Kittyland Bar!!!!

Being so drunk, our admiral forgets that the englishman was his amore in the sepecial room upstairs, he excuses himselfe with what he has left of english and says

A presto, dove andare via...

Salutations ŕ la vie

"When companies ship styrofome, what do they pack it in?"

You know your to stressed when your hearing mimes.

Well,it's finally cleared up enough for the school's cr@ppy(sorry everyone.It means:not good)satellite connection to penetrate the cloud cover.

Grundulater spoke thus:


"When companies ship styrofome, what do they pack it in?"

Bubble wrapping.

Shade looks at all the raging hormones and shakes his head.
It's sad how some people can't control their hormones like truly evolved individuals.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

No! Lay off Jess, you sicko! No one forces her into anything she doesn't want to do!

Corey dashes upstairs to find Jess lying on the ground, and Esponer standing over her with a cudgel. After a brief scuffle with Esponer, he tosses him out the window. "There, that gets rid of that dirty scum," Corey says, and offers Jess a small shot of whisky to restore her health, but not enough to inebriate her.

Coreył (Cubed) | (url="http://"")Plugsł(/url)
"Honey, do you love me?" "Of course, sweetie."
"And is that more important than anything else?" "It's more important than the air, than water, than life itself."
"Honey, I'm thinking about voting for Nader." " Get away from me, you LYING TRAITOROUS HUSSY! "

Good on ye,Corey.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

rebelrunner awakens. He screams "Make them go Away!!" He realizes everyones staring. He than packs his bags and leaves, hoping to bring the Terrorists to george bush, solve anthrax case, promote democracy, and save the world(s)!

If at first you don't succeed, you will be dead.
-Old UE Proverb

Buona serrera tutti,
Dove si trova il bartender, io voglio di un cappuchino e un panino.
Mi chiamo Admiralo Nessuno e voglio sapere dove si trova bellissimi signorina.

Salutations ŕ la vie

Who votes I translate all of Nelson's illegible posts into good old English?

Coreył (Cubed) | (url="http://"")Plugsł(/url)
"Honey, do you love me?" "Of course, sweetie."
"And is that more important than anything else?" "It's more important than the air, than water, than life itself."
"Honey, I'm thinking about voting for Nader." " Get away from me, you LYING TRAITOROUS HUSSY! "

OV wonders why Esponer cut his head off?

OV blows up corey. Don't hurt Esponer!!! And don't date when your 13 or you'll become a major ass like my friends who date when their 12

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
rookie's smiles:(url="http://"")Cool Smiles(/url)(url="http://"")Cooler Smiles(/url)
AIM: Overrider720, Ferazel17 or WhiteStreak7
(url="http://"http://htttp://")The Purple Haze Bar-(/url) Bar at Ferazel that's been here since April

Rima groans, having to wonder why she's posting in the obviously out of control bar and then starts typing. Wait, I am typing. Well I'll type some more.

Rima comes in the bar see's that everyone seems to like special rooms a bit much, and then blows all the special rooms up gleefully, rendering anyone still there, whether friend or foe, dead. She then orders some wine.

Of course Women don't work as hard as men....They do it right the first time.
My AIM is Rima17456

I'm not sure that Corey's 13.
The Space Between,over on the BB series,is 13,and he's dating some chick.
I dunno who.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Her name's Amanda. She's apparently thirteen as well as Spacey, which is a little on the young side if you ask me. And no, I'm not thirteen. All I know is that I'm older than shayborg, and younger than G.W. Bush.

Corey quickly grabs the semi-concious Jess and dashes downstairs before the upstairs collapses. Let it be known that Esponer was using the "special" rooms, not I... 😛

Coreył (Cubed) | (url="http://"")Plugsł(/url)
"Honey, do you love me?" "Of course, sweetie."
"And is that more important than anything else?" "It's more important than the air, than water, than life itself."
"Honey, I'm thinking about voting for Nader." " Get away from me, you LYING TRAITOROUS HUSSY! "

I am in OV. Just to let you know that SD/esponer has inspired me to follow my cultural roots. I will often translation for anyone of the great italian language.

