NEW FH questions - no really, NEW!

Hey guys, still have no answer to an earlier question, i.e., how come some systems will not respond to demands for tribute? If they don't respond, why can't I get tribute? I've knocked off some systems that only sent out a gladiator or two, but then I get the tribute. If I can't wipe out their defence fleet (non-existent), then no tribute! Plus, they hate me forever. Bleah!

Also, have had my game lock up after accepting some missions on some planets at some times, but not others. Is this a known bug w/a known fix? If I quit and restart the game, I can revert back to my previously saved position, but I lose whatever I did planetside prior to trying to accept the mission. NOTE: I click "YES" to accept, the screen goes back to the main planetside menu, and then nothing will work, either keyboard or mousewise, so I have to command-option-escape in order to get out of the game and then restart. HELP!


How was I supposed to know that murder can sometimes smell like honeysuckle?

Combat rating, and yes, it's a known bug.

To get out of it, I tend to get ready, and click "enter" so many times I accept the mission, and even leave the planet, in less than a second. It circumvents the computer getting all confused, and then you can open the plug-in with EV-Edit to see what text you missed.

Metaphorically speaking, I'm metabolically challenged.

Yeah, that freezing bug did happen to me fairly often, but it didn't happen every time I accepted the mission. Just go back and try again. That usually worked for me. 🙂

Hey, Look who's coming! It's Payback! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!

Read the Read Me file!

If your machine is freezing, then you are suffering from the Quicktime Bug - it affects some system/machine combinations and not others. The read me explains how to deal with it. (Nb, this is a bug in EVO - hence the reason why very few plugins actually use Quicktime)

As far as planets that won't let you ransack them are concerned, in FH there are planets which are just too well defended and to even consider your threats worthwhile. They don't bother to send out ships because it demean them to do so.

BTW, have you actually played the missions? If you are in the habit of dominating planets, most of the missions will not be available to you.

M A R T I N • T U R N E R

You're right MArtin, more often than not it was Quicktime, but I disabled that and still got (significantly less) freezes, regardless. That's just the way my comp is. shrugs

Hey, Look who's coming! It's Payback! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!

Did you actually remove the deqt file? (As per the instructions).

Disabling QuickTime movies with the button in preferences mitigates crashing but it doesn't prevent it - somehow EVO still looks for the QT and then decides not to run it.

M A R T I N • T U R N E R

Really? Huh, no I didn't. Well, that explains that, then. Thanx Martin!

Hey, Look who's coming! It's Payback! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!

Uh, thanks Martin, I disabled QT, but did not actually remove it. I'll try that. W/regard to dominating planets, I only dominated pirate systems for the income, and I ASSuMEd that would not interfere with mission assignements. BTW, I do love the plug-in, but am a little frustrated because it seems that some times it takes forever to get new mission strings, or is that what you meant? I rescued Jasta Hela, brought her to Turkey (I know, I know ), and was told "later" and that was apparently that. Also, left Aphrodite after plague returned, but haven't found anything but diplomatic missions for ages and ages now. Am I missing something? Or does gametime just have to run its course? I apologize for these questions, but the search function has been misbehaving and I really want to see how this plays out

I have the TF, but do I need a "capital" ship for some missions? I am a hero and legendary, but is that enough? How do I get the girl in the end and save the universe? 😉 I can't find Emile's killer's tracks, etc.


How was I supposed to know that murder can sometimes smell like honeysuckle?

No, you don't need a cap ship for any of the missions. For that matter, you can beat any cap ship with the TF, if you're patient enough. Also, the Jasta Hela string never continues in FH, though you get to play JH in FF. As for the plague returning, try the pirate world in the galactic north. It's to the left of Aphrodite, two jumps to the north of Auva/Auva city (if you've found it). If you still can't find it, search in the galactic north-center, almost directly north of Rigel.


Thanks to all for your input. Things are working much better now! 🙂


How was I supposed to know that murder can sometimes smell like honeysuckle?

This is very little related, but I've been dying for a chance to brag about my skill (luck).

You know how you said the TF can take down anything in the game? It's true–I have actually DISABLED the black hole. Then-get this-I boarded it, AND CAPTURED IT. I made a dupe of my pilot file (so as not to ruin the plot) and dominated everthing in the galaxy, just for fun. It made a gooood escort.

Well, that was my semi-random boast. Sorry for any inconvenience.

If at first you don't succeed, use more duct tape.

😕 Really? Jeez


How was I supposed to know that murder can sometimes smell like honeysuckle?