Into the fire.

The year is 2162. One pilot has nearly finished his quest to prove that a single being can change the face of the the universe. The Falcon 14 stands ready to jump into the battle of Krotun, the final act in a chronicle of blood. Two central objectives have fallen, only one remains. Victory or death lies ahead.

Take us into the fire Mr. Lennier.

Non est ad astra mollis e terris via.

A story you're writing?

Or a topic to be locked?

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

Perhaps both.

Coreył (Cubed)
Uh, that word? You spelled it wrong. Yeah, that one right there, next to the period. And you're missing an apostrophe in the word "its".

Sounds like the intro of yet another webstory (and the EVO forum currently does NOT need anymore of those...)

-Cap'n Skyblade
(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon

Possibly, but there's nowhere near enough information for it, and it's too one sided.

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Possibly, but there's nowhere near enough information for it, and it's too one sided.


Precisely. Perhaps this should be locked up...

-Cap'n Skyblade
(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon

I say we should give him one more post, see what he's up too, if its something repetitive then lock it up.

Whats the sense of hating, when i can show love, whats the sense of faking, when i can show blood?"

Oh dera, oh dear, oh dear. I do seem to have upset some poeple. OK. Sorry guys this was mostly a private jab at someone who was really very sure I could not do what I just did. He'll get it. And yes that is probably not what this board is for so if anyone wants to lock the topic go ahead. This wasn't really meant for a general audience. Once again, sorry for the confusion.

Non est ad astra mollis e terris via.

Isn't that what they created email for?

Coreył (Cubed)
Uh, that word? You spelled it wrong. Yeah, that one right there, next to the period. And you're missing an apostrophe in the word "its".


Originally posted by Great White Godfather:
**Oh dera, oh dear, oh dear. I do seem to have upset some poeple. OK. Sorry guys this was mostly a private jab at someone who was really very sure I could not do what I just did. He'll get it. And yes that is probably not what this board is for so if anyone wants to lock the topic go ahead. This wasn't really meant for a general audience. Once again, sorry for the confusion.


Don't worry about it. Just remember that next time you consider playing a prank on a single person, do it via e-mail or perhaps IM... The web boards are for the entire Override community, so it'd be best to keep that in mind with future posts.

Now, since that's settled, perhaps the topic should now be locked.

-Cap'n Skyblade
(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon