Reign of Chaos 2 - Chapter III

Reign of Chaos 2 - Chapter III
Created by SilverDragon

Moderated by SilverDragon
Co-moderated by Captain Carnotaur


MAP: (url="http://"")
Please allow 2 to 2537 days for the appropriate information links to be added (or a site made)

1. No single post battles or major events. NEW! No controlling other ships or the destruction of another's player's important ships (such as Aurora Battleships, Galactica Battlecruisers, or BASE ships)

2. No controlling of other people's characters. NEW! You may control as many other of your own characters as you want.

3. Moderators retain the right to deny any post, without explanation (although an explanation will probably be given).

4. No supercruisers are allowed. The Garland, Ragnarok and Savior are all BASE ships, and otherwise the limit is dreadnought. A supercruiser is generally any ship that can enter a battle against an entire fleet and win, or any ship where you'll actually actively talk about it - i.e. the Excalibur does this, the Excalibur does that, whereas Dreadnoughts or cruisers are just referred to as "the ships moved forward and attack". NEW! BASE ships can become full supercruisers only when specifically mentioned.

5. BASE ships cannot engage in battle, but have no size limits. It must be understrand these are like flying stations or planets - near impossible to defeat.

6. Technology must be stated when it begins, and any moderation on technology must be accepted. Moderators retain the right to moderate a technology as late as when it is first used, if they did not understand the capabilities. You are encouraged to add how far into development a technology you are researching is.

7. Please try and be fair in all your posts to avoid moderation and stalling of the game.

8. Specifics are not required. Economy reports do not exist, but you are asked to keep track of when you'll be low on money.

9. No time based technologies or otherwise invincible technologies. Also, the realms of sub-space are to be avoided (any technology that allows you to leave and re-enter the universe)

10. No killing anyone else's character without direct permission (unless they agree to this)


Topic Notes:

Welcome to Chapter III, the chapter which will most likely include most of the rest of the Prylak-Allied War. Afterwards, I expect their to be only one more chapter at the most, but it depends...

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

Mercenary Alliance
Ships Involved: 1,500
Losses: 300

Prylak Empire
Ships Involved: 13,000
Losses: 6,000


The MA fleet quickly regrouped after the departure of the Prylak, however, Carnotaur was rather unsure as to what to do. He hailed the I'ase and Galactica, and asked what should the MA do now that the battle had ended. Go home? Or stay behind for defense?

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Galactica Ship Production Report:
140 BattleCruisers have been constructed, more than doubling the BC fleet taken into battle. Production of other ship types has been stopped for now, since the firepower of the BC is far greater than anything else. The recent system losses have also cut production rates, so no more ships could be built anyway.
With the Prylak fleet retreated, the Galactica ships begin salvage operations, to see what technology might be captured, as well as hull materials for use in ship production.
In an effort to learn more about gravity, and how to generate its better artificially, and what it can do, a new project is initiated looking into more powerful gravitic fields.(8 posts)


(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 09-20-2001).)

-From the bridge of the Nedra-
-To Q'an, Mercenary Alliance, Galactica, Zachit-

The Prylak have apparently fled. We are happy doing whatever you want us to do -- being nomads, we can go anywhere. We await instructions from anyone who feels it is fit to give them.

-End message-

-From Senator Sa'amo Vaten-
-To Hera, Q'an Command-

REDchigh, we accept your offer of a ceasefire, and thank you greatly for your assistance in this battle. We each have technologies that can benefit the other. With this in mind, I invite you to come aboard the Nedra, that we can talk.

-End message


500 ships had been lost, which was not much compared to the other races. The Prylak had lost 7000, Galactica 7500. Research was coming back up to speed on Nedra, and things were getting back to normal...

Title: Daemon Heavy Cruiser
Time till completion: 5 posts

"Why should I brag? The bards can do it for me -- and with music."
Ertai, wizard adept

Sisay looked at the debris field and the remains of what had once been ships, which spread for many dozens of kilos. Fighters and Aradas zoomed through the fields collecting those who had been lucky to survive in lifepods. The damage done to the Zacha fleets had been devastating, having lost half the forces at the battle. Much of those ships that had survived were either aradas or warships and even they had escape damaged. Sisay sighed as he zoomed in on the Ragnorak, seeing the massive ship being evacuated by a few Sedrans and destroyers. The massive carrier could be fixed up, but it would take resources and some time. It would be worth it however.

