Frozen Heart

Me hate to ask dumb question but search feature is down now. Any info on Frozen Heart play questions anywhere? Don't want to cheat, just have some issues

How was I supposed to know that murder can sometimes smell like honeysuckle?

Just ask a specific question, I'll probably be able to answer it. If not, someone else would.

Mike Lee (Firebird)

Thanks. A couple, I guess. First, several planets refuse to send out defence forces when I demand tribute, despite repeated requests, and will not submit. Also, several missions seem to be "impossible" due to intersystem jump times; any thoughts?

Respectfully yours,

How was I supposed to know that murder can sometimes smell like honeysuckle?

(This message has been edited by Reptile (edited 10-03-2001).)

I think the only way you can successfully complete certain missions in time is to use a ship designed for the purpose: the Tachyonic Fighter. If you read (url="http://"")this thread(/url), you'll find how to get that ship.

world keeps turning

Yeah, Phil's right, Frozen Heart is built and based around the Tachyonic Fighter. To start the main thread, you need to hang around the center of the galazy and look to take someone to a chess meet. I believe it starts on Earth, but not quite sure about that. And as David Arthur said in Phil's link, do not ignore the mission computer in Frozen Heart. This will get it started, and from there the entire plugin waits! Good luck!

Hey, Look who's coming! It's Payback! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!

While we're on the topic of Frozen Heart, have there ever been any plans to make a Frozen Heart scenario for Ares? It would be really cool multiplayer, though the missions in Ares follow a linear pattern, so that would take some fun out of the game. Thanx!

You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.

Sacking New Venus.
How?!? I went to the planet to think things over--Fimbulwinter or something like that, met up with my friends, but I have no idea what to do. There's no huge fleet for me to destroy in the New Venus system, and my mission description is to sack New Venus and convert it to Democracy. I've looked with resedit, and it tells me that Fimbulwinter is my TravelStel, and Freedom (i.e. New Venus AFTER I sack it) is my return stel. the ship tags are for my friends, and I have no idea what I have to do! Please help! Plus, the red arrow pointing to your destination is still pointing to Fimbulwinter. Help!

"You have not seen him," Gandalf broke in.
"No, and I don;t want to. I can't understand you. Do you mean to say that you, and the Elves, have let him live after all those horrible deeds? Now at any rate he is as bad as an orc, and just an enemy. At any rate, he deservves death."
"Deserves it! I daresay he does. Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be so eager to deal out death in judgement."

In this case, sack means dominate. So communicate with it and demand tribute. After you're done, land there. That's it. Good luck!

Hey, Look who's coming! It's Payback! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!

Hey guys, still have no answer to an earlier question, i.e., how come some systems will not respond to demands for tribute? If they don't respond, why can't I get tribute? I've knocked off some systems that only sent out a gladiator or two, but then I get the tribute. If I can't wipe out their defence fleet (non-existent), then no tribute! Bleah!

Also, have had my game lock up after accepting some missions on some planets at some times, but not others. Is this a known bug w/a known fix? If I quit and restart the game, I can revert back to my previously saved position, but I lose whatever I did planetside prior to trying to accept the mission. NOTE: I click "YES" to accept, the screen goes back to the main planetside menu, and then nothing will work, either keyboard or mousewise, so I have to command-option-escape in order to get out of the game and then restart. HELP!


How was I supposed to know that murder can sometimes smell like honeysuckle?

Hate to sound preachy, but you really shouldn't be dominating planets (other than New Venus) anyway. Follow the plotline; its much more enjoyable than random violence (although random violence is sort of appealing :))

If at first you don't succeed, use more duct tape.

Some systems refuse to fight you, possibly because they're important to the plot line, but I'm not actually sure why. Unfortunatly, your legal status is important to the plot (if you can't land on some planets, you can't get missions there), so you should really win before trying to conquor planets/steal from non-pirate ships.

As for the freezes, go to preferences and turn off quick time movies. Then, go to the plug in folder and take out all the quick time movies and I think one other quick time related file. This may or may not help.


