Persons of the EVO Webboard Update

Name: Evil Homer
Ship: Voinian Cruiser
Gov: Independant
Location: Anywhere
Hail Quote: When I am king you will be first against the wall
Comm Quote: Every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain!
Shield: 400%
Aggresion: Very
AI Type: Warship (tougher the better)
Credits: 5 million
Weapons: 5 neutron turrets, 5 pulse turrets, an Azdara fighter bay with 6 fighters, and 3 SAD launcher with a full complement of SAD modules. And if you are doing this for 1.0.2, could I also get 2 of each engine upgrade, and 4 layers of Bronev Armour? Cheers!
Grudge: Definately
Esape Pod: Yes. How else can I exact reenge on anyone foolish enough to destroy my ship :frown:>

"I don't need acceptance. I'm the son of Satan."

(This message has been edited by Evil Homer (edited 06-28-2001).)

(This message has been edited by Evil Homer (edited 06-30-2001).)

Ship name: THE FLUFF
ship: iggy warship
locacion:Iggy space
hail:You in that campbells chicken soup can I'll ripp your head off!!!
shield:2x normal
agres: high!
weopons:5phaze 3 iggy sae launchers 50 sae
grudg:azdagari,all renigades,voinians, if the zidagar will attack me then them to!
escape pod:YESSSSSS!

PURE insanity is
runing around in
circles very fast and
screaming. -aquafluff2-

Name: Espilot
Ship: CW
Gov't: Psycho Renegade :evil grin:
Location: Anywhere
Hail Quote: You have three choices: Die, give me all your money, or die!
Comm quote: Avast, ye've made yer last mistake, pathetic dog!
Shields (in ResEdit numbers): 4500
Agression: 3
Type: Interceptor
Weaps: 3 phase turrets, 3 pursuit missile launchers, 50 missiles, 1 Azdara bay, 6 Azdaras, 2 phased beam turrets
Creds:50 million
Grudge: Definately
Escape pod: No way!

Hope you can manage all this!


Greetings from your friendly local cannibal, put in your town by the federal government to keep the human population in check.
If I were to face him now, I'd say he would probably beat me into the ground —Goku

Name: Burning cow
Ship: Frieght Carrier
Govt: Bounty Hunter ( possible? if not Independant)
Location: Renegade space
Hail: -Dodedodedodedo, hey ya listning to this? Are damn it why do I always forget to turn this comm off all these times, I've been caught out... ooo a cow hmmm where's my blow torch hehe...-
Comm: hmmm cow sweeet tasy meat ... oh ummm hello, errr, arrr shi...- Message was cut off due to non-polite content please do not contact this number again.
Shields: 400%
Agression: bully
Type: medium warship.
Creds: 10 mil
Weapons: Phase turrets (3) SAD modules (50) HUnter missiles (40)
Grudge: against renegades
Escape pod: well i did have one once but then the old space dog Short ron gold nicked it while i was... ell you dont want to know.



Originally posted by UE Patriot:
**I am making an update to "Persons of the EVO Webboard." Please imput your info here:

Name: 21st Century Digital Boy
Ship: Arada
Gov´t: Mercenary
Location: Anywhere but Voinian Space
Hail Quote: See sig
Comm quote: Don't even think about it...
Shields: 400(to account for experimental shield generator)
Agression: 4
Weapons: 3 rear Phase cannons, 2 blaze turrents, 2 + 30 P missles, 2 + 20 D rockets
Grudge: yes
Escape Pod: duh...


Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...

Name: REDchigh
Ship: UE cruiser (if not, then make it a destroyer)
Gov´t: Renegade
Location: everywhere
Hail Quote: I'm just a friendly UE scout 🙂 (^-^)
Comm quote: Prepare to Die
Shields: if its a cruiser, then 175%, if its a Destroyer, then 230%
Agression: I'll kill ya!
Type: Brave warship
Credits: 15,238,000 (dont ask)
8 Blaze turrets
4 rocket turrets, max ammo
5 hunter missile launchers
5 UE fighters
Grudge: really bad
Escape Pod: of course

"I'm an interfering git."
"The biggest conspiracy has always been the fact that there is no conspiracy. Nobody's out to get you. Nobody gives a **** whether you live or die. There, you feel better now?"
~Dennis Miller

Too much money, everyone! If I took out just one or two of these ships (and they're only AI-led, after all) I would be so rich that I could buy myself just about anything I might want.