Sisay then zoomed in on another sight; a Sedran very crippled and unable to move. It was very surprising that the Raven had survived this encounter, but sadly she could not be salavaged without heavy rebuilding. All her emmiters had been damaged beyond repair and her bay had been nearly torn assunder. Sisay then zoomed in on the Calan to see that Jordan’s ship still survived intact. After a bit of surveying, he recived a report that all survivors had been recovered. With a quick order, he saw that the Raven and Ragnorak was hooked up by many Zacha ships so they could be towed. The Zacha had been battered hard, despite the retreat of the Prylak. They would rebuild, yes, but it would take time, and without the support of a major power like the Azdgari Empire, it would indeed be a long road.

Sisay hit his link and opened a channel to the remaining fleets of the Galactica and MA, as well as the I’ase. “High Admiral of Galactica armada and Mercenary Alliance fleet, this is Commander Sisay of the Zacha. Because of the course of this battle, we have all taken heavy damage, but the Zacha has taken much. We have lost half our navy and the Ragnorak is badly damaged to the point where she will be needed to be towed back to Commonwealth space. As current leader, I have issued a policy of isolation until we rebuild our strengh to good strenght again. In that, we are departing for our space. It has been an honor fighting besides you in this battle and we extend our sympathy and sorrow to all the families of the people you’ve lost. However, BattleDoctor and RMA know the warning we have given to Galactica and it stands firm. I’ase, if you would wish, the Commonwealth would welcome your people to dwell in our space. We have a world that is largely unexplored, and although dead can be terraformed to support biodomes. Should you take this offer, you are always welcome in Commonwealth space, as well as the MA and Zidagar. This is Sisay out.

With that, every remaining Zacha ship turned about, while those towing the Ragnorak did so slowly. Many jump points opened and soon the Zacha forces were gone.

Hawk looked out into hyperspace as he contemplated on something. Without a thought he tapped his link and issued an order. The Lazria turned about and changed course for a system long abandoned for ten long years. Hawk was returning to the place of his mother’s birth...

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

REDchigh reads the invitation from the I'ase....
this is NOT an alliance! cant they understand that?
it was only a ceasefire....
but they will trade techs...
but not the same techs that the Q'an use... the I'ase will be getting a weaker version. If the Qan actually allied the I'ase, they could never return to their own space, and would be hunted down on their own.
Alas, REDchigh accepts the invitation.
and heads toward the system that the nedra is in...

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

Soon Lythrawns fleet arrived with the rest of the fleet in Pozdag. Here they would stay while repairing their ships and abandoning their bases on Dewe and Eribi. Soon, Lythrawn would move and once again attack a target. What would it be? Not even the other Prylak knew for sure.

However, there was a slight change of plan. As soon as Lythrawn arrived, the Prylak fleet departed into the depths of space to conduct their repairs somewhere more secure and secretive...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 09-25-2001).)

OOC: Red, I didn't offer an alliance. Besides, you're in the same system that I'm in. Achlos, remember?


Vaten was speaking. "Of course, we cannot give them our prized technologies. We will give them acquired techs, such as the proton weaponry we acquired from Carnotaur. Trust me, it is much safer."

-From Nedra, I'ase Command-
-To Ragnarok, Zacha Command-

This is Senator Sa'amo Vaten. We offer our condolences to you for forces lost, and we accept and thank you for your offer of a world to be terraformed, and will begin on this project immediately. In the meantime, we propose to trade technologies with you. Vaten out.
Phantoms screamed around the battlefield of Achlos, collecting lifepods. Soon they had finished, and docked with the Nedra. A huge point opened, and the Nedra left towards Stror, dropping Phantoms as it went...

Title: Daemon Heavy Cruiser
Time till completion: 4 posts

"Why should I brag? The bards can do it for me -- and with music."
Ertai, wizard adept

High Admiral Fera's fleet, all 3,500 ships, jumped into the Zimla system in a colossal flash of light. Not one of the ships was without at least some damage, and at least a third of the ships were barely able to make a jump, much less go into combat. The Galactica Fleet as a whole now had barely 10,000 ships, but with the addition of the BattleCruiser, the fleet would soon be strong once again.

"Lieutenant Habde, begin long-range scanning and recon patrols. I want to know exactly where and how strong the Prylak Fleet is." ordered Fera.

"Right away." replied the Lieutenant.

"Someone open a channel to the Emperor. I need to speak with him."

The Imperial Seal of Galactica appeared on screen, and a short fanfare played as the face of a middle-aged Voinian appeared on the ship's viewscreen.

High Admiral Fera saluted and said, "Sir! I've brought the Fleet to Zimla, what's left of it. Requesting orders, sir."

BattleDoctor replied, "Keep the fleet there. Reinforcements will be arriving shortly and repair ships are being sent to get your ships back in fighting condition. How goes the search for Prylak technology in the debris?"