Dominate New Venus...or get another mission there. 😉

And the Tachyonic Fighter isn't the ship you can use! Icax! Buccaneer!



The reason some planets do not respond is because your combat rating isn't good enough. If it isn't good enough, they'll just get mad at you, and won't bother to send up a fleet, because you're not a worthy threat to their planet.

Treat all the world as the world deserves,
With love or with hate but never with harm,

--an excerpt from The Seafarer , an Anglo-Saxon poem translation

Non, he means 'summat diff'rent, like.

Wow, French to English to horrid English dialect in one sentence!


(no, that's not to Spanish, that's my name!)



Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Non, he means 'summat diff'rent, like.

Wow, French to English to horrid English dialect in one sentence!


(no, that's not to Spanish, that's my name!)


????? Payback gives Esponer ze funny luke (just pronounce out loud, it makes sense)

(edit)edited to remove double p in SD's name(/edit)

Treat all the world as the world deserves,
With love or with hate but never with harm,

--an excerpt from The Seafarer , an Anglo-Saxon poem translation

(This message has been edited by Payback37 (edited 10-15-2001).)

Alright. I have read as much on these boards as I could find (without going back too far) and I've still got a Frozen Heart question.

I just got a message telling me to go to Lalamas, then start at Nexus and check my anagrams, p.s. Nexus is on the other side of Earth from Bashan. It was a hypermail message I think. So. I figured it out, and went to Masalas (or whatever it's called), and got a really weird message. This guy thanked me for the delivery (I wasn't carrying anything), and then mentioned the Miranu, saying something about them not understanding what he was trying to do, but that it didn't matter because it was almost finished.
I hit ok, and then my little screen told me that my cargo was: eyes open. I'm guessing that this means to look out for something, but I don't know what.
Is this a bug? I never finished all the strings for regular EVO so don't recognize this message from there. Is this one of those things that I'm supposed to figure out on my own?
Does anyone recognize this? I'm pretty early in the game. I don't have the tachyonic ship, I haven't done anything with ballots. I've said demokratia to the right people, and rescued some refugees, and delivered some supplies to a war torn planet, and I've done a lot of exploring, but that's about it.


(This message has been edited by jbl (edited 10-18-2001).)

Miranu? Sounds like one of the normal EVO descs got displayed by mistake.

"She said, 'Honey, you know I gave up cigarrettes for my new-year's resolution... but I didn't give up SMOKIN'!"
-- The Blues Brothers, "I Don't Know"
Bounty Plus, Final Battle and the Annotated Bibles
idisk: andyg

Um, yeah, I thought this was a dead string, but I meant that in spite of legendary combat rating and whatnot, some planets don't seem to have fleets. I mean, they say "you'll soon regret" or whatever, and then, nothing. And not to sound defensive, but I was only dominating pirate systems for the income, not other planets that would screw up the storyline.


How was I supposed to know that murder can sometimes smell like honeysuckle?

Two answers:

  1. If the Miranu appear then either you're low on memory or something isn't installed correctly. Memory is the most likely cause (ie, you've allocated more to EVO than your system actually has available - close down other apps or buy more memory).

  2. I regard the notion of domination as slightly unrealistic for major worlds - I can see how a fleet of hostile naval ships (in our world) could dominate, say, Togo, but I don't see how any number of ships could dominate China. Therefore, there are certain planets that cannot be dominated no matter what you have or who you are. If you're a plugin author and want to know how to do this, you achieve it simply by setting the number of ships to 0.

M A R T I N • T U R N E R


Originally posted by jbl:
This guy thanked me for the delivery (I wasn't carrying anything), and then mentioned the Miranu, saying something about them not understanding what he was trying to do, but that it didn't matter because it was almost finished.
I hit ok, and then my little screen told me that my cargo was: eyes open.

The mission description is supposed to say <paraphrase>"Baxter says stick around for a week because there's been some kidnappings, then go to Devore."</paraphrase>
