Reign of Chaos 2 - Chapter III

Mats, on Nedra, was going over new ship designs in his head. Suddenly, something popped into his brain that completely delighted him. A drone carrier! They could modify the Daemon into this. It would be unarmed, but would build robotic fighters, armed with the new scorpion blasters, to attack the enemy. The fighters could be incredibly fast, with no need to fret over G-forces. There was nobody to experience the g-forces in the craft.

The carrier itself would have oversized engines, to escape in case it got caught with no fighters aboard. Yes, Mats was starting to like this idea. All that remained was to tell Vaten...


"Message for Senator Vaten." The announcement rang out loud and clear in the conference room. Vaten got up and went to a videoconferencing board, to talk with Mats.

"Senator, I have an incredible idea for a ship." Mats proceeded to tell Vaten his idea in loving detail.

"Hmm...sounds workable, but tough. We'll see."


Title: Scorpion blasters
ETA: 1 post

10 Daemons built
1 shipyard complete
Other shipyard: 2 posts

"I may detest what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

All Q'an fleets are recalled, and The Zidigar fleet arrives at the Silverstone just as a message is broadcasted to all Qan ships in the system, directly from REDchigh.
"All Q'an in the System. Power up your weopons and secure this system. Begin 24 hr Guard duty in this system, and scan surrounding systems constantly. Clear space around the Silverstone. make sure that no race finds out that our first Olympus is Completed!" Every pilot cheers, but to no avail since the Vacuum of space doesn't transmit sound waves. After a second or two, an immensely large vessel and several smaller ones are ejected from the Silverstone's hollow core, and the Olympus's Fighter escorts dock at it. 15 carried fighters in all. (10 Pegasus and 5 corsairs). The Olympus's Shield systems creates a moment of intense static in the system as it powers up for the first time. The 18 Photon Turrets are clearly visible on the ships dense hull, as are the 3 Energy Rams. The 9 Energy mine layers are slightly more subtle, covered up by a plate in the front of the ship.

(dont worry about the weopon counts, I referred to the player slots, everything is accurate. This ship is a lot stronger than my Zeus, but dont worry, it can't scratch the Nedra or any high-yield capital ship.)
Silverstone Base:
Construction:Zeus (2 posts each)

Galactica Fighter Shipyard:
Construction:both classes of fighter.
Built so far:16 pegasus and 12 corsairs (not counting carried fighters)
(every post I'll add a total ship tally.)
Ship Total:
14 Pegasus Light Fighters
11 Corsair Heavy Fighters
10 Hera Class Destroyers
0 Zeus Cruisers
1 Olympus Flagship

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

The drone carrier was ready to be built. The only question was how long it would take. In the meantime, all Firestorm rockets aboard I'ase ships were to be replaced with the far better Radium rockets, acquired from the Q'an.

"Guns with engines" was the model for the drone interceptor, and it was turning out fairly well. It was unbelievably fast, far faster than a Phantom, and maneuvered like nothing else ever before seen. If you could think of a maneuver, it could do it. As for the carrier, it was quite fast, with good turning. It could store up to 12 drones, which were controlled from the main ship.
Vaten dashed off a message to Red, from the videoconferencing room:

(From Sa'amo Vaten)
(To Redchigh)

Red, our drones are in need of power cores to power their engines. I propose a trade: my cloaking technology for your power cores. I await your response.


