Reign of the UE

I downloaded Reign of the UE... Not to be mean to the creator, but I don't think an 8,000,000 byte intro song was necessary for the intro.... I dunno though; I spent all the time downloading it, and now it doesn't work. I've completed all the necessary missions, but whenever I load the plugin it will show half of voinian space as nonexistant, and outpost omicron and a few others don't exist. Help?



There's a fix to set the visbits in the Mission Computer.



Hey, thanks! EVO's gameplay has just increased by however many hours. I feel so stupid.



Originally posted by Lequis MX:
**I downloaded Reign of the UE... Not to be mean to the creator, but I don't think an 8,000,000 byte intro song was necessary for the intro.

I know. If you look through the Add-ons section, you can find several version of ROTUE without the music- it's a lot smaller.

God bless,

UE Patriot

(url="http://";=plugins&display;=date&file;=ReignOfTheUEv12.Bin")Reign of the UE(/url) | (url="http://";=plugins&display;=date&file;=PersonsOFTheEVOWebboardv2.Bin")Persons of the EVO Webboard(/url)
"From sour-faced saints, O Lord, deliver us."- St. Teresa of Avila