Kittyland Bar!!!!

Hummm good to see we've mainly got back to normal.

Oh yes,Shayborg:I for one do not think that senority is posts.I do not beleive that it is Karma,although Karma is granted for exhibiting it.
David Arthur has a lot of it.
As to how one gets it,I have no idea.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

(This message has been edited by Shade (edited 10-13-2001).)


But in all seriousness, I am terribly sorry I offended any of you.


Phoenix sits down and contemplates doing something normal for a change.

I suppose when it comes down to it, we don't have room for mistakes. We do, until we don't. Then the game ends. It was fun. At times.

(This message has been edited by Phoenix Avalon (edited 10-13-2001).)

i'm nearly at 900 posts!!!!! πŸ˜‰

OV gets some skittles and 100 grand bars

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
rookie's smiles:(url="http://"")Cool Smiles(/url)(url="http://"")Cooler Smiles(/url)
AIM: Overrider720, Ferazel17 or WhiteStreak7
(url="http://"http://htttp://")The Purple Haze Bar-(/url) Bar at Ferazel that's been here since April

Check my sig. I have my vague picture in there. πŸ™‚ Finally got around to gathering some pics that would be worthy.

(edit) Is it just me or does the Phot Album take forever to load? (/edit)
(url="http://"") My Photo Album(/url)

(This message has been edited by rebel council (edited 10-13-2001).)

It's all boring-like now that I'm not hitting on Jess. πŸ˜‰

CoreyΕ‚ (Cubed) | (url="http://"")PlugsΕ‚(/url)
"Honey, do you love me?" "Of course, sweetie."
"And is that more important than anything else?" "It's more important than the air, than water, than life itself."
"Honey, I'm thinking about voting for Nader." " Get away from me, you LYING TRAITOROUS HUSSY! "


Originally posted by coreycubed:
**It's all boring-like now that I'm not hitting on Jess.;)



(url="http://"") My Photo Album(/url)

As Nessuno's clone enters the Kitty's renovated bar, he realizes that a fellow Canadien is in here.

Buona serra amico,
Come stai?
Io ti comperara un biccchiero di vodka.

On Intergalactic TV tonight:
How are doing the Leafs... the Habs almost won it 😜
Mine won tonight against the Devils, 3-1.

Where is my distegrator?
I would have offered her a bottle of Chianti, instead of a glass.

Salutations Ε• la vie


Originally posted by Admiral Nelson:
**As Nessuno's clone enters the Kitty's renovated bar, he realizes that a fellow Canadien is in here.

I think I'm the only "Canadien" around here so you must be talking to me. πŸ™‚

(url="http://"") My Photo Album(/url)

Kitty sings to herself.

Why?.............WELL WHY???????

Thrawn enters the bar and walks over to the other Canadians in the bar.
Good to see some strong Canadians on the board. I think Rebel Council is afraid of
me because I told him i was a stalker. We live in the same city and relatively close to each other.
I am comming for you! πŸ˜›

"I think, therefore I am" - Rene Descartes
hmmm... that makes sense.

I394 enters the Last Bastion of Morality and Desency Force Field. He listens to OV's talk on the days before love. "Did those days ever exist?" he asks, "perhaps you refer to the days before raw animal lust was publically displayed, eh?"

This competition over someone you've never seen in your life is sickening, you don't know that Jess is someone you'd want to have a relationship with, and the fighting hints that you lack this type of relationship in your real life.

When seen from the fetid black hole which is my bedroom, time is slowed until it is infinite. Why bother doing that homework right now? You've got all eternity to do it.

Amy joins in with Kittys singing, "LA LA LALALA LA LA LALALA".

If you fight, you should fight using your mind.
Power of the mind.

Shade wonders about the singing.Why?

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.


Originally posted by Colours:
**This competition over someone you've never seen in your life is sickening, you don't know that Jess is someone you'd want to have a relationship with, and the fighting hints that you lack this type of relationship in your real life.


Of course I'm somebody they'd want to have a relationship with!!!!
Chill out, we're only having a laugh.

I despise false modesty.


Originally posted by Rima:
**my my my. Now, I really would have expected this on Banter and Brawl, not here. oh well. Dis is a bar. Let us destroy things.

True to former words above Rima whistles happily as she blows up one wall and then thoughtfult paints the other walls blood red with some random patron's blood. So pretty! The she glares over the counter and grabs some wine."Bad serving in this place." She mutters.

At least someone here knows how to behave...

The wallpaper in here reminds me of the freeport bar... anyone remember the freeport bar? I might post a topic and see if anyone is still here...

Do you guys serve saalian brandy?


"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

"Yes, we have Saalian brandy, but we can't remember who the barman is," Esponer replies.

He pulls out a minigun and shoots everyone. "That bar-like enough for you?"



Originally posted by Phoenix Avalon:
He then proceedes to kiss Jess passionatly.

For a long time.

"So touching and romantic... at freeport we used to just kill each other... sniff here I can tell it's more deep and meaningfull that ever... Jess, you must feel so used by these guys. Why the hell haven't you killed any of them yet? Where is your sense of bar behavior?"

Shoots Jess
Sorry, but a change is a good thing... these guys will kiss it better, I'm sure.

Heheheh... πŸ†’


"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

Jess regenerates herself, ties Azdara up, strips him down to his socks, hangs him upside down, fills a water pistol with acid a squirts him with it until he's very disintergrated and screaming. I was in freeport.

I despise false modesty.

...Azdara, Phoenix, myself and Jess are good friends. Massacring each other isn't something we would consider.

And the whole kissing passionately was just messing around, you know.

Esponer helps Jess torture Azdara.


"Let me join in the fun! I was also in Freeport!" He takes out a razor and advances on Azdara hungrily.

(To see who else was in the Freeport bar, just head yourself to (url="http://"")http://www.ambrosias...ML/003139.html#(/url) . To name a few names, Esponer, Rima, Phoenix, Oedipus(although nobody liked him), Jess, the Spectres, Knifeblade Nick, me, Samurai, Desert Fox, Redchigh, Overrider, grunadulater and guest appearances of Starkiller and StarStrafer. If there were any others, sorry, I just don't feel like going through the entire thing.)

Naughty Notice:
Do not click (url="http://"")here(/url). Remember, I warned you!