Rocket refits: 2 posts

10 Daemons built
1 Pro'tas-class drone carrier built
Shipyard: 1 post

"I may detest what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

:::Msg to: I'ase:::
I'ase, I am impressed. This is an offer I just cannot resist. Of course I'll have to reset the power core to take out their self-destruct capability, but the deal is good. I have only one other demand... bring the cloak plans on the Nedra so we can close a deal we opened a while back- energy cloak for wormhole tech, remember?
::end message::

REDchigh smiles. The Olympus will be even more powerful cloaked, and with the wormhole tech, it wont be handicapped as much by it's weak maneuverability.....
Silverstone Base:
Construction:Zeus (2 posts each) *

Galactica Fighter Shipyard:
Construction:both classes of fighter.
Built so far:18 pegasus and 13 corsairs (not counting carried fighters)
(every post I'll add a total ship tally.)
Ship Total:
18 Pegasus Light Fighters
13 Corsair Heavy Fighters
10 Hera Class Destroyers
0 Zeus Cruisers
1 Olympus Flagship

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

Nedra left for the Silverstone, leaving the Basilisk and its escorts in Zidagar to wait for the conference to finish. Vaten was listening to the various leaders speak, thinking about what to do next...

On Nedra, Daemon production was temporarily suspended. They had about 120, and wanted to work on the Pro'tas carriers now.


Rocket refit: 1 post

8 Pro'tas built

OOC: I have eight shipyards. Each one can produce 3 Daemons per post, or 1 Pro'tas. Reasonable?

"I may detest what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

The Q'an makeshift government is in an extremely heavy debate in the main govt building.
"The I'ase are our sworn enemies! It is our duty to destroy them!"
"But we have traded techs already. After they get the cores, we wont be ABLE to fight each other, because we will both be so powerful from it!"
"Yes and I think we should take this chance to destroy them when the Nedra comes for outfitting!"
<The whole room bursts into laughter>
"You seriously think our 46 ships can even put a dent in the Nedra? Ha!"
<the insane militaristic person is draggged out of the room, probably to the asylum>
"Now, seriously, we need to come up with a way to hide our olympus! it's planned to be a secret!"
"Couldn't we just load it back into the core of the Silverstone?"
"Um, no, that would halt ship production, and we can't let that happen."
<The whole room is concentrating in silence>
<suddenly the only non-Q'an official in the room (former NT renegade, unknown race) has an idea.....>
"What if... the Q'an allied the I'ase?"
<The room gets extremely rowdy>
"no, no wait. You wouldn't have to hide the Olympus, and you'll have at least one loyal ally if the
prylak attack, or anyone else for that matter. Our galactica alliance isn't strong and we know it. "The Galactica could swarm us at night and we'd be dust before we ever woke up..."
<the whole room still rejects the idea, but gets silent after a while....>
"If we Allied the I'ase we would be punished by our Galaxy! We could never return! They would hunt us down!"
"There's no chance of us returning now, and they couldn't get to us. I know it's against our instinct, but it might be a good idea to Ally the I'ase...."
<the rest of the room rejects the idea>
<but in the silence, the Q'an are considering the Idea..>
<Ally their sworn enemy?>
<They are Q'an! It cannot be!>
<they AREN'T Q'an. They have Q'an ships, but without a govt...>
<are they really Q'an? No... they're Merc soldiers.. they weren't drafted, they were hired.>
<Away from Qan space, they wont be punished. Wont be hunted down. >
<the majority of the room slowly comes around, and without a word, REDchigh pulls up a hail to the I'ase.>

::msg to the nedra::
After much thought, the Q'an have decided to approve an alliance between our people, we will hold a conference about it when the Nedra arrives.
::end msg::
Silverstone Base:
Construction:Zeus (2 posts each)

Galactica Fighter Shipyard:
Construction:both classes of fighter.
Built per post: 2 Pegasus and one Corsair (not counting carried fighters)
(every post I'll add a total ship tally.)
Ship Total:
20 Pegasus Light Fighters
15 Corsair Heavy Fighters
10 Hera Class Destroyers
1 Zeus Cruiser
1 Olympus Flagship

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

OOC: Asriel, the drones was MY idea for RoC 3, damn you. πŸ˜‰

Gah, this is insane. Everyone is trading technologies, making alliances with their greatest enemies...let me say this.

Races need to die for a new webstory, or we have to find new players. We're already struggling with players as it is, so do you really think we can do with every race surviving and any more coming in, like the Haorn and the Sijak? And the way it's going, everyone is going to be so ****ing powerful, they could blow the entire ****ing universe.

