When the Voinians Came...

OOC: Hey there people, this is me. I would first like to say that this web story is really kewl. I love the whole battle of Sol thing. And it is refreshing to have only one alien race. Err... two, forgot the Emalgha. But its neat without all the others. Well anyways, Skyblade I really enjoy the story and its going well. However, to you shayborg, I know you are a mod and all. Which I assume means you are god material or something. But none the less I dont appreciate the way you handled the interaction with my character. He was going to be leaving Freeport he same day. And I think that you overstepped your bounds by the way you posted. Its kewl to have a spy and all but this web story is for everyone's entertainment, not just yours. Having the post take up a couple days. However long it takes to get to Freeport and all. I think that it was not fair. I think that there would have been other renegades in the system that would have attacked you. And I was waiting for OF to reply to my offer but then I was going to leave immediately. I believe you handled this very poorly and I am sorry. Skyblade your story is great, however I will be leaving it. OF you may take control of LaVec for the remainder. I would suggest that you have him sue the heck outta Huron and shayborg as they technically pirated his ship without cause. Remember that SC has never been pinned for anything. Read the desc on New Chicago if you have questions.

This is me singing off....

Its is true that Neverwhere is a troubled land...
Yet I have no qualms in ruling it with an iron hand...
Back through your portal I say for this land is mine...
- Me

(This message has been edited by LaVec Kordun (edited 09-27-2001).)

As Rebel Runner towing the UNMB headed back to Mars Orbit, much had passed. The Voinians, though defeated, took down both escort destroyers, and the bridge itself was in ruins....

As he towed it along with the remaining UE Fighters, he wondered what could have possessed a civiliized race commit genocide. Rebelrunner never saw the space mine till it was far to late..........


"This is the last report of UE Fighter Lucky 7"
"All communication, shield and weapons systems are gone"
"I've been drifting around for about 2 yrs, but oxygen replicator is almoist out of juice"
"NO ships in sight, but wait......"
"What's that Crescent Shaped Th------(STATIC)"

Nice Shuttle--Where are the Rockets
-Rebelrunner when a fleet of shuttles attacked him


Originally posted by LaVec Kordun:
**Skyblade your story is great, however I will be leaving it.


Copy that, Kordun. Thanks for have joining, I'm glad to see you enjoyed this webstory. Sorry to see you go...

= = = = = = = = = =

It's up to the rest of you United Earth players to decide what happens to my character next. You've captured me, so you can kill me, or do whatever else you like. 😉

-Cap'n Skyblade
(url="http://"http://www.saberstudios.f2s.com")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon

OOC: I'm going to finish this as fast as i can, hopefully with this one post. It's been a cool story, and I unfortunately joined it a bit late, but it was still cool.
An ensign walked up to ESPilot just as the fleet had breached the atmosphere. "Sir, the Voinian captive is coming to." ESPilot immediately headed for the medical bay.

By the time he got there, Skyblade had come around. ESPilot looked at the Voinian and said "Well, you're lucky I let you live considering the things your kind has done to the human race. You don't seem to be a fighter pilot, since you're wearing some sort of officer's uniform obviously. You wouldn't happen to have been on the flagship would you?" Skyblade looked at ESPilot, and finally said "I am Admiral Skyblade. Although I commanded the attack on your planet, I don't blame your kind for responding to us Voinians as it has. We attacked you first with hopes of enslaving yet another race, but I respect you as an intelligent and good race. I only fight for my race, not for the Emperor and his dreams. Kill me if you will, but it makes no difference. I would've been executed for my failure to the Emperor anyway." ESPilot thought about this speech for a moment. He glanced at Aben Zin's still-unconcious body on a bed next to Skyblade's. He looked at the ensign who was still next to him and said "Tell first mate Seth to get us to Saalia. There are reports of unidentified alien craft there. I have a plan."

Several days later, in the Saalia system, there was a strange, purple semicircular ship entering from hyperspace. Both Aben Zin and Skyblade had made full recoveries, and Zin had been given an artificial arm. They were both on the bridge with ESPilot. He hailed the strange purple ship, saying "Greetings. This is the U.E.S. Valkerye. I have a passanger on board my ship that would like to join your crew." The Miranu pilot that responded said with a strange accent "Very well. Meet us at landing pad 13."

