Reign of Chaos 2 - Chapter III

Well, Asriel, The rocket of course, can be traded to you, but the cloak will be a problem. We will give you the Radium rocket design in return for your warpgate technology. Also, provide us with a shipyard, (the government it belongs to doesn't matter) and a few (million) credits, and we'll give you a fraction of the ships we build (you can't copy them), AND we'll outfit this ship with a powerful energy cloak. Deal?

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

OOC: I think that the Nedra and Ragnarok are both in Stror right now. In case I posted that the Nedra left, that is currently impossible due to the colonists who have to leave. Therefore, disregard that. 😄


"Redchigh. You are not in any position to make requests. We will, however, build you a shipyard -- if only so that you can help in the Prylak War. We also accept the rest of your requests. We will begin construction on the shipyard immediately, if your technicians would be so kind as to start work on the Nedra's energy cloak."


"Commander Sisay, we would be happy to send technicians to Ragnarok to help with its rebuilding. As for the trades, is there nothing else you want? If not, that trade is satisfactory to us."


Title: LHR
Time till completion: 1 post

Shipyard started on Keld
20 Daemons built

"My mind is like a steel trap: rusty and illegal in 37 states." -- forge

REDchigh wonders about asriel's split personality.

"Asriel, the energy cloak would take a while to build and develop for the Nedra, as well as a devoted shipyard. Also I'd rather it be on a planet independent of the Nedra, its not that I dont trust you, its just that we ARE sworn enemies, you know... I'll give you the rocket now, and will out fit the Nedra on the ship yard when I get it. Ok? The nedra will be finished before I start any ships of my own.

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

"Red, the best I can do currently is use an asteroid for your shipyard. This is our only planet. We accept the trade, and will find an asteroid to use."

22 Daemons built (they have complete weaponry now)
Scouting for asteroid for Q'an shipyard...

"My mind is like a steel trap: rusty and illegal in 37 states." -- forge

"an asteroid base will do nicely, thank you." REDchigh goes over to the nearest computer console, and uploads the plans for the Radium rocket technology (with an ever so slight downgrade to the Reload rate 😉 )

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

"Yes that would be all, Lord Tai. If you would like, I can send some of my enviromentalists..." Sisay was interrupted by his wristlink beeping. After a moment of hushed talking, he turned to Tai and said, "If you would excuse me, but something requires my attention. If you require any assitance with colonizing Keld, my geologist Javen is at your disposal. He's a little moody though; I guess all Voinians are."

With that Sisay left the docking bay and took the shortest route to his quarters. He entered his cabin and immeadiatly went to the screen on one wall. "Mira, find me GNN now."

The screen flicked on to reveal a Miranu woman showing news coming from a probe. It was the wreckage of a MA Raven. The woman reported that residual traces of sionic energy had been found by the weapons fired at the vessel. Sisay let out a curse and said, "Mira, get me a secure line through to the Mercenary Alliance now! Tell whoever's in charge to get their rear to the nearest com console."

There was only one weapon that used sionic energy: whitefire beam weapons. And the Zacha were the only ones who used it.


A lone Izagra Destroyer sat in the system on patrol for the system reports. There had been reports of a unknown ship coming and going, but had been unproven as of yet. The captain sat staring at the stars while the computers were scanning. Something beeped up suddenly and it caught the captain's eyes. It was a hyperpulse of a ship jumping out of hyperspace. Yet there seemed to be no ship other then his ship in-system.

The Emalghion shrugged and went back to scanning. That was when the first burst of whitefire beams hit the destroyer. Startled, he veered the ship up 150 degrees to see a single sleek black ship. That was the last thing he would ever see as a burst of concentrated fire hit the ship full on. There was a boom and the raven was a burning hulk, nothing more.

Soon nothing was left, and all traces of the unknown vessel was cold or nil.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

(This message has been edited by Captain Whitehawk (edited 09-27-2001).)

Asriel, just where are you based right now? For a construction rate of 22 Daemons/post, you need...(15 CU, times 22...) ...30 solar systems.

<cough> <cough> I don't even think you have that many back at home...

Okay, I'll agree on 10/post, but no more.

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

The improved armour is proving to be very resilient. Lower powered weapons just glance off most of the time, while more powerful weapons need to get repeated hits in the same area to do real damage.