<sighs> I don't know why I bother...

I'm so sorry it happened. I should have done more...

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 10-09-2001).)

OOC: I guess geniuses think alike. πŸ˜„ I did think of that by myself, though. Nobody told me about it.

Is the conference still going? If it's finished, Vaten has left in Nedra. If it hasn't, he's still on Zidagar.

========== alliance...Vaten thought. They weren't going back to their old galaxy. Ever. It didn't matter what anybody thought of them, anyway. The Q'an had amazing technology, and it would clearly benefit both races to accept. He would see once the Nedra got to Silverstone.

The Pro'tas carriers were doing extremely well in testing. The drones were impossibly fast for any weapons to catch up to. The huge engines would become even more effective once they got the Q'an power cores.

As a long-term project, the I'ase started preliminary designing of a new cloak, based on light-bending technology from the Phantom.


6 Pro'tas built
6 Daemons built

"I may detest what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

MOD: Asriel, you need at least 6 posts for drone development and carrier research.


I ask that that everyone contacts me soon (I talk to all you guys anyway) to arrange a meeting of all seven of us. I need to discuss some matters.

Sunday 1pm Central is my first suggestion on a time, just IM me sometime if you can't attend then.



Sisay read over the reports of the meeting that had been sent via supspace and was somewhat pleased at the results of it. He sat back in his chair in his office aboard his ship while looking over it and many other things. With a tap of his wrist link, his wall screen turned on to reveal a rather scarred Miranu. He bore the rank of squadron commander in the Zacha and he was rigid. "Commander Devoe, I want you to gather twelve of your best aradas and fighters and patrol the Proxmia Nebula. I have a feeling something odd is going down in there. If you find any Prylak, get out of there and send a message to the nearest colony." The silent Miranu shook his head and the screen went blank

The system of Sirabor was calm aside from the building of warships. From Vuna, a group of a dozen ships broke orbit suddenly. They blasted past the Ragnorak and many jump points opened up. Within seconds they were gone.

14 Falcons
30 aradas/fighters
Refitting remaining echo destroyers

Project Name: pulse weaponry
Project Class: weaponry
time til completion: 1 post

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

OOC: The Prylak fleet is currently located in Grivok.


Title: DWEM Device
Note: All ships are now being outfitted with the new technology.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 10-10-2001).)

MOD: This is the edited version of the post Carnotaur deleted. Up to here is okay.


OOC: The Prylak fleet is currently located in Grivok.


Title: DWEM Device
Note: All ships are now being outfitted with the new technology.


Scorcher looked at the latest tactical reports. The MA fleet was now gaining strength and size much quicker with the new shipyards, and the MA now had 8 Aurora Battleships in their possession, along with about 340 Ravens.

Overral, the situation was good. Now all Scorcher had to figure out was where the heck was the Prylak fleet, of which Carnotaur had ordered him to try and find. Where could they be? Their last attack was on the rock, so that may indicate that they were hiding in the North Tip.

"But then again, that could be a trick to throw us off their trail," Scorcher thought to himself. He turned to his lieutenant. "Show me a list of all systems attacked by the Prylak and where the Prylak were thought to have fled to."

As he looked over the reports, Scorcher assumed that the Prylak were probably somewhere around Stror. But where?

Little did he know that that information was no longer of use to anyone.


The Prylak fleet, under order from Lythrawn himself, quickly powered up and within moments was hyperspacing out of Grivok and towards their target destination. Soon, they entered Himgro, and instantly after hyperspaced out towards Dislor. They once again hyperspaced out instantly afterward on their way to DSN-3930.

Once they arrived there, a part of the Prylak fleet (100 ships) headed off in one direction, but the main bulk of the Prylak fleet jumped to DSN-1154; a Galactica defense outpost. The Galactica ships in the system were stunned at the sight of the massive fleet, and were quickly beated back by a wave of Prylak weapons fire. The ships that survived just watched as the Prylak fleet sent off another wave of torpedoes and missiles and hyperspaced out with only light damage to the fleet.

