More fun missions ?

OK, I have a pilot file where I have completed the UE missions, the Miranu trade mission with UE, the Azdgari missions and of course lots of other less important missions..

I am wondering. Are there any more fun missions that I can do with this pilot file ?

If not, then what do I do with my new pilot file ? Ally with the Voinians as soon as possible? (where is the first mission then?) and when and where do I start Zidagar and Igadzra missions (and possibly others)?

A few things. I think the gme only allows you to play one of the Strand War storylines, and blocks the rest. I haven't gotten it work yet, but the Triple Pilot plugin should allow you to play out the other parts by completing a mission that clears the bits blocking the other parts of the Strand War storylines. I'd send you a convinient link to the Add-Ons page yet, but I haven't gottena round yet to figuring out the links formatting and other fancy stuff yet. As for the UE, I believe there is a plug called Reign of the UE, also available on the Add-Ons page, which continues the storyline. I do not think you can pursue the Voinian mission with your current pilot because the galaxy has been modified as compared to the beginning of your pilot file. Besides that, I don't know what to tell you. Good luck in your pursuits!

Hey, Look who's coming! It's Payback! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!

The Triple Agent plug allows you to play all three Strands but it has to be in the order; Ig, Zid, Adz otherwise you destroy planets that are crucial to the other strings.

The Voinian missions begin at Dogover but don't have done anything for the UE military, combat rating may have to be one step higher than starting level too, I forget. You can do the UE missions after too (not the other way round though), though make a copy of your pilot before you do or you'll disqualify yourself from the "Reign of the Voinians".


the miranu have 2 other strings... the gunship and the nebula.

=Spread the Chaos=

I was wondering were the nebula string start. I have totally forgoten 🙂



Originally posted by adski:
**I was wondering were the nebula string start. I have totally forgoten:) **

Station Pybin, I think.

There are the Zachit missions, the Free Huron missions, the Anna Boloshova missions, the ski resort missions, and the Zachit missions.

We make no destinction between terrorists and those who harbor them. - President George W. Bush, 9/11/01
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Don't forget the Zachit missions...



The above post can be concidered
"Parlez vous sans mon derreire"
As the french probably wouldn't say.

In your new pilot file, I suggest going for the Zidagar instead, as they're just plain cooler than the Igadzra. 🙂 Missions start at Pozdag-3 for the Zidagar, and Kitrak for the Igadzra, given you've completed the first Miranu relations mission.

As for the nebula string, they start anywhere in Miranu space, but you have to be a bit lucky. The first mission kind of looks like an Igadzra mission, but it isn't. You can tell them apart by knowing that in the Igadzra mission you are offered the mission by an Igadzra wearing a cloak ... 🙂

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"What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure." -- Samuel Johnson


Originally posted by Starkiller:
**Station Pybin, I think.

There are the Zachit missions, the Free Huron missions, the Anna Boloshova missions, the ski resort missions, and the Zachit missions.

Don't forget the Captains of Freeport Missions. I think the NPD missions start anywhere in M. Space when you are asked to go to Igadzra to pick up a sensor array.

Non est ad astra mollis e terris via.

Don't forget to give New Calcutta some hope! (hint: go to Himgro)

Death to the Voinian scum!


Originally posted by Great White Godfather:
**Don't forget the Captains of Freeport Missions.

You can't do those after working for the UE. However, you can work for the UE after doing the renegade missions.



In your new pilot file, I suggest going for the Zidagar instead, as they're just plain cooler than the Igadzra.

Thats true... but they don't even approach the coolness of the Adzgari 🙂

If at first you don't succeed, use more duct tape.

...and if you still want to do some missions with the pilot, may I recommend 'Beyond the Crescent'? It's small but perfectly formed. Fits well with the original Ambrosia view of the game universe. Gets my vote for best small plugin.

(url="http://"")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)