On the landing pad, the two captains and their first mates, along with Skyblade, looked at each other. ESPilot asked "So, I believe your ship is a cargo vessel, correct?" "Yes." The alien replied. ESPilot looked at Skyblade and smiled. "No more wars, battles, no more bloodshed. I believe that's what you'd like. And no Voinian Empire to prosecute you." Skyblade returned the smile slightly, and followed the Miranu captain, Kell, into the ship. It blasted off into space. ESPilot walked back into his Destroyer and informed Aben Zin of what happened, and ordered the Brigade back to Earth. For a moment, ESPilot wondered if there were many, many other races out there other than the voinians, briefly, but pushed the thought out of his head. After the celebration, he'd give his Destroyer a new name....the U.E.S. Incontrevertible. He liked that name. The stars once again lengthened into bright lines and the Brigade entered hyperspace. One thing was for sure; no one would forget the day when the Voinians came.

The End

Greetings from your friendly local cannibal, put in your town by the federal government to keep the human population in check.
If I were to face him now, I'd say he would probably beat me into the ground —Goku

OOC: Sorry to see you go, LaVec. At least we managed to establish why Stellar Corp manages to get away with all their activity in Renegade Space.


Back at Freeport, the Captains of Freeport were enraged. First off, the Huron Milita, who was supposed to oppose piracy, had pirated their ally's ships. No biggie, Stellar Corp's lawyers were infamous for getting their client off even when it was clear SC was guilty; but more importantly, they recived news from a Huron Milita deserter whose ship had been disabled and boarded in Iothe that one of their own was a spy for shayborg.

Ted's lifeless body hung from a doorway in the main assembly hall, but it was not enough for the most millitant members.

Finally, OF led them to the shipyard, where they saw incredible things. Rows of warships -- larger then Helians but with the same colorings, stood there. They were armed with Needle launchers and Blaze cannons, and Krait Fighters were being loaded into their bays.

"Gentlemen", OF said. "I present you with the Renegade ships of the future!"

Several of these new warships were flight-worthy today, as were many of the local renegades. A few hours later, a large renegade fleet blasted off towards Huron.

Large Renegade Fleet 2
6 Turncoats
10 freight-courriers
50 Helians
200 Kraits (including 3 in each turncoat)

Within a few days, the fleet arrived in Huron, and caught the locals by complete suprise.

"Alright guys, " OF said from his lead Turncoat, the Cobalt 60 , "destroy all Huron ships in the system, and lets get out of here. We don't want to generate too much sympathy for the bastards."

A half a dozen or so Helians and Freight-Courriers of the Huron Milita were in the system, and the battle was quick, with all of them being destroyed within a few minutes. Then the pirating of traders unfortunate enough to be in the system at the time began...but it didn't last long.

the 10 second men were on time, and a whole wing of Milita spacecraft appeared from Huron. There were aproxomately 60 of them, mostly Helians and Freight-Courriers. Overwhelmed by krait fire from all directions and needle missiles from the very begining, the Milita took losses before they even got in Blaze turret range of the Renegades. They headed straight for the middle of the renegades: the Freight-Courriers and Turncoats.

Although they managed to bring down a turncoat, 15 Helians, a freight-corrier, and 2 dozen or so Kraits, the Huron Milita could not keep up with the superior firepower of the Turncoat-enriched Renegade fleet. 30 Huron ships were lost, and the Milita retreated to the Planet. The renegades hypered back to Freeport before the other milita wings could get assembled.

As they left, OF got a message from Freeport. "Hey, the new Station Compartments and Helians from SC have arrived, as well as the 100 Helians from Iothe. All guns and the new Helians are manned and fully prepared to fight if someone got a bit pissed off at your little trip to Huron. But get those Turncoats and Freight-Courriers back here just in case."

Anyone who can figure out my password can choose my new sig for as long as I don't notice.
(url="http://"http://www.bigfurrydeal.com/~homefish/")The Science of Webboard Theory(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.jonpearse.f2s.com/ev3/ev3_quotes.php")#EV3 QUOTE ARCHIVE (/url) **

In the slave camp, the three Emalgha commandos were heading towards the armory. As they entered, Tai, noticing a large, overpowered neutron rifle, picked it up and all three walked around a corner to find five marines. Tai destroyed them with his rifle, and the three commandos left the camp through a secret tunnel exit...


Mirtek and his comrades were almost at the center of the research base. They had 10 commandos to pull this off. As they entered the central room, eight Voinians opened fire. Mirtek and the others managed to cut through them, the railgun helping, but half of the Emalgha were lost. The Emalgha downloaded some docs from the central computer and fled with their prize...