The improved Frigate is coming along well. The scout version of the Frigate will have an overpowered scattering field, to compensate for its lighter shields and hull. Extra point defence systems will also be emplaced, allowing it to last longer when running. Its sensor systems will be an asset in any battle.

The Battle version will have a smaller version of the all-type missle launcher, which will be unsuitable for cluster missles, but will be able to launch pursuit missles much faster.
Galactica Admirals have been going over the records of the battle against the Prylak, and apart from the massive tech advantage over the old Galactica ships, one thing is very apparent. The new Aurora Battleship of the MA has far more firepower than the BattleCruiser. It doesnt have the same initial missle power, but its primary weaponry and ability to absorb weapons fire is immense. While nothing can be done to make a ship that can go one-to-one against it currently, it is a possibility in the future.
-Message to Q'an Command-
-From Galactica Command-
Reports indicate you currently have a peace with the l'ase, and as such, Galactica can offer you support. If you wish, a shipyard complex can be given over to you. Supplies would be provided. If you wish, a home can be provided.

We await your reply.
-Message Ends-


Lythrawn was soon informed about the new Prylak vessels, and ordered all of the refugees to head straight for the Proxima Nebula. He couldn't do much else with them. No habitable planets to colonize, no other way of escape, his only choice was the one he was taking. He could only hope that, with a combination of scattering fields and fast hyperspacing, Lythrawn was sure that, with about 200 military vessels escorting them, that they would make it to the Proxima Nebula. There was also the fact that, first off, Prylak Colony Ships had enhanced shield and armor regeneration technology. They also had extra fast hyperspace engines which allowed them to easily outrun any pursuing ships.

With that order, the Prylak colony ships set off. Hyperspacing from system to system, spending on seconds in each system, the Prylak flew past system after system. Galactica, Azdgari, MA, and Zacha forces didn't have any time to fire on them before the Prylak zoomed off using their enhanced hyperspace engines...


Carnotaur decided to stay on Mira for the timebeing and help with as much as the repair work as they could. Of course, Carnotaur would eventually be leaving eventually to go to another base.

Meanwhile, Scorcher went to Rima and asked her if she could spare any shipyard technology. So far, the MA only had relatively small, uneffecient shipyards. However, the Zidagar had high level military grade shipyards, however, and the MA needed those to help them with their shipyard production.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

REDchigh reads the Galactica message, and nearly faints. Sends a message to Galactica...

::To: Galactica::
From, Hera, based at the Nedra.
We welcome an alliance, except we do not need a home, and the I'ase have already agreed to building us a shipyard. While we would like a ship like the Nedra, we doubt that we would find any sponsors to help us with such an endeaver, so we are settling on an asteroid base, and the I'ase have just notified me that they have located one in the very beginnings of the north tip asteroid belt, close to the Ji ( i think) nebula. We would appreciate shipbuilding materials, we can of course mine the asteroids, but we will need light freightors and maybe a frigate or two to do the actual mining, just until we build enough ships for our own. it would be in extremely close proximity to the Prylak, and would be protected from their detection by the asteroid belt, we could probably even send asteroids toward major populated areas of Prylak. I'm getting ahead of myself here. All I really need are a few ships for me to use to mine. We will give you a few ships (un duplicatable) after our shipyard is running.
Redchigh out

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

Rima read the Azdgari message and smiled. So they now finally had a shipyard. What a relief. And the 8 ships would be entering Azdgari space now to aid them. She paused as someone told her Scorcher was here. She saw him and sighed. Well, the MA had helped them out after most of their fleet was destroyed so now they could return the favor.

Rima send a Zakith with some of her plans for shipyards, people who researched and studied the shipyards and even a few builders. She sent it along with a message.
To: Carnotaur of the Mercenary Alliance
From: Rima of the Zidagar
In this ship all we know about building shipyards and improving them is here. The people and the papers have all the information we have. Hopefull you'll find this helpful.
end message sequence

The 8 ships travelling to Azdgari space entered and one Zidara broke off from the group, heading for Tollb to begin building ships. The other 7 continued on, waiting for the Azdgari to come. The lone Zidara when entering Tollb began on the ship building immediately. Soon the Zidagar would be strong again.

