John Cook

Many Times I have come into Sol and had a UE Destroyer attack me, its name is John Cook, it has loads of blaze cannons and big shields(sp) does anyone know anything about why it does this


He's just one of these random guys that show up occasionally. Just ignore him.

Or, if you value your life, run away!



The above post can be concidered
"Parlez vous sans mon derreire"
As the french probably wouldn't say.

I think he is like the Incontrevertable, albeit weaker. I have defeated him before.

do I pilot a UE destroyer? certainly not!

He is different from the Incontrovertible, Admiral Falcen. I saw him a few weeks ago, and he does not have the two UE fighters.


Salutations ŕ la vie

(This message has been edited by Admiral Nelson (edited 10-26-2001).)