Reign of Chaos 2 - Finale

Reign of Chaos 2 Finale

Stepping quietly and solemnly down from her Thunderhawk, the Shadow Predator, Casene looked around her, taking in all she saw. This was New Taranto as she had known it - although the planet was ruled now by Galactica and not United Earth, it looked much of the same. Few people were about, and she was greatly relieved that they were all human. It brought a thought to her mind. How many humans actually live within Galactica? For all she knew, there could be millions, even billions. For all she knew, the Terrans may be a vast minority of humans. She smiled faintly, and then frowned at her smile. It meant two things. Firstly, that humanity was far from dying off. Secondly, that humanity was, for the most part, Galactica, and that it might well go down as Galactica in history.

She wondered what history would tell of men like Paladin and BattleDoctor, what it would have to comment about the Garland - would it see a titanic dreadnought, whose crew were bent on the destruction of all life? Would it see a graceful colony ship, fleeing from a galaxy of war and suffering? Time was always moving. The present was gone; it was now past. And in the future, the stories were all that mattered. Bloodshed meant nothing if empires like Galactica able to cover it up without a lone word denying what had happened.

Casene had fought many wars, but she had only lived at humanity’s true home while she was very young - she had been brought up, for the most part, on the Garland. Herself and a number of other people had been selected by a random poll to board the Garland and travel to freedom. She had been only eleven then, and quick as her mind had been, she had failed to understand much of what had been happening. One thing she knew well was that she would be leaving her homeworld of New Taranto.

New Taranto, with it’s sapphire blue rivers and rolling, dusty plains, was to her the most beautiful image one could behold - it’s skies a strong blue fading to a pale green in the distance. The cities were pale grey, comprised of a large number of modest cuboid buildings. She had landed not far from one such building that meant something special to her.

It was apart from the other buildings, not on an estate of any type, and was slightly larger. The building was lived in - that much was obvious. She smiled faintly, feeling again like a young girl, coming home. She stood there for almost half an hour, just staring at what was her home, taking it all in.

Then she sighed. She would not enter. It was someone else’s house now - someone else’s home, not hers. Her home was back on Terra, and she was no longer a little girl. She had responsibilities, and she had to live up to them.

As quiet as she had entered, not noticed by the small number of humans who wandered the street, she went back to the Shadow Predator, her Thunderhawk. As she looked at it for a moment, she decided to re-name it.

For the first time ever the Homebound took off, from the planet where both it and it’s pilot were born. New Taranto.

She would put her past away forever. Both the dismal fate of her father, and the great achievement of her mother - the construction of one of the finest vessels in the history of mankind. Few people really knew me...Casene, they know me by, but know many know I’m Casene McPherson? How many know my mother was Anna Balashova? How many...?


The Q’an fleet, towing the shipyard that had been a present from Galactica, and that would now be another needle in their flesh, hyperjumped into the Svass system, making their way to Voinia. The system was almost completely empty of Galactica ships - barely ten fighters patrolled the sector.

The Q’an continued from Svass, moving on the Voinia...

...when they entered the system, again, they found little opposition. Their forces needn’t have been cloaked, but for good measure they remained cloaked while they approached Voinia and Borb Station, the explosive power of the Q’an reactors remaining hidden.

Once in range, the Q’an decloaked, prepared to unleash the full fury of their weapon on Voinia.

In a glorious tribute to times past, two missiles locked on to the Q’an force the second it appeared. The missiles apparently had been completely immobile, lying in wait.

They stormed forward, one crashing into the shipyard, the other into the Olympus.

One of the missiles had been rigged up with a set message, which was sent out moments before the explosion.

“Don’t mess with the Azdgari” - YooOe

The two shockwave missiles, the weapons that had left Earth in cinders, incinerated the Q’an fleet in seconds.


Rima of the Zidagar and Carnotaur of the Mercenary Alliance both came down on Dames to meet with Emperor YooOe, and officially take over Azdgari space in the name of the Alliance. Mercenary Alliance troops poured through Dames and the other moons, quickly establishing control.