"Not well, sir. So far everything we've found is horribly battered, and we can't salvage anything. I'll tell the ships to keep looking, sir. Oh, and I've ordered some ships to begin searching for the Prylak."

"Good, good. Tell me as soon as anything new develops."

"It's pretty hairy in there sir, it's Charlie's point!"
"Charlie don't surf!"
Apocalypse Now

Points of light appeared in the Stror system. These quickly grew into the Nedra and its escorts: three small battlegroups, each composed of a fully loaded Carrier and other assorted ships. Work on the Daemon was going very well, and the I'ase would soon have a prototype. For now, however, the mission was different. A few squadrons of Phantoms had been retrofitted with terraforming equipment, and made their way down into the atmosphere of S-7679.

Sisay, the Zacha commander, had been correct. This was a terribly barren, and currently uninhabitable, planet. They could change that, however...
The Nedra was in orbit of the planet, and a biodome was being hastily constructed on the planet below, to let the bravest colonists out when it was done.

The planet would be named Keld, and hopefully one day it could come close to being like the I'ase's native Tokiy.


The entire northeast sector of the galaxy, excepting Podzag, was infested (so to speak) with Phantoms. They were everywhere, seeing, hearing, everything. This served to provide the I'ase with an immense amount of information.
Especially important was some information about the Q'an...

Title: Daemon
Time till completion: 3 posts

"Why should I brag? The bards can do it for me -- and with music."
Ertai, wizard adept

Since the development of the BattleCruiser, Dreadnoughts have seen less and less use in the Galactica Fleet. Before, high ranking Fleet officers all wanted to get their hands on a Dreadnought, and their cost to produce kept the numbers down. Therefore, acquiring one gained an Admiral the respect of his peers and it usually meant that they would soon find themselves commanding a powerful force of ships.

BattleCruisers are faster, smaller, more powerful, and much quicker and easier to produce than Dreadnoughts. Those captains who managed to get a Dreadnought are now stuck with an outdated ship, and instead of getting respect they are being looked down upon by their friends. The High Admirals have already been given BattleCruisers, and Fleet personnel authorities are working to decide who should get one.

The UHW-7C Dreadnought-Class Heavy Warship, once the pride of the Galactica Fleet, is now in the process of being phased out. Only 25 remain in active service, and they are quickly being scrapped for parts to build more BattleCruisers. Within a week there should be no more Dreadnoughts left on active duty.


The system of Zimla looked more like some sort of scrap heap than anything else. Wreckage had been hauled in from Achlos, and hundreds of repair ships were buzzing around scanning for needed parts or just some metal that could be melted down to add to a ship's armor layer.

High Admiral Fera looked out the windows of his ship's bridge as a large civilian freighter jumped in from hyperspace and began depositing warship parts in the system. As a flight of repair ships cruised over and began using their long repair arms to sort through the parts, a portly young Zidagar, a rare sight in the military, wobbled up to Fera.

The Zidagar saluted and said, "Sir! We've located the Prylak at Pozdag. The Frigate G.E.S. Bluff was destroyed during it's scouting patrol there, and a long range scan confirmed that the Prylak fleet is currently residing there. Our best estimate is that their forces number somewhere between five and seven thousand."

"Good. How soon will I be able to move the Fleet?" replied Fera.

"Sorry sir, I have no idea. Hold on a sec." The officer pulled out his commpad and punched a few keys, then said something quietly into it.

A few minutes later, a weary looking Voinian walked onto the bridge and breathed deeply. She looked as if she had been working for several hours straight. She saluted and reported, "Admiral, I'm sorry but I really can't give you an estimate at this point. Some of the ships don't look the bad on the outside, but on the inside the power core or the weapons systems, for instance, are totally fried. Some of these ships are desperately in need of a real repair dock. As it is now it could be several weeks before the entire Fleet is up and running."

High Admiral Fera shook his head looked to the Zidagar officer, still standing at attention on the bridge. "Relay the information about the Prylak to the MA, Zachit, and Azdgari forces. Tell them we're in Zimla."

"It's pretty hairy in there sir, it's Charlie's point!"
"Charlie don't surf!"
Apocalypse Now

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 09-23-2001).)

Rima told her forces to stay put for awhile while she checked back at Savior. She jumped back to Savior and the rest of the forces guarding Savior. She checked her messages. She read the Azdgari's message and sighed. A trick? Or had the Azdgari gone honest? She shook her head and decided that she'd take it all at face value.

