Sol missions

i have tryed stricked play and have tried 2 do the UE missions but i escaped(sp) in a pod trying 2 do the fist mission, i tryed 2 do the mission when i got back into a suttel but i wont come up


If I could understand this, I might be able to give you a detailed response. As it is, all I can say is, "Maybe you need a higher combat rating or legal status." Which mission?

By the way, welcome to the boards.

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i have changed my email so i changed my user names here, but thanx, i went to do the first mission for the UE but i was playing strict(sp) play so when i died doing the mission i ejected and bort a shuttle, the mission had tryed to do was gone from my mission screen so i went to get it again and i could not get it any were


Lemme see if I can boil this down into plain English:

  • Your pilot is set for strict play.

  • You attempted the first UE mission and got killed.

  • You ejected in your escape pod.

  • You went and bought a shuttle, but the mission you had was gone.

I don't know how your problem could occur, but maybe better phrasing will help someone else figure it out. In the future, please refrain from using the untrue mathematical equation 2 = to.

-Payback37 (url="http://"")Biggles Productions(/url)
Treat all the world as the world deserves,
With love or with hate but never with harm,

--an excerpt from The Seafarer , an Anglo-Saxon poem translation

I seem to understand that you are unable to continue one of the mission part of the UE string. I what I remember from strict play, you have to start again or at the previous "step/mission". But what I say might not be exact.

Welcome to the boards!


Salutations ŕ la vie