-FIAT (Fabricazione Italiana Automobile Torino): Italian Fabric of car in Torino
CI is pronounced like the ch of chatroom, as well as co ca ce cu.
CCI is pronounced like the above but longer.
CH is pronouced like a k sound.

Can you guess what song it is:

Nella vecchia fattoria, ia ia oo
Quanti besti ha zio Tobia, ia ia oo
C'č il cane, bau, cane, bau, ca-ca-ca-cane
C'č il gatto, miao, gatto, miao. ga-ga-ga-gatto
C'č la mula, muu, mula, muu, mu-mu-mu-mula
Nella vecchia fattoria, ia ia ia oooo

If someone can translate this to me I am ready to laugh 😉

Nelson / Nessuno

by the way, Nessuno means is there someone? or no one is there.

Salutations ŕ la vie


Originally posted by Admiral Nelson:
**Nella vecchia fattoria, ia ia oo
Quanti besti ha zio Tobia, ia ia oo
C'č il cane, bau, cane, bau, ca-ca-ca-cane
C'č il gatto, miao, gatto, miao. ga-ga-ga-gatto
C'č la mula, muu, mula, muu, mu-mu-mu-mula
Nella vecchia fattoria, ia ia ia oooo

If someone can translate this to me I am ready to laugh ;)**

Start laughing...

Old McDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o
And on this farm he had a dog, e-i-e-i-o
cat, "mula" etc...

Only yours is about a different person, and has a different tune.

Coreył (Cubed) | (url="http://"")Plugsł(/url)
"Honey, do you love me?" "Of course, sweetie."
"And is that more important than anything else?" "It's more important than the air, than water, than life itself."
"Honey, I'm thinking about voting for Nader." " Get away from me, you LYING TRAITOROUS HUSSY! "

At the appearance of OV, rebelRunner shoots him in the butt for fun and target practice.

Estas son las mananitas
Que cantaba el ray David
Hoy por ser dia de tu santo
Las cantamos asi

Despierta, mi bien, despierta,
Que ya si ya amanaceio
Yas los ppajarios cantan
La luna ya se metio!

If at first you don't succeed, you will be dead.
-Old UE Proverb

Merveilloso, tanti bacci per questo emerito studente.
Are you a genius or what?
It took three minutes to my spanish teacher to understand 😛
In Québec, we say you speak english like a spanish cow,
no offense meant.

I hope you liked this lesson of italian 101 by Nessuno
because I'm running out of words...
It has only been four weeks that I practice.

Who votes for the great student coreycube to be are bartender of the night?

Una birra per favore camelieri.


Salutations ŕ la vie

(This message has been edited by Admiral Nelson (edited 10-11-2001).)

I394 loudly applauds Rima's destruction of the extremely overused "special rooms." And tell SD to control himself.
He polishes his black hole rifle and smiles deviously.
I took spanish II but I can't understand a word of the spanish song, which most likely means that I didn't learn a single thing, except "!Hola!" and a few cusswords.

When seen from the fetid black hole which is my bedroom, time is slowed until it is infinite. Why bother doing that homework right now? You've got all eternity to do it.

Nononoooooooooone likes me sobsobsobsob, and whos the yongest here? me! unless their is anyone who is 11 or under.

Why?.............WELL WHY???????

Shayborg stops laughing loudly long enough to pat everyone on the back for one of the randomest topics not on B&B; in history. 😄

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
"The onion you are eating is someone else's water lily." -- actual fortune cookie


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**EXCUSE ME! I am most certainly NOT ugly!

<whacks Nesuno, or Nelson, or whoever, over the head with a kipper, and goes back to French kissing Jess and dragging her up to special rooms>


Shayborg's law of the Internet: put teenage male gamers together with less than five female gamers, and you will eventually have 75% of the male gamers hitting on the females. It's sad, really, but that's why only geeks come here ... Or is it the other way round? Either way, it's 11 PM, and I must go to bed before my brain entirely fries itself.

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
"The onion you are eating is someone else's water lily." -- actual fortune cookie