She found the Zidagar that had been escorting the Qan and after there report she gave them a smiles and told them they had done well. Well, perhaps if her forces got to a battle in time once in awhile they would get a shipyard. Oh well, they could all survive as they were for the moment. Though perhaps not for long. She sat down and sighed again. She sent a message to her forces ahead of her. She smiled as she read what she wrote and sent it.
Garesal blinked as he read what there leader had written. He laughed. All of the Zidagar were itching for a fight and if they did that, eventually they'd find a battle. Though how long it would take no one knew. He relayed the commands, to stay in this system and if there looked to be activity in a nearby system to go there and check it out.

Rima had put it in more blunt words but he decided to be diplomatic. Eventually if there was activity in a nearby system it would be a battle right? Everyone was sullen they'd missed the last battle so there was stirrings of excitment among the pilots with their new orders.

Of course Women don't work as hard as men....They do it right the first time.
My AIM is Rima17456

Full colony ships were entering the atmosphere of Keld. A few rudimentary biodomes had been constructed, and all was well...


"Mats! Come here!"

"Yes, Senator?"

"How is the Daemon going?" asked Vaten.

"Very well, Senator. We are preparing to add the fusion beam to it, which was previously unthought of."

"Very good. You will have a prototype soon?"

"In a few days. (1 post). If we only concentrate on producing them from then on, we can make quite a few."

TItle: Daemon
Time till completion: 2 posts
Prototype ready in: 1 post

"Why should I brag? The bards can do it for me -- and with music."
Ertai, wizard adept

High Admiral Fera was enjoying a hot plate of food in his ship's Mess Hall. He had carefully selected some of the best Fleet cooks to serve on his BattleCruiser, and all the hassle he had gone through to get them had been well worth it. This was some of the finest home-style Igadzra cooking he had had in a long while.

His meal was interrupted by the arrival of a tall, thin Voinian. The insignia on his jacket marked him as a Lieutenant Commander. "Sir!" said the officer as he saluted Fera. "Fleet Reinforcements out of Vorik have just arrived. We now have just over 4,500 ships massed in Zimla."

"How many BattleCruisers?" questioned Fera.

"89, sir."

"Tell them to send at least 40 more. We need to launch another attack against the Prylak before they have a chance to get more forces in."

The officer nodded, then walked off towards the communications center.


The shipyards of the Galactica Fleet have been working nonstop since the Battle of Achlos to build up the amount of BattleCruisers. Just under 400 are now active in the Galactica Fleet. The High Admirals have deemed that this is a high enough number and production of other ship classes will resume. Shipyards will still be producing BattleCruisers, but not as fast. No more Dreadnoughts are to be built.


(Message, Tau-9 encrypted)
To: MA, Zidagar, Zachit, Azdgari, and I'ase Commands
From: BattleDoctor, Galactica

I know we are all still rebuilding our forces from the Battle of Achlos, but we can't wait much longer to attack the Prylak again. They have already devastated several North Tip worlds, and we can't allow them to advance any farther. My forces are massing in Zimla, and I ask you to send some ships to help in the fight. Together, we can defeat the enemy.

(End Message)

"It's pretty hairy in there sir, it's Charlie's point!"
"Charlie don't surf!"
Apocalypse Now

A Galactica Transport, carrying the once mighty Paladin of the UE, moved swiflty down into the orbit of Earth. Two Galactica Frigates escorted it as made it's way down to the requested place - a place that had been United Earth HQ until the Azdgari had completely incinerated Earth.

Now, the entire planet was merely an ocean of magma.

As the Galactica Transport moved into critical range, it's engines threatening to drop it into total incineration, a hatchway opened up.

"Get on with it," the captain of the Galactica vessel - an Azdgari - muttered to Paladin, but one other officer - of a higher rank - quickly silenced him.

"Well, Paladin, feel free to take your time," he said over the captain's remark. It was, of course, hard to hate someone who when it came down to it, wasn't exactly prime evil.

"Do you realise," Paladin murmured, only the captain and the officer hearing, "that the last time I was here was eleven years ago? No man should go so long without seeing their homeland."

"It was not Galactica, nay, it was never Galactica. The Voinians we have fought for long, and they are still are sworn enemies."

"But from one moment onwards, our true target was chosen, a race who had hit us like we had never been hit before."

"When Voinians suffer the loss of billions of lives, they worry not, as many were just slaves. When Zidagar suffer the loss of billions of lives, they compose songs to tell the sad tale. When Igadzra suffer the loss of billions of lives, they hold silent ceremonies."

"But when the UE suffer those losses, we fight."

Paladin's eyes were watering. "And may I be the last free human alive, it is my duty to strike a blow at humanity's true enemy."

Although nearing sixty, Paladin was still faster than anyone could expect. And indeed, he was ready for this. His eyes, calculating, had planned his action for weeks, and most importantly in the last few seconds.