Their next destination; Galactica.

Meanwhile, the 100 other ships began assaulting some patrols in the area above Galactica Prime, hoping to draw away the defense fleets which guarded Galactica Prime and make it easier for the main fleet.


The many Galactica ships which guarded the headquarters and capitol world of their government were taken completely by surprise when Lythrawn's fleet blasted into the Galactica system. Battledoctor and his personal fleet were not here yet, though; they were still heading back from the conference.

The fleet then split up. Half of it went after the Galactica defense ships, while the other half instantly headed straight for the station, afterburners ablaze. position, and while being pummeled by dozens upon dozens of rockets from the Galactica fleet, the Prylak launched their deadly cargo. As turrets and torpedoes were launched at the planet, the cargo bays on the Prylak ships opened and began to drop all kinds of stuff. Explosives, undetonated torpedoes, and firebombs. All of these weapons had special rockets attacked to them so they would fly towards the station and impact with devastating power.



"Dammit!" one Galactica admiral swore as the Prylak fleet continued it's chaos throughout the Galactica system.

The three thousand defending ships were swarmed by the almost thirteen thousand alien vessels. Galactica admirals, all of them, were left clueless, with no idea on how to fight back.

Somewhere among the chaos, a degree of order came.

It came thanks to Galactica Prime itself, and the huge fusion beam emitter that was built to defend it from just this type of situation. A Prylak Carrier was swallowed under one blast, and another quickly fell to another streak of light.

Prylak fire smashed at the station's shielding, but it held, as in all rights, it was a BASE ship - nay, stronger than the Ragnarok, just stationery.

The Galactica forces took the opportunity to pull back to the station, and form tight ranks around it in defence. Meanwhile, eight thousand more Galactica ships were on their way, and would be there soon. However, there was no doubting that the situation was perilous.

Hundreds of thousands of Galactica officers and citizens watched as the Prylak descended upon them, but they would fight. They would fight, for they had no other choice.

Meanwhile, Galactica's strongest capability was being held back. Not one missile had been fired - yet.

Even the Prylak wouldn't enjoy it when their ships came in closer to Galactica's wall.

Meanwhile, messages had been sent out not just to Galactica's allies, but to everyone, begging for assistance.


(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 10-10-2001).)

REDchigh is asleep in his office, and dreams.. of the Silverstone being a ship... No, not the Silverstone.. a ship much much larger.. made of a hollowed asteroid.. no.. many hollow asteroids.... dense asteroid alloy so craploads of armor.. built directly in orbit so no need for shipyard.. in essense builds itself..... dozens of turrets... lots of fighter bays....

REDchigh wakes up to the Galactica message, and is shocked. Why would the Prylak attack the strongest govt? Oh well. The Civilians and soldiers on the Silverstone are full of exitement, wanting to help galactica, but they cant.. How can some-odd 45 ships dent Prylak? they have but one chance to help fight.
::msg to: I'ase::
I realize you must have heard of the Prylak attack on Galactica. I know you wish to help them, but to help them, the Qan have to have the I'ase technology! Also the Attack will be much more successful if we coordinate our attack to the second... but we have to have those cloaks and generators!
::end msg::

MEanwhile the Q'an are forced to keep business as usual...
Silverstone Base:
Construction:Zeus (2 posts each) *

Galactica Fighter Shipyard:
Construction:both classes of fighter.
Built per post: 2 Pegasus and one Corsair (not counting carried fighters)
(every post I'll add a total ship tally.)
Ship Total:
22 Pegasus Light Fighters
16 Corsair Heavy Fighters
10 Hera Class Destroyers
1 Zeus Cruiser
1 Olympus Flagship

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 10-10-2001).)

OOC: You included too much of my post Esponer. Delete the OOC part and the Tech research thing.