OOC: Their "prize" is some weapon and ship schematics. They now can create neutron pistols, rifles, and they have one very large tri-barreled rifle. They can also create their special "scoutship" once they get enough resources for it. An Emalgha rebellion will follow this post shortly... 😛

"My mind is like a steel trap: rusty and illegal in 37 states." -- forge

Aben Zin stalked the corridors of the Incontrevertible. The invasion was finally over, yet somehow he felt... hollow. Since the UE victory there had been something missing from his life.
Like so many people he had lost nearly everything in the struggle. Now he had lost the one thing that had kept him going: his cause.
Humanity was by no means out of danger- The Voinian still resided to the Galactic West, whilst to the South there was an increasing renagade presence. But somehow he knew he couldn't stay here- this small pocket of humanity which had once seemed so large now felt restricting.
He made his was to the Incontrevertible's hanger bay. 5 UE fighters sat in the darkness of the bay. He climbed the ladder to to the cockpit of the nearest fighter and punched in his access code.
Climbing into the cramped confines of the fighter he felt for the first time in as long as he could remember a sence of being in the right place. He pulled the canopy shut, smiling at the hiss of the pressure seals. He gripped the Controls.


"Warning: Unauthorized launch!"
The klaxon howled on the bridge and ESPilot smiled as he watched the Fighter jet out into the black of Space. He had noticed the restlesness of the young Captain, ever since the departure of Skyblade. He recognised the need to escape.
"Good luck captain," He murmered and ordered the jump out of system...



The above post can be concidered
"Parlez vous sans mon derreire"
As the french probably wouldn't say.


Originally posted by LaVec Kordun:
**OOC: Hey there people, this is me. I would first like to say that this web story is really kewl. I love the whole battle of Sol thing. And it is refreshing to have only one alien race. Err... two, forgot the Emalgha. But its neat without all the others. Well anyways, Skyblade I really enjoy the story and its going well. However, to you shayborg, I know you are a mod and all. Which I assume means you are god material or something. But none the less I dont appreciate the way you handled the interaction with my character. He was going to be leaving Freeport he same day. And I think that you overstepped your bounds by the way you posted. Its kewl to have a spy and all but this web story is for everyone's entertainment, not just yours. Having the post take up a couple days. However long it takes to get to Freeport and all. I think that it was not fair. I think that there would have been other renegades in the system that would have attacked you. And I was waiting for OF to reply to my offer but then I was going to leave immediately. I believe you handled this very poorly and I am sorry. Skyblade your story is great, however I will be leaving it. OF you may take control of LaVec for the remainder. I would suggest that you have him sue the heck outta Huron and shayborg as they technically pirated his ship without cause. Remember that SC has never been pinned for anything. Read the desc on New Chicago if you have questions.

This is me singing off....


OOC: LaVec, sorry if you thought I was being unfair ... If anyone else feels the same way, I am willing to rescind that post. I still think it's a realistic explanation of events, as it was somewhat obvious (given that I had a spy in Freeport) whom you represented, and so as I had good reason to waylay you, I did so. Also, you would need to inspect the station to order an addition to it. Finally, any renegades in the system beforehand would have probably attacked your character, as it is unlikely that they have gotten the news yet, and you would be a lone, juicier target. All in all, I still think my post unfolded fairly logically. However, if you planned to have something else happen to your character, I will happily give him his freedom back, if you wish it of me ... And to OF: suing Huron would be somewhat counterproductive, as it's not as if you're exactly legal anyway ... 😉 And I'll respond to your attack on Huron later, I'm late to class as it is. 🙂

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"http://www.evoverride.com")http://www.evoverride.com(/url)!
"What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure." -- Samuel Johnson

OOC: I never intended on suing Huron.

Anyway, now that we both have broken story rules against ourselves once (by posting a battle and ending it before the other person could respond), I'm sure whatever happens next in our storyline can follow the "one guy posts, other guy repsonds, etc." thing that has been going on for most of the other posts.

"On the way to Jerusalem, a man came up to Jesus and said "You are the one whose mother, they say, is a virgin." Jesus replied "You are the one whose mother, they say, is so fat that her butt has its own tax collector." The man wept and Jesus walked on, victorious." - bigfurrydeal 403 error message
(url="http://"http://www.bigfurrydeal.com/~homefish/")The Science of Webboard Theory(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.jonpearse.f2s.com/ev3/ev3_quotes.php")#EV3 QUOTE ARCHIVE (/url) **

OOC: Good, OF. 🙂


Jumping back, victorious, into the Huron system after their little adventure, shayborg saw a massive fleet of renegade ships occupying it. Disbelief, despair, rage, and caution filled his mind one after another. Eventually, caution won out, and he organized his ships at the edge of the system. He looked at his sensor readings in shock and horror. Aside from the hundred or so kraits and a few dozen helians and freight-couriers, the renegade fleet contained a couple of capital ships that looked like they wouldn't be uncomfortable taking on a UE Destroyer. A few kraits were doing what seemed to be a victory dance. Scattered among the renegade ships were the remains of dozens of helians, most still transmitting HMF transponder codes. The battle had obviously been short, brutal, and one-sided. Fighting any further was hopeless. Grimly, shayborg ordered his fleet to hyper towards Iothe. As the stars turned into lines, he looked back once more. I'll be back, he silently told the renegades, and you won't live to regret it afterwards.

<edit> OOC: Oops, I just noticed that the renegades left. Well, assume I met them just before they left. 😉 </edit>

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"http://www.evoverride.com")http://www.evoverride.com(/url)!
"What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure." -- Samuel Johnson

(This message has been edited by shayborg (edited 09-28-2001).)

Skyblade was still in a state of shock. The humans had spared him his life, and had ordered him to the worlds of the northern galaxy: an area the Voinians had yet to explore. His days of service to the Voinian Emperor were now over. Skyblade collected his thoughts, realizing that his military career with the Imperial forces had ended following the Battle of Sol. What to do next...

Ah, but there was the Emperor. The man who had not only enslaved the western galaxy, but his own race. A dictator who had not only dragged the humans into a critical war for survival, but had destroyed his family. A ruthless killer who could never get enough power. Skyblade could think of nothing but revenge. He would return one day, and bring the Emperor to his knees...

= = = = = = = = = =

Alright you guys, once you finish up the renegade stuff in the south, I'll start a new webstory (continuation of this one) based on the current time of the Override game.

-Cap'n Skyblade
(url="http://"http://www.saberstudios.f2s.com")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon

OOC: Remeber, the Carriers were designed by Anna Balashova to take advantage of the Voinians' huge loss, and the fighters were designed by her too.
After giving his full report, ESPilot was given medals for bravery and battle tactics, promoted to Major General, second only to Vice Admiral McPherson himself, and given control of all southern UE fleets and squadrons, from his new base at New Taranto. His Destroyer, formerly the U.E.S. Valkerye, had its name changed to U.E.S. Incontrevertible. The bottom turret was removed permanately, to make room for the first working UE Fighter bay, which was being rushing into mass-production as well as the new UE Carriers, designed by Anna Balashova. His Destroyer was fitted with as many missiles and rockets as could be managed, as well as 3 rocket launchers, and was fitted with powerful up-to-date shielding.

An ensign approached ESPilot on the bridge of the Incontrevertible, from which he still commanded the 12th Brigade, although it now included 30 Destroyers, 50 Fighters, and 12 Carriers, plus the five fighters in each Carrier and the 5 fighters in ESPilot's own ship. And all this was under his personal command. "General, we've just received a report from a mercenary fleet that entered Huron several days ago. A massive fleet of renegades, numbering upwards of 200, along with six strange ships which they described as huge enlongated Helians with larger wings, and 3 Kraits each in a bay. Although, after decimating all ships in the system, they appeared to have left." ESPilot responded "Well we'll have to investigate. Contact the 15th Regiment and Red Squadron. Tell them to be in Huron as fast as possible. After they're all there, we'll attack Freeport itself." The ships entered hyperspace into the Iothe system, on their way to Huron.

Total ships in Southern UE Fleet:
1250 Fighters
500 Destroyers
120 Carriers
15th Regiment Numbers:
300 Fighters
100 Destroyers
30 Carriers

Greetings from your friendly local cannibal, put in your town by the federal government to keep the human population in check.
If I were to face him now, I'd say he would probably beat me into the ground —Goku

Skyblade had now reached his unknown destination: a quiet, peaceful world known as Mirava. He was a bit surprised to see its similarity with earth, and how unmilitant the citizens were. Also, to Skyblade's surprise, the vessels which protected the planet were amazingly fast (brand new, as he was told). They used strange, long range energy cannons to decimate intruding renegades. Such a strange place this was. The Voinians back home would have been stunned to find such technology...

But Skyblade knew that he no longer had power. He was a standard galactic citizen, wondering what the future had in store for him. He was content to make the Emperor of Voinia pay for his crimes to his own race and the humans. Dictatorship would not prevail, or at least he would permit it...