His hand flashed out, the Galactica officer's gun being stripped out of it's holster, and the small laser pistol flew upwards towards the captain, or rather, more importantly, an Azdgari.

"Die Azdgari!" Paladin screamed, the pistol discharging into the Azdgari's head.

The Azdgari slipped to the floor, his blood everywhere.

Paladin turned to the officer, who had managed to find a neutron blaster, and was aiming.

"Thus humanity strikes it's last blow," Paladin murmured, letting himself fall backwards off the transport.

That was the last thing Paladin ever did. A man who had for long been one of the most dangerous and powerful people in the galaxy, was reduced to nothing as his body was destroyed by magma.

He went down with satisfaction, however. He had died a death many of his people had suffered, and he had made one last mark on the enemy. The legend of Paladin may have ended with that, but, unbeknownst to Paladin, the legend of humanity had been given new life.

- - -

Meanwhile, a GNN Arada saw all, it's long range sound sensors picking up even the words said. Soon, the galaxy would know about what had come to pass here.

- - -

OOC: Forgive the lateness of my post, I've just recovered from some teenage love life problems, and am now 101% insane. Nothing to worry about.

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

New ships produced now have the HI-PM cannons and turrets installed, increasing their firepower considerably, but their defensive power is unchanged. Adding the new missle launchers or shield generator would require too much of a redesign, and will have to wait until proper design overhauls.
Gravitic Research:4 posts


-From Sa'amo Vaten-
-To BattleDoctor-

We will aid you as soon as possible, though we cannot now. We are in the process of developing a new heavy cruiser, which will be far more powerful than Galactica's late Dreadnought. We are also colonizing the planet of S-7976, which we have named Keld. Again, we will aid you as soon as we can. Vaten out.


The Daemon prototype was completed. It performed beyond any of the I'ase's wildest expectations. It's squadron of Vampires also worked well, complementing the Daemon's slow speed.

Building of one city, Mer'dia, had commenced on Keld. The colonization ships provided a temporary home for the colonists who wished to be planetbound again, and the Nedra could leave. So off it went, to Zimla...

Title: Daemon
Time till completion: 1 post

"When you find prairie, you find large animals eating the grass. Then, you find large animals eating the large animals who were eating the grass. Then, you find people killing the large animals who were eating the large animals who were eating the grass, and eating the large animals who were eating the grass. Then, the people find cities, kill the people in the cities, and take their stuff."
Global History, 9/20/01

Just replace the last post with
"The Hera considers, and hastily docks at the Nedra, waiting patiently for them to open the hatch.."

OOC: The frame of mind in my last post still applies.

OOOC: Join the club, paladin... me, you, SD..

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

The Nedra opens its hatch, and the Hera enters the giant ship. A platoon of guards comes down to escort Red out of his cruiser.

"Did you want to see the Senator?"

"When you find prairie, you find large animals eating the grass. Then, you find large animals eating the large animals who were eating the grass. Then, you find people killing the large animals who were eating the large animals who were eating the grass, and eating the large animals who were eating the grass. Then, the people find cities, kill the people in the cities, and take their stuff."
Global History, 9/20/01

BattleDoctor was reading over a report on shipyard efficiency when one of his aides burst in the door and said, "Sir, there's something I thing you should see on GNN."

BattleDoctor looked up from the report and stared at the aide for a second, then quickly grabbed the remote and turned the wallscreen to GNN. A female Miranu, rather short for her species, was in the middle giving a report on something.

"...time, Paladin, leader of the former United Earth government, shot and killed an Azdgari officer on a Galactica transport over Earth. He then proceeded to commit suicide by falling to the molten surface of the planet." The visual behind the Miranu switched to a shot of a figure falling backwards from a small freighter, and then making a small splash as he was swallowed up by the magma that was Earth.

The Miranu then explained that a GNN reporter craft had managed to get most of the incident on camera, and then the visual cut to a scene of the freighter. The freighter's door opened, and the camera zoomed in on a human standing with his back to the outside. For a few seconds, a Frigate passed in front of the camera, filling the visual with the gray and magenta hull, and the audio with the roar of the engines. When it passed, the camera was able to record the human saying, "Die Azdgari!" as he shot a pistol at something inside the freighter. He then paused, and said, "Thus humanity strikes its last blow." as he fell backwards into the lava.

The Miranu lady went on to talk about how the small human population of Galactica was coping with this, but BattleDoctor turned the TV off and held his head in his hands. He was silent for a long while after that.

"It's pretty hairy in there sir, it's Charlie's point!"
"Charlie don't surf!"
Apocalypse Now