As for why everyone thinks they should have an invinci-naut, that's another question. Why can't your pers be from early in your career, when you were still in a stock Arada or something?

(url="http://"")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)

errrr i'm in a frieght Courier!!!!! not a warship so that is near the begginning of my career.

And it was ment to be 1M not 10M i hit the '0' instead of the deleate or something.

---Burning cow---

- Life is a cruel mix of hope and despair all rolled up into one -


sorrey tryin somthing.

(This message has been edited by Burning cow (edited 07-04-2001).)

Name: Pikeman
Ship: UE Cruiser
Gov´t: Independent
Location: Human Renegade Systems
Hail Quote: "Look out Renegades! Pikeman is here to KICK YOUR ASS!!!"
Comm quote: "I see your schword is a big as mine."
Shields: 1000%
Agression: attack all renegades
Type: warship
Credits: 327 million
Weapons: Cresent fighter bay, 6 Cresent fighters, 5 phase turrets, 3 SAD launchers, 50 SAD mods, 2 pursuit missle launchers, 50 pursuit missles, 2 dispersal launchers, 50 dispersal rockets
Grudge: yes, renegades
Escape Pod: yes

Thanks, Patriot. I've put in my order with other people before, but have yet to see results..... at least I know you'll come through! 🙂
Is there an ETA on this little project?

"Well, I try my best to be just like I am, but everybody wants you to be just like them." from Maggie's Farm by Bob Dylan
(url="http://"")Maggie's Farm(/url)

Just wondering how the plug is coming??

sigh Is there ever a good EVO roleplaying experience?
AIM: StrikerDragon

I have everbody completed up to Pikeman which is, as far as I know, everyone. Amy, I have udated your ship's signature. LoneIzgadra, your quote is still not short enough. This is as far as I could type it:


"Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun." Wait a minute, this hail box isn't big enough for my quote, and who the heck do you think you are, pressing the Y bu

Just a little more cutting and it will be good.

Oh, -REDCHIGH-, you're already in the plug. You're remaining an Emalgha mercenary and not a Renegade UE Cruiser.

Also, I think VonianAmbassador is right- everyone is just always having Invnci-Naughts with oodles of money, so much that if you could disable just one or two of the ships, you could buy anything you wanted to. The shield ratings are truly through the roof- they range in the u=hundred of percents to the thousands. What I am proposing is ont an iron-clad rule, but a suggestion: Keep the shild ratings at nothing above 200%. Just a suggestion.

As for release date, I do not know. There is a limit of over 500 persons (I think) in EVO but I should finish this someday. Right now, there are 54 persons (really 54- 2 people wanted to be in various systems.) It will definitely be releaed by the end of August, though (if enough people post stuff).

God bless,

UE Patriot

"Turn me over, I'm done on this side."- St. Lawerence at his martyrdom
"The glory of God is man fully alive"- St. Iraeneus
Voinian lovers are ignorant of the UE marines taking over Borb Station.
(url="http://";=plugins&display;=date&file;=ReignOfTheUE.Bin")Reign of the UE(/url): Get it today!

(This message has been edited by UE Patriot (edited 07-05-2001).)


Originally posted by VoinianAmbassador:
**Too much money, everyone! If I took out just one or two of these ships (and they're only AI-led, after all) I would be so rich that I could buy myself just about anything I might want.

As for why everyone thinks they should have an invinci-naut, that's another question. Why can't your pers be from early in your career, when you were still in a stock Arada or something?


7cr is too much? Besides, the Zidara is my favourite ship...



The above post can be concidered
"Parlez vous sans mon derreire"
As the french probably wouldn't say.

