1st Legend

Fertela asked a few more questions, about the Arada design, and the Magenta. She memorized it all, but she knew her memory could be risky. She smiled at him. "I'll be right back Leriot. You wait here." She walked by him, lrttin her hand brush down his arm.

She quickly took out a hand help computer and wrote down all the info on the Arada. She sent it to Terisk and Marlarn. Terisk would give it to Rima, and Marlarn would convey it to the Kayans. Then she burrowed through her wardrobe, and found a skimpy little dress that barely covered everything up.

Fertela went back outside with a small soft smile on her face and finished up her dinner. Then she looked up at Leriot. She walked over to him."You must be tired after such a long days work. I have an extra place to sleep why don't you come in and rest?" She smiled, for her bed was big, so there was an extra place to sleep....Just not a extra bed. She led him into the bedroom, wondering what her superiors thought about the Arada.

Marlarn looked at the message that Fertela had sent him and quickly took a double take. A new ship....... Interesting. And bad for the Kayans. He quickly relayed the information to the Kayans, hoping they would be able to put up countermeasures.

Terisk frowned at the ship design he was looking at. The Gadzair were getting very smart. He sighed and went to give it to Rima, and the ship teams who would study it.

Rima sighed down at the ship design and then looked up at Terisk."Is this true? And is Fertela's source reliable?" Terisk coughed with a grin. Sometimes Rima was a bit naive. He nodded. "Her source is...very reliable. Probably the best one we could get."

Rima nodded, not questioning it anymore. Terisk was her intelligence officer, If he thought it was reliable it probably was."Well, how long do you think it will be before we could fully understand this, enough to build some of them?" Terisk thought about it."I'd say a week." Rima nodded."Alright then, get on it. Dismissed."

The engineers and scientists were already on the ship design, exploring every possibility, and soon they would be able to build Aradas, though they would have to hide that from the Gadzair.

Of course Women don't work as hard as men....They do it right the first time.
My AIM is Rima17456