The Flagship project was ceased, and Azdgari scientists were ‘convinced’ to continue work on it, with different supervisors.

Meanwhile, searches were sent out for Emperor YooOe, but there was no word of him. Not even the faintest rumour that he had left the system. No-one knew anything of him, and perhaps no-one would ever know.

One rumour spread, however, and that was that Emperor YooOe had personally fired two shockwave missiles at a force engaging Galactica in the Voinia system. This rumour was dismissed instantly by almost everyone, in light of the fact that Galactica was an enemy of the Azdgari, and also because shockwave missiles were said not to exist anymore.

Either way, it meant little. Emperor YooOe was out of the way, and the Alliance had been forged.


Galactica was being forced to recover as quickly as it could. Mercenary Alliance attacks had become more and more fierce, and Galactica was struggling to keep hold of it’s systems. Of the eight hundred ships remaining in duty, two hundred more were rushed into production - in which time, two hundred ships were destroyed. The Mercenary Alliance attacked quickly, and fiercely.

For a long time the situation looked hopeless, especially when repeated attacks began coming from Azdgari space - Zidagar and Mercenary Alliance ships, but not a single Azdgari ship. Confused, and caught off-guard, Galactica realised that they faced total destruction.

Within two months, they had lost a dozen systems, but with the new frontier they pulled back on, they had a strong barrier against further incursions. Slowly, they built up their numbers, until after six months, they were head on head with the newly formed Alliance. They gained no ground, but nor did they lose any. Locked in a stalemated combat, the two sides continued fighting, for a very long time...


The Haorn, hidden behind their nebula, were already beginning to re-establish their forces. Of fifty thousand of their most powerful battleships, approximately two thirds had been destroyed, probably more. Their assualt against the once mighty Prylak may have been successful, but it had come at a great cost. Now, like the wolves they were, they had come to lick their wounds and become stronger for their next journey out of the dark, deadly depths of their nebula.

Word kept coming from Haorn fleet cruisers that a race known as the “Sijak” had begun to grow outside former-Prylak territory. This was viewed as no threat to the Haorn, and thus they did not spare any crew or cruisers to investigate the reports.


The Prylak beacon had been destroyed - or so everyone thought. Hidden deep in the corners of a system left unexplored, the wreckage of a Prylak vessel floated along aimlessly, everything dead, except for the beeping of one red light. The light of the Prylak beacon transponder, singalling a message sucessfully sent......

Thus ends Reign of Chaos 2

Special Thanks

Thanks to all the veteran players of Reign of Chaos 2; the people who’ve kept it going in it’s bad times. A round of applause to:

Captain Carnotaur
Lord Asriel
Captain Whitehawk

Also, although Lord Gwydion and Arada Pilot couldn’t continue playing, thanks to them also.

Each player can post a summary of their life over the next few months and indeed years if they wish.

Thanks again,


It was over, but it was just beginning...The Prylak had been destroyed, and the I'ase were left in the middle of the war that followed. The government had crumbled. A piece had gone to Galactica, and a piece to the Alliance. What was left had come to be known as the Tribunal. Shunned by both major forces, the Tribunal, led by the Assemblage, was composed of many, many races. Anyone who seeked shelter from the Alliance or Galactica was welcome.

They were nomads, much as the I'ase had been years before. Their BASE ship had been renamed, now Phyrexia. Many new ships and weapons had been created, to combat the forces that the Alliance and Galactica. There had been rumors about the coming of two new races, the Haorn and the Sijak, but no sightings as of yet.


Long retired as a military general, Lord Tasina sat in his private chambers aboard Phyrexia. There was a meeting of the Assemblage called for in ten minutes. He rested for a minute longer, then headed out...


Lord Tasina was one of the driving forces behind the Tribunal, but not the only one. A mysterious Prylak had showed up a couple of years ago, wanting to be a part of the Tribunal. They had accepted her in, of course, and within months, she had proven herself to be an amazing tactician, and was now the major coordinator of military plans. Her name -- Moiraine.


