Fighters / Multiplayer Problem

<sighs> There's no skill in MULTIPLAYER.

Matey, I've done that and more in my Crescent Fighter, no escorts, so don't go thinking I have no skill in EVO. What I mean is, there is NOTHING between me and you, Captain Skyblade and Payback, in multiplayer. We KNOW when to shoot, we know HOW to shoot.

We've tested our skills against ships like the Voinian Dreadnought, and won. But pit me against another human, and I don't have an inch on them.

Sorry, if I forgot to make it absolutely 105.67% clear that I meant in the theoretical multiplayer, I thought that would have been clear.

Hmmm...... <laughs> That post of yours upset me, to think someone would be preaching ME on skills in the Crescent Fighter. S'cuse me, I need to go restore my own confidence in myself by blowing up * in my Crescent Fighter. 😉

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

--Madfax: Actually, for the cost of one Azdara, you can have 150 kraits, not 30. (10,000x150=1.5 million)

a krait is 50000 that makes 30

And yes SilverDragon (can't call you SD anymore with the new arsehole on the nova board), there is skill in EVMP. If it were me in a stock arada vs you in a stock arada, it wouldn't just be endless and even. There is skill involved. I would wreck you.
If it were me in an upgraded arada vs you in a stock voinian cruiser, as your post suggested, I would still wreck you. The voinian cruiser is actually one of the easier ships to kill in EVO, no matter who's piloting it unless they are more skilled than you. I consider myself a good pilot, especially in MY ship, and could kick most of you to luna (maybe even moki 🙂 ). Seriously, EVO is a game of skill, it's what makes it fun....And if any newbie says it aint i'll challenge them and they can have any ship they damned well want (provided some form of EVMP exists by then).

=Spread the Chaos=

In reality, if the guy in his Enhanced Arada will wipe out all of you. He has a virtually industructable ship, with tons of space to bear.

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<shakes head> You're wrong, AP. Okay, you'd probably beat me Arada on Arada, since you ARE the Arada Pilot. Arada on Voinian Cruiser, though (without Azd.generators) I would knock you out easily.

Tell me plain and simple, AP - how would you go about blowing up the Guardian (my name reserved for Voinian fleet ships)?

No rocket turrets, armed with phase weapons, Bronev plating, and SADs. Probably dispys, I believe I can fit that.

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon


Originally posted by Arada Pilot:
**--Madfax: Actually, for the cost of one Azdara, you can have 150 kraits, not 30. (10,000x150=1.5 million)

a krait is 50000 that makes 30**

Oops, my mistake, should've double checked the price...


Is it just me, or is this turning into a mix of two horrible threads?

1. When is EV Multiplayer coming out?
2. I'd kick your a**, I'm such a better pilot!

This is just posturing, guys. I probably would get my butt kicked by either of you, but in