The Prylak commander swore as the Prylak fleet failed to dent the ship enough. He ordered 79 damaged Prylak warships to ram the station, which caused considerable damage. The Prylak continued on fighting, directing the majority of their weapons fire to the reactor core. With it offline, the main fusion beam would not be functional. Another 145 damage Prylak warships rammed the massive station, causing even more extreme damage. Many of the Prylak ships (about 2,000 ships) directed all of their weapons fire at the weapons systems of the station, trying to disable them before the Prylak suffered very many casualties.

But for some strange reason, Admiral Lythrawn was nowhere to be seen...


Scorcher ran over to Carnotaur to report on what the Prylak were doing. Carnotaur instantly stood up and gave orders to the MA fleet; they were to move out to Galactica Prime immediately to engage the Prylak fleet...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Reign of Chaos 2 is closed until the meeting.



Problem: I probably can't make that time for the meeting. If it could be a little later in the day, that would be great.


"I may detest what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Although the meeting never officially took part, and Asriel wasn't in either part-meetings, I think we have enough to continue. Thanks.



Lance's Supernova really stood no chance against the Azdgari barrage. As fast as the Supernova was, it was nothing to the speed of the Azdara - which was much faster than it had been ten years ago.

The confusion created from the fact that the ship was in fact both to sensors and eyes some sort of energy buildup only supported Azdgari beliefs in confusion and chaos.

The Supernova went up in a ball of flames, and the escape pod that sent out Lance was quickly destroyed also - of course, Azdgari showed no mercy.

Work on the Flagship continued, if held back.


Nedra entered DSN-2791 at top speed, hurtling toward the Silverstone. "Silverstone, this is Nedra. Get your techs out here immediately!"

Vaten needed the Q'an techs and to give the Q'an his techs, and then he would head off to Galactica.

Title: Drone fighters
ETA: 6 posts

"I may detest what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

"Breaking hyperspace in 30 seconds, Admiral!" said the Navigation officer on the bridge of High Admiral Fera's BattleCruiser, the G.E.S. Vorik. As soon as Fera had recieved the distress call from the capital system of Galactica he had ordered his 5,000 ships to jump in immediately, and he had contacted High Admiral Kwer, who had the remainder of the forces surrounding the Galactica system under her command.

"20 seconds, sir."

"All ships," said High Admiral Fera, with an air of command in his voice. "Power weapons and shields, prepare to drop missiles and launch fighters. Stay in formation and prepare for battle."

"Ten seconds, sir. Nine, eight, seven..."

Fera pushed the Navigation officer's voice out of his mind as he prepared himself for what he was about to go into. There were still around 2,000 Galactica ships in the system, and the station, but even with the 9,000 ships in reinforcements that were coming, the Prylak could still win.

"Entering the system of Galactica, sir."

High Admiral Fera blinked as the bright light of ships exiting hyperspace illuminated the bridge. As his vision returned and the afterimage faded, he had to shield his eyes as another bright light illuminated the bridge. As the windows' vision enhancement system activated, they darkened and Fera could see that the light had come from the station, which was busy blasting away at the Prylak. It was working for now, but Fera knew the specifications of that weapon and he knew it couldn't keep this rate of fire up for long.

The system was alive with ships of all sizes, the 2 fleets mingled in with each other and destroying each other's ships. The bulk of Fera's force was firing constant volleys of missile's at the Prylak, while Kwer's forces engaged the Prylak head on, forming a wall between them and the station. They distracted the Prylak, leaving them open to missile fire.

Galactica Prime, the colossal station, was in bad shape. Its many layers of shields were holding up okay, but where ships had gotten through and rammed the station there were gaping holes, showing the insides of the station. The beam emitter at the very top of the station fired another shot at a group of incoming Prylak ships, and the windows all across the Galactica Fleet darkened in response. This was going to be a very difficult battle indeed, for both sides.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a HabaΕ„ero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)