Of course Women don't work as hard as men....They do it right the first time.
My AIM is Rima17456

SilverDragon, if you go back, I think that the 22 Daemons is over a period of five or six posts, not one. 3-4 Daemons a post. I think that's a reasonable rate of production.


Tai got back into his Phantom with good news, and flew back to the Nedra...

...Back at the Nedra, he went immediately to the Senator's office. "Senator! I have good news. The Zacha have agreed to give us their Falcon cruiser design in exchange for our cloaking technology, and that we help Ragnarok recover from the Prylak's beating of it. The Falcon's design should be on our computers by now."

"Very good, Tai. Announce that fifteen technicians are needed to go to Ragnarok and help it be rebuilt."


"Mats! I have a very special project for you. I need you to modify the Falcon into a Scout Frigate class ship."

"I can do that, sir. It should take about one and a half weeks (4 posts). All I have to do is remove some weapons and add bigger engines."


A team of fifteen I'ase technicians arrived at Ragnarok aboard a Basilisk. They got off and proceeded, escorted, to where they were needed...(Whitehawk, you should probably post now about them starting to work where you want them.)


A suitable asteroid had been found for the Q'an shipyard. Located in the DSN-2791 system, it was deep in the Ji nebula, ensuring that it would not be disturbed. Construction began immediately, with a fleet of Frigates heading there to build the shipyard...

Title: Kavu-class Scout Frigate (based on Zacha Falcon)
Time till completion: 4 posts

25 Daemons built
Shipyard being built in DSN-2791 system

"My mind is like a steel trap: rusty and illegal in 37 states." -- forge

Captain Firebird, his mission in the Ji Nebula now accomplished, headed back towards MA space. After he picked up several scientists and engineers, he headed straight back towards Azdgari space to drop them off and help with the Alliance Flagship.

Meanwhile, Carnotaur immediately began a large shipyard upgrade program. It would take a while and hamper shipyard production, but it would definitely be worth the while.


The Prylak refugees continued on, now about half-way into their journey. Soon they would clear the dangerous area where all the large fleets were and the trip would become easier...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 09-28-2001).)

REDchigh excuses himself from the Nedra, and the Lone hera begins the trip to DSN-2791 to watch over the operation. The Asteroid base is hereby christened "The Silverstone".

Esponer, how long will it wake for the shipyard to be finished?

Msg to: Galactica
Construction has begun on my asteroid base, located in DSN-2791. The Silverstone will be a base of operations for the Q'an in this galaxy. We will appreciate your help in speeding along the construction of the Shipyard.
end msg

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

MOD: 4 posts, Red. Carnotaur, 6 posts, but it'll double shipbuilding rates.

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

Reports had been circulating on GNN for two days, reports of Paladin's death. Many had watched, but few knew anything beyond the images that had been released just moments after the incident itself - a breif cutscene from inside the transport and an external view of Paladin falling from the transport. Now, GNN correspondants and researchers had pieced together Paladin's last fateful days, the story of his request to leave Galactica custody to die on his homeworld. Finally, they were ready to release the whole story. Thunder's face appeared on the screen as a special version of the "Nightly Breifing" intro finished flashing across the transmission.

"Good evening, citizens of the galaxy, and welcome to the GNN Nightly Breifing. As most of you are now aware, Paladin, former leader of the UE, has died. As seen in this breif image sequence, first released by the GNN forty-three hours ago, he killed the Azdgari pilot of his transport, then fell backwards into the lava that covers more than 98% of Earth's surface. There has been much speculation as to his motive, but thanks to the hard work of our reporters and investigators, we now have the full story. We have uncovered Paladin's motives - and what drove him to this apparent act of suicide. Let us all turn our attention to the following multimedia presentation."

As Thunder stopped speaking, graphics appeared across the screen, explaining the full story behind Paladin's fateful journey to Earth. His last few battles were recapped, his capture detailed, and security camera footage obtained by the GNN showed Paladin as he asked to make the final jouney to Earth. At this point, a breif but saddening segmet chronicled the destruction of earth - describing the day most humans referred to as "armageddon". Finally the presentation ended with the images so many were familiar with - Paladin's last words, and his final fall into the lava.

Thunder, visibly shaken by the graphical nature of the presentation, spoke, quickly regaining his composure for the camera. "Now you know the full story - now we all do. Thank you for tuning in - and good night."

