babylon5 help

ok so i joined the nightwatch and we raided babylon 5 and i killed delens fleet. where do i go now???? And how do i get to the Vorlons?? Any help would be great Thanks



Originally posted by SpindlyGuy:
**ok so i joined the nightwatch and we raided babylon 5 and i killed delens fleet. where do i go now???? And how do i get to the Vorlons?? Any help would be great Thanks


The B5 plug uses a lot of variables to descide when you get a mission. It depends on where and how often you'll get the message. Just try going to the main planets in the EA and land and go to the bar. You should get it eventually.

To get to the Vorlons, you need a strong ship. Once you enter the system they'll procced to destroy you. There is nothing much to do there anyway.

If your still having problems, check the plug-in developers url. It should be in the read me file. That should tell you wehre to find a B5 helper. Thats all I can think of. Good Luck 🙂


"I think, therefore I am" - Rene Descartes
hmmm... that makes sense.