Warchief Moiraine walked to the meeting aboard Phyrexia, which was currently in the DSN-7078 system. Nobody could possibly find them there. Even if they did, she thought, this ship could annihilate any and all comers with her recently upgraded weaponry. Fitted to Phyrexia's hull were myriad scorpion turrets, mines, and rockets; guided bombs; a huge fusion beam, acquired from Galactica years before; an overpowered Negative Plasma Emitter, able to vaporize whole squadrons of fighters in seconds; a huge wormhole generator; and the prize of the Tribunal's technology, the Disruption Web. The web could easily destroy a missile if fired at the ship carrying it. While having a long recharge time, it was well worth it.

Of course, the major difference from the I'ase to the Tribunal were the ships. The Tribunal had gone with speed over power, and even Phyrexia moved with a speed astonishing for a ship that size. Their cloaks were unmatched, except for the Terrans', who were not even seen anymore. The Phoenix, additionally, had a device which cloaked all friendly ships in a certain radius from the Phoenix itself.

Arriving at the conference chamber, Moiraine noticed that she was somehow the last to arrive...


Tribunal Technology
Just a quick list...


Scorpion blaster
Scorpion mine
Scorpion rocket
Fusion beam
Negative plasma emitter
Guided space bomb
Disruption web
Wormhole generator


Phantom-class spycraft
Preliator-class heavy fighter
Plasmator-class light cruiser
Pro'tas-class drone carrier
Phoenix-class support ship

"I may detest what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

The Q'an fleet was decimated, or so Everyone thought.

this is the way is REALLY happened...

"This is commander REDchigh, broadcasting from the rear hera! Engage the targets! Corsairs and heras, descend on the station! All other ships, target Voinia, and Decloak on my order!

1... 2... 3!"

The Q'an ships suddenly phased into view, and REDchigh's heart skipped a beat. A trememndous energy signal just flared up meters from the fleet!
REDchigh leaped for the radiationcloak and yelled on the comm "ALL SHIPS-" ---KABOOOOOMMM---BOOM---
Several incredibly large and fast missiles swept toward the Q'an fleet, without any time to react. the two targets- the mighty olympus and the Rigged galactica shipyard- were annihalated without a trace, and the Energy filled even the surrounding systems with light from the visible spectrum.

The shockwave also knocked borb station from orbit, and it crashed into the planet below, killing millions of voinians, humans, and even a couple hundred Emalgha and Hinwar.

The voinia system was silent, for most of the explosions didn't even leave any debri behind, and most of the rest was melted metal and fless drifting around. Several days later the Galactica rescue fleet jumped in, to find little debri and nothing needing rescue. They are about to jump out, when one of the young technicians notices something...

an extremely weak energy trace on the edge of the system...
the freightor comes close to the object, that more or less appears to be an irregularly shaped piece of debri, except one thing was amiss...

was it the mass shadow of the Q'an fleet?
was it the fact that redchigh DID reach the switch for the radiationcloak?
or an ordinary run-of-the-mill miracle?

No matter the case, what mattered was that this piece of debri, was actually a crucial part of any ship- the reinforced cockpit of a Hera... not ANY hera, but the commanding hera. The Freightor slowly pulls up to the deformed vessel, but as the freightor pulls up to it, meters from docking, an energy field forms a few inches away. an entrance to another section of the galaxy- an I'ase wormhole.
The green whirlwind increases in size, and the freightor captain decides there has been enough bloodshed, and slowly pushes the life capsule through the wormhole, and the Freightor captains take a vow of silence....
a message is sent to battledoctor....
the system was completely empty when the rescue fleet came in....
and the Q'an were incinerated.......

Q'an Technologies
Radium Rocket
Energy Ram
Radiation Cloak
Photon Weoponry
I'ase cloaks
I'ase wormhole Generators

Q'an Ships
Pegasus class light fighter
Corsair class heavy fighter-bomber
Hera class destroyer
Zeus class cruiser
Olympus class flagship

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

Erm? Red, I doubt Silverdragon will accept that.

And now, my final part to add...


