Reign of Chaos Bar

Goodbye Phoenix...


Corey,the Sondee play a very small part in TCWF.
The invaders are the Kolnari,a human-variant faction.
Hundreds,maybe thousands,of years of isolation and a very harsh environment have made them tougher,eviller,and breed like rabbits.
But they are still nominally human.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**/me kills Corey.

Oh, wait, that says a lot...damn...

I live in Lancashire, she lives in Derbyshire. See? I admitted it. Yes, same country. About 100 miles away. No, we've never met. No, I'm not her boyfriend. No! She's not my girlfriend!


But you still chat with her on a regular basis, or at least you used to. 😛 Not that it matters, anyways, as my girlfriend would be rather upset to find I'm hitting on a girl several thousand miles away from my current location. 🙂 Well, she never has to know...


Originally posted by Shade:
**Corey,the Sondee play a very small part in TCWF.
The invaders are the Kolnari,a human-variant faction.
Hundreds,maybe thousands,of years of isolation and a very harsh environment have made them tougher,eviller,and breed like rabbits.
But they are still nominally human.


Ah. Thanks for clearing that up, I read those books a long time ago...

Coreył (Cubed) | (url="http://"")Plugsł(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)
/me checks his digital watch...I should start thinking about warning the islanders about the impending lava flow...

Rima comes in on the Sijak Ghost and calmly steps kills Esponer."Esponer, first of all, read the whole book, second of all, I told my dad what kind of books you like, and he then explained to me a few things which I deduced to: Your still to immature to understand complicated things. Grow up." She smiles down at dead Esponer and then lead in: Brogan(Great Dane) Quin(you all know him) Nova(Quin's sister. My mother said, she's a Super Nova girl, therefore naming her. My mother's weird.) Anyway, she puts Brogan on gaurd and then, just to make sure, kills Corey and puts a special shield around all animals her animals that make it so: Jess, Corey, Esponer, and....well, I'll think of someone else, can't touch the animals. Ok, I'm done now. Wait.....Rima goes over and sticks a silver colored dagger in Esponer.

Of course Women don't work as hard as men....They do it right the first time.
My AIM is Rima17456

Hey,Esponer/SilverDragon,I'm thinking about joining RoC III.
But can you send me a list of current factions?
And your map-geocities has locked it,possibly because you linked it to the outsiode world.Geocities doesn't like people linking Geocities sites outside of Geocities.
And is it possible for me to start my own faction,the Skraine?
Of course,these Skraine would be vastly different from the ones in my (hopefully) upcoming plug,which means no anti-fighter rockets and heavy carreirs.
My idea is that the Skraine,who come from a distant galaxy,come under attack by an alien race.
Almost destroyed,they send out a fleet of colony vessels on the largest Fold Jump ever attempted.
The ships jump into the area south of the Proxima Nebula,discovering about half a dozen new systems(better sensors,you see,and I want to colonise new systems)and then start exploring things and doing stuff.
As such,I'd start south of the Proxima,with a fleet of about 15 Skraine colony ships(which are by no means undefended,they have several Skraine turrets)and a squadron or two of Skraine Fighters,and the plans to build Cruisers.
Please tell me what you think of my ideas by mailing me.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Corey's orb begings to vibrate rapidly. A wet ShadowKat emerges from the center. "Mew," it says. "Aww how cute!!" says Corey. It promptly tears off Esponer's head. "Aww how cute!!" says Corey. "I'll name you SilverShadow, after my little sister's horse." "Mew," says SilverShadow, and starts on the rest of Esponer. "Eww, maybe you aren't that cute afer all..." SilverShadow glares at Corey. "Heh heh, just kidding..."

Coreył (Cubed) | (url="http://"")Plugsł(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)
/me checks his digital watch...I should start thinking about warning the islanders about the impending lava flow...

Buona serra a tutti,
Pui precisamente a signora Rima, la donna la pui intelligente e seriosa.
Lei č la patronna del bar e della nostra civilisazione.

A bottle of Chianti per la donna
E per io, un bicchiero d'aqua.

Salutations ŕ la vie


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Goodbye Phoenix...


OV grabs SD's shirt collar. "Where do you think your going buddy?"

Your're leaving SD? Damn if you are :frown:

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
All quiet on the western Front. But not for long.... OH SAY CAN YOU SEE!!!!!!!!........
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
AIM: Overrider720, Ferazel17 or WhiteStreak7

Shade, you should find and read all RoC related threads before asking questions. As it stands, I'm not the expert, but I think we're trying to get rid of races, not make more. We have a few too many already. You are, however, welcome to join as soon as RoC II finishes up, and Esponer makes a registration thread...

"I may detest what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Cuteykitty helps finish off SD, and then SilverShadow and Cuteykitty run off to eat more people.
Kitty wonders why she is dead and then rememders that Jess killed her and now she is only a gost, and when she trys to regenarate herself her gost only kill people.

Why?.............WELL WHY???????

I394 happily requests a keg of spice liquor. Ka'aat once again violently pins down Esponer and demands ten metric tons of Ka'aat food, and threatens to substitute Esponer if he is not fed.
The light on that picture of Jess was terrible. Cute eh, well, each to his own.
Payback, here's my recipe for tests, do homework, don't study, don't worry about it.