Consdering UE Patriot's post, I'll (knock down, I believe) change the money on the SilverDragon to 500,000 credits.


That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

Name: Jive 320
Ship: UE Destroyer
Gov´t: Renegade
Location: Troub
Hail Quote: "I'm sorry, what was that? You want your butt kicked?"
Comm quote: "Come on! I'm dishin' it out by the barrel full!!!!"
Shields: 250
Agression: towards Zidagar
Type: Interceptor
Credits: 1
Weapons: 10 Neutron Turrets, 2 Pursuit launchers w/50 Pursuits, 2 Hunter Launchers w/50 Hunters, Azdara Bay w/6 Azdaras
Grudge: Yes please 🙂
Escape Pod: NO! I shall go down with the ship!

If anything is wrong with this please tell me and I shall fix this 🙂

(url="http://"")Feel the Jive(/url)
The most sure-fire way to avoid death, is to avoid birth.
(url="http://"")Resistance Site(/url) | (url="http://"")---20---(/url) | *(url="http://" &number;=20&forum;=EV/EVO+chronicles&DaysPrune;=25&article;=000108&startpoint;=")Renegade Wars(/url) | (url="http://"")Quillz(/url) | (url="http://"")Anada(/url) | (url="http://"")Corsair Developers(/url)

(This message has been edited by Jive 320 (edited 07-05-2001).)

Escape Pod:
Enhanced Adzgari Arada
"Let the smoke out"
"Watch those transistors fry!" or "Angel came down from heaven yesterday" or "Big Joe is going tonight!"
4 Swivel Phase Cannons, 2 Dispy Launchers, and 50 Dispy Rockets, Afterburner

Angel came down from heaven yesterday.

(This message has been edited by Jack (edited 07-06-2001).)

Name: Gazza 2001
Gov´t: UE
Location: SOl system
Hail Quote: What Do you Want!!
Comm quote: Up with the UE
Shields: (Percentage of shilds of ship in game) %250
Agression: very
Type: Brave Warship
Credits: 5 Million
Weapons: 4 Blaze cannons,1x Cresent Fighter Bay 3x Cresent Fighters,2x SAE Launchers ,50x SAE's
Grudge: Hates Renegades,and Voinians.
Escape Pod:You Betcha

Thanx Gazza

"Insanity Prevails Where Sanity Fails" -My Motto 🙂

Name: Draco
Ship: Emalghion Warship
Gov´t: Duh... Emalgha?
Location: Emalghan space
Hail Quote: The LIGHTNING DRAGON has come!!!!
Comm quote: Burn. Burn with thunder and fire.
Shields: 500%(They are too wimpy)
Agression: The middle one. Neutral?
Type: Warship (3)
Credits: 0.5 million
Weapons: As many Phase Turrets that can fit (4?), a UE fighter bay with 3 fighters, and a Turreted Rocket bay with 10 Rockets.
Grudge: Of course...
Escape Pod: Definitely

Sorry, I am at camp, so don't have any resources.

Find out about Daedalus Developers today! Go to (url="http://"")the forums(/url) now!!
Visit my SpaceStation Pheta page at (url="http://""),
Or the (url="http://"")forums.(/url)

Name: TheDarkDragon
Ship: Crescant Warship
Gov't: Zacha
Location: Zachit Station or Sol (whichever is more convenient)
Hail Quote: All hell can't stop me now.
Comm Quote: Whatever it is, cash upfront.
Shields: 350%
Aggression: 3
Type: Warship
Credits: 0 (Since when do warships carry money?)
Weapons: 1 crescant fighter bay, 3 crescant fighters, and however many phase cannons you can fit.
Grudge: no (he kills everything, what's to have a grudge against? :))
Escape Pod: Yes

Thanks alot UEP.

All hell can't stop me now.

Voinian dreaghnout
voinian space
Death to the humans
You are hailing me stupid human?
normal plus all engines upgrades and ecm jammer
Hate UE
Yes so I can kill the UE

This is no joke I have wrotten an reply