-Cap'n Skyblade
(url="http://"http://www.saberstudios.f2s.com")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon

Skyblade could tell that he was not welcome in the world of Mirava. Everywhere he looked, his stare was returned with a grim, unwanted face. The Miranu had heard of these Voinian troublemakers, and wanted nothing to do with him. Skyblade knew he needed to leave this place before he found himself again captured by a government for trouble.

After persuading a Miranu captain to allow him to serve aboard his Heavy Freighter, Skyblade had appropriate funds to purchase his own ship within a few months. The Miranu eventually discovered that Skyblade was formerly a warfleet commander, therefore having experience in combat. He was offered a job by the Zachit, and soon, Skyblade was flying a swift fighter against the threatening North Tip Renegades. Not only did he gain the respect of the Miranu and Zachit, but Skyblade made seven fighter kills and one Lazira kill within two weeks. The Zachit were all but surprised to see a being not of their race setting a new combat record...

It was strange to be piloting a fighter once again. When he was forced into the Voinian military fifteen years ago, Skyblade had trained using the slow Heavy Fighters. Now, years later, he was experiencing the use of swift battle tactics and hit-and-run raids using a Crescent Fighter varient. Speed was a word which couldn't be found in the Voinian language...

After Skyblade had collected credits amounting to the muli-millions, he purchased a new vessel known as the "Arada." During this period, he hired several former-Zachit pilot friends of his as escorts, which composed two Aradas and two Crescent Fighters.

As for the moment, Skyblade continued to serve under the Zachit, conducting raids and surprise attacks against the renegades.

-Cap'n Skyblade
(url="http://"http://www.saberstudios.f2s.com")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon

Now that Azdara Ace and Red Squadron were all heroes and the battle was over, Azdara Ace felt that he could leave without feeling guilty. He had heard rumors of strange green fighters that went unbelievably fast, and decided that he would seek these aliens out, and fly one of those fighters. The last time there was a sighting, it was in the far right of the galaxy. So, without waiting any longer, Azdara Ace turned in his UE Fighter, and bought a brand new shiny scoutship. He eventually found the race he was looking for, the Azdgari, and that's where his real story begins.....

THE END(until we start the new one)

You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**The Zachit were all but surprised to see a being not of their race setting a new combat record...


Except the Zachit are a variety of different races united by being Zacha.

We make no destinction between terrorists and those who harbor them. - President George W. Bush, 9/11/01
(url="http://"http://www.escapevelocity.f2s.com")EV Upcoming Plug-Ins Directory(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.nohate.f2s.com")Don't Hate Me(/url) | (url="http://"http://yoshi.zzux.com/spaceport/")The Spaceport Bar(/url)


Originally posted by Starkiller:
**Except the Zachit are a variety of different races united by being Zacha.


True, but most of their pilots are most likely Miranu.

Alright, any further posts related to this webstory, refer to the "Vengence" topic.

-Cap'n Skyblade
(url="http://"http://www.saberstudios.f2s.com")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**True, but most of their pilots are most likely Miranu.

I completely disagree.


From EVO:
At least a dozen different alien races are represented amongst the mercenaries of the Zachit

We make no destinction between terrorists and those who harbor them. - President George W. Bush, 9/11/01
(url="http://"http://www.escapevelocity.f2s.com")EV Upcoming Plug-Ins Directory(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.nohate.f2s.com")Don't Hate Me(/url) | (url="http://"http://yoshi.zzux.com/spaceport/")The Spaceport Bar(/url)


Originally posted by Starkiller:
I completely disagree.

Fine with me, that's your call. 😉

Sure, the Zachit are a whole bunch of races, but I would think the protectors of the Miranu would be primarily composed of Miranu...

-Cap'n Skyblade
(url="http://"http://www.saberstudios.f2s.com")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Sure, the Zachit are a whole bunch of races, but I would think the protectors of the Miranu would be primarily composed of Miranu...

I always saw the Zachit as a group of fighters who wanted to protect traders from renegades, benefiting the galaxy. I also saw them as very diverse - Miranu, Zidagar, Adzgari, Igadzra, Strandless, and even Human and Elmagha.

We make no destinction between terrorists and those who harbor them. - President George W. Bush, 9/11/01
(url="http://"http://www.escapevelocity.f2s.com")EV Upcoming Plug-Ins Directory(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.nohate.f2s.com")Don't Hate Me(/url) | (url="http://"http://yoshi.zzux.com/spaceport/")The Spaceport Bar(/url)