As a reign of chaos continued in the Milky Way galaxy, a mere 50 light years away from the edge of explored space, a group of 6 sleek, black vessels lay in wait...

No one knew who they were, no one cared, but everyone in the Milky Way galaxy would care when these weapons of war began to move again...

Once the time was right, they would be given their orders...

And meanwhile, during this time, a pair of dark, blue, demonic eyes stared out from the bridge of the lead ship; towards the Milky Way galaxy...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 10-17-2001).)

As for the finale; BRAVO!!! Excellent work SD! I especially like all the emotional stuff; I tend to like putting that into finales and such. 🙂

Can't wait for RoC 3!

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 10-17-2001).)

Well, I'm not going to moderate in finale. Redchigh, passed. Carnotaur, nice post - I suppose those six sleek black vessels are Prylak Starfortresses. <whistles> You don't want to know. 😉

Asriel, nice rip-off of Robert Jordan.

Here comes my "intervening time" post.


Casene needn't have been worried, for the fate of the Terrans was brighter than she could have imagined. Her expertise in engineering - a genetic gift from her mother - was a major part of the construction of a new class of Terran vessel, the Equinox.

Built on a large plateau transformed into a shipyard, the Kristion Plateau, the Equinox was a huge city ship, utilizing both old technologies and new. It took ten years to craft it, and ships had to be sent through the warpgate to former Odine space, to build mines that provided the ore for such a craft.

Two years after the Terrans had begun to settle down, Casene had a child, despite almost beliefs - a perfectly healthy young child, who she named Esponer. However, her newfound joy was crushed thirteen years later.

Her husband, Jarid Sans, was killed in a mining accident on one of the Terran's new colonies. Lady Casene went up, not in the Equinox and with a fleet as had been requested, but in the Homebound. She never went out of her mourning. A new co-commander of the Terrans, a man known as Blade, was assigned, as Casene increasingly refused to give commands, and always wore black.

Meanwhile, Esponer, a tactical genius from the age of eight, was overjoyed to be assigned the job as co-pilot on a Darkwing. His ambitions stretched far beyond that, but that was to come later.


Just a quick summary of what happened to BattleDoctor after the end of Reign of Chaos 2.

After Galactica Prime was destroyed by High Admiral V'narei, an action that contributed greatly to the final defeat of the Prylak, Galactica needed a new capital. BattleDoctor, being the Voinian that he is, decided to move the capital to Svass, where another large station was built.. The system of Voinia needed much attention, but eventually it regained its status as a large military port and the Galactica Empire's main shipyards.

A few months after Galactica Station (the station that would serve as the capital in Svass) was completed, a failure in the air circulation system resulted in BattleDoctor contracting Plovar's Sickness, an ailment carried by the I'ase. The I'ase are almost all carriers of it, but Voinians do not share their immunity to it. When the filters in the air systems failed to start up after a test, BattleDoctor got the disease from a group of I'ase visiting the station.

Being the Emperor, BattleDoctor was able to receive the finest medical treatment. Unfortunately, though he did not die, BattleDoctor never fully recovered from the disease, because his aging Voinian body was unable to combat the disease effictively. He still does not have full use of his legs, and he has trouble breathing when the environment is damp and humid.

BattleDoctor was deeply offended by the leaders of the Alliance when they began to attack Galactica forces. He felt that after his Empire defeated the Prylak, the other governments should feel some sort of gratitude for this, and the fact that soon after the Prylak were defeated the Alliance commenced hostilities disturbed him. He has a great hate for the Alliance and it's leaders, and would like nothing more than to see them slowly killed by an expert Voinain torturer.


Galactica Techs and Ships
Descriptions to come later, some items as yet unnamed

Ion Minigun
AT (Antimatter tipped) Railgun
(Accurate and powerful missile)
(Missile, launches several smaller missiles)
Multi-Dynamic Shields
(Powerful sensor system)
Gravity Emitters

Galactica Fighter-Bomber
Galactica Missile Frigate
Galactica Strike Cruiser
Galactica Support Cruiser
(Very large and powerful warship)

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)