N. Gidolan tunnel

still can't find this!

can someone please describe how to get to it?

i just found it by wandering around, but i remember its in the southwest of the map and its near the termite nests. sorry i couldn't be more help, but maybe AAC knows........

"you have to go for miles over tall mountains. Then once your over those, you have to travel across swamps as far as the eye can see, but then it gets better."-Gimli, Gloin's son

Have you found Nohrga Village? If so, it is 1 screen south of there. It is roughly
in the center of the map. Might be a bit southwest of the dead center, but fairly

If you haven't found the village then I suggest you take a look at the map your character
has in his inventory, assuming you have made it to the first level of the learning tree.
Go into your inventory, select the Kingdom Map, and "use" it. When the map appears
locate where you are based on your knowledge of where you have traversed.

The "squares" on the map are the individual area screens. Ie, when you walk to the
edge of your screen and the game pauses and loads a new screen, you have just walked
from one "square" on the kingdom map to another "square."

The red dots on the map are the tunnel entrances. The locations of the dots correspond
with how they appear when you are in a tunnel(ie, dernath tunnel is to the east of the
fantrima tunnel, both on the tunnel map as well as on the kingdom map).

Locate the tunnel entrance on the kingdom map, and then backtrack to where you are on
the map. From there just figure out which way you need to go and head there. When you
are on the same screen as where the tunnel should be you may need to nose around a bit
to find it. For the N. Gidolan tunnel I've found that coming from the north on the west
side of the map makes it fairly easy to find. Just hug the tree line on the eastern
side of the path and you will come right up on it.

I hope this helps and that you find your tunnel.

Shoot 'em with everything you've got. If anything still lives, shoot 'em again.

found it -- thanks!