In memory of the firefighters, the police, and the innocent victims
And all those who died in the terrorist attacks, when so many didn't have to.
May peace quickly return to our world,
Shining light and new hope over the red horizon...

The GNN signal swept out among the stars, across to the deepest parts of the Milky Way. It was heard by civilians of all races, it was heard by the Azdgari, the Zidagar - even the Qan empire received a faint signal.

And most of all, it was received by the Terran Colony.

At that time, several Darkwings and Thunderhawks had been built, and research was going into a light cruiser to complement them, a ship that would be called the Supernova. The Terrans were slowly getting there, slowly reaching prosperity. Their first city, The Settlement, had started up, and the Landing Site was slowly becoming less and less important.

F-25 the planet had been renamed Terra, and the system New Sol. The humans there felt a sense of renewal, and their spirits were full. Humanity would grow again.

But when the GNN signal reached them, that changed.

All the wars, all the strife, it was all due to the Azdgari.

The Azdgari had destroyed Earth, ripping the U.E into shreds, causing the human's downfall.

Words did not exist to describe how the Terrans felt, but suffice it to say, four Darkwings and ten Thunderhawks set off from Terra, and the safe hyperlink out was opened, then closed, to admit the small Terran fleet.

Stopping briefly to let their built-in ramscoops refuel, the Terran fleet made it's way quickly towards the Azdgari. Every time they entered a system, they went to a dead stop, and disappeared.

A trail of mysterious energy signals followed in their wake, but no-one could know what was going on.

And during this time, work on the Supernova plans were continuing...

Metaphorically speaking, I'm metabolically challenged.

Msg To: Rima of the Zidigar.
From: REDchigh of the Qan.
Rima, I have found out that your race used to be great enemies of the Adzgari. The Adzgari have done great wrongs to both our peoples, and we should ally against them. My Technology is second only to the Prylak, and with your supplies and my technology, we could most likely deliver a crippling blow to the Adzgari. The Q'an will fight alone if we have to, but we could easily do twice the damage if we make an alliance. Thank you for your time.
:End Msg.

Msg to: Lance of the Terran Colony.
From: REDchigh of the Q'an.
Esponer, I have recently discovered that your people are decsendant of the Humans, who's homeworld, earth, was destroyed by the Adzgari so many years ago. The Adzgari have also done the Q'an great wrongs. I propose an alliance to deliver a crippling blow to the Adzgari. The Q'an will fight alone if we have to, but we could easily do twice the damage if we make an alliance. Thank you for your time.
:End Msg.

Shipyard and asteroid base: 3/4 posts remaining.

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 09-29-2001).)


The Basilisk jumped into realspace in the Sirabor system. To any sight it was a view, in that while Sirabor Prime was a dead world, her twin moons were lush and green with life and blue with water. It was also the bustling captial of the fledgling Commonwealth. About three minutes travel from Sirabor Prime was the ruined Ragnorak, around which were several ships serving as repair ships. Since the Ragnorak was so large it would be kind of hard to fix in any atmosphere so space had to do.

The I'ase ship was given coordinates to the nearest working docking bay of the huge leviathan and when the scientists piled out of the ship a tech was there to greet them and brief them on all hazards and such.

Azdgari system

A single jump point opened up in the home system of the Azdgari race. From it jumped a lone Echo destroyer carrying five of their top scientists, whom all were very skilled in their works and various fields. A Zacha fighter was launched soon after and the destroyer turned about to vanish into hyperspace.

The fighter was unarmed saved for a single whitefire cannon. which was powered down for the moment. Onboard were the five scientists who were here as part of the multi-government project. A hail was open to the moons and a voice came over, "This is the Zacha fighter transport Javok requesting permission to land. We're here to help on the Alliance project."

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

MOD: Redchigh, several notes. 1) Esponer doesn't exist, the Terran leader is Lance, 2) I don't recall you doing anything to know about the Terran's existance, 3) I think it's a little stupid of you to try and call up a war when you have so few ships.

But, whatever.

Terran numbers: 14, around
Qan numbers: 8, around
Zidagar numbers: 600, around
Azdgari numbers: 2500, around


Metaphorically speaking, I'm metabolically challenged.