When seen from the fetid black hole which is my bedroom, time is slowed until it is infinite. Why bother doing that homework right now? You've got all eternity to do it.

Payback looks around for a pet and decides the Galactic Salt shaker will do. He pets it, coos at it, even shoves food down it's, ummm, throat, but it doesn't respond. Payback decides that it's probably sleeping and that he'll try again later.

Oh, I'm not as worried as I make out, Colours, thanx for the advice, only things I would add are get sleep and study some. But I stop, for good, when I feel like I've studied enough and any more is just overstressing it. Then I go to bed. It's worked pretty well for me. Dr. Darth was actually my high school physics teacher, and he taught me well enough that I'm kicking some shiznit right now. 😄 Calculus III, on the other hand, is annoying cuz my teacher is bad, which means that no matter how well I know the material, I can't get a good grade in his class. Ah well. 🙂

-Payback37 (url="http://"")Biggles Productions(/url)
Treat all the world as the world deserves,
With love or with hate but never with harm,

--an excerpt from The Seafarer , an Anglo-Saxon poem translation

Shadow joins in on the eating people cat group.
Amy regenerates herself, and Kitty, as she was having trouble.

Nip of nip? which one?

Trying to get rid of new races?
And I did read everytihng I could find,which was the RoC thread itself.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Azdara orders a yard glass of Sambuka... make it two, and begins to tell stories about the old days...

"When we were at freeport... oh yes... freeport fred and buccaneer took the station over untill I shot buccaneer and found Fred asleep under the beer tap... Then Voinian ambassador or someone I can't remember who (Drunken slur) shome voinian drednaughts came over... the whole mess started again... Can I get another sambuka here?"


"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-


Originally posted by Rima:
**Rima comes in on the Sijak Ghost and calmly steps kills Esponer."Esponer, first of all, read the whole book, second of all, I told my dad what kind of books you like, and he then explained to me a few things which I deduced to: Your still to immature to understand complicated things. Grow up." She smiles down at dead Esponer and then lead in: Brogan(Great Dane) Quin(you all know him) Nova(Quin's sister. My mother said, she's a Super Nova girl, therefore naming her. My mother's weird.) Anyway, she puts Brogan on gaurd and then, just to make sure, kills Corey and puts a special shield around all animals her animals that make it so: Jess, Corey, Esponer, and....well, I'll think of someone else, can't touch the animals. Ok, I'm done now. Wait.....Rima goes over and sticks a silver colored dagger in Esponer.


Hahahah! That was a good one... old school style...

Azdara pats Brogan who bites his hand off...

"Anyone got another bandaid?"


"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-


Originally posted by Rima:
**Rima comes in on the Sijak Ghost and calmly steps kills Esponer."Esponer, first of all, read the whole book, second of all, I told my dad what kind of books you like, and he then explained to me a few things which I deduced to: Your still to immature to understand complicated things. Grow up." She smiles down at dead Esponer and then lead in: Brogan(Great Dane) Quin(you all know him) Nova(Quin's sister. My mother said, she's a Super Nova girl, therefore naming her. My mother's weird.) Anyway, she puts Brogan on gaurd and then, just to make sure, kills Corey and puts a special shield around all animals her animals that make it so: Jess, Corey, Esponer, and....well, I'll think of someone else, can't touch the animals. Ok, I'm done now. Wait.....Rima goes over and sticks a silver colored dagger in Esponer.


"Yeah..." Esponer says once he's reincarnated himself. "Whatever. Look, Rima, McCaffrey used the word 'murmurs' 18 times in 6 pages, about 75% of all the descriptive writing she used. I skipped ahead. More of it. If I read the whole book, I'd be so sick of the word I'd never use it again."

"The plotline is badly designed from the start, and I don't think I'M the one who needs to grow up. Are you trying to tell me Anne McCaffrey is a more adult series than Robert Jordan, Ian Irvine and David Eddings?"

"As for RoC 3, I'll tell more later. No, I'm not leaving. Phoenix might be soon."



Originally posted by SilverDragon:
"As for RoC 3, I'll tell more later. No, I'm not leaving. Phoenix might be soon."


Why?.............WELL WHY???????

SD: David eddings is a bit Kiddy... Funny bastard though.

As for the rest... haven't read them. If you want real mature books try some George Orwell, 1984 or animal farm... Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury or Virtual Light by some guy I can't remember. These are books with messages, real analasis of the world. I like a good book that dosen't take itself seriously as much as the next person, but for real statements and real literature you need to try something a little more serious. Something that has a point, not just knights running around cutting guys up...



"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
"As for RoC 3, I'll tell more later. No, I'm not leaving. Phoenix might be soon."


Draco murmers a word of consolence to Kitty. Then he walks over to Azdara, murmers something in his ear, and gives him a bandaid. After murmering a word of thanks to OV for the drink, Draco murmers, "I'll stop using the word 'murmers' for 100,000 credits."

Naughty Notice:
Do not click (url="http://"")here(/url). Remember, I warned you!
The middle ages Freeport bar: just head yourself to (url="http://"")http://www.ambrosias...ML/003139.html#(/url)