some little bug somewhere inside the plug-in that did that.

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I'm quite sure that you're using the F-25 plug-in. Move it out of your plug-ins folder to play EVO normally, or leave it to play F-25.

Azdara, the point of the plug-in is to do that. A bug would mean it didn't work.

Mike Lee (Firebird)

The only plutg-ins I hae active are ROTV and Marines. I have never down-loaded F-25. I have been offered to bring stuff/passengers to F-25 from other systems so it works like an ordinary planet.

Segla i medvind


Originally posted by Ubbelubb:
**The only plutg-ins I hae active are ROTV and Marines. I have never down-loaded F-25. I have been offered to bring stuff/passengers to F-25 from other systems so it works like an ordinary planet.


come to think of it, so have I...

(reaches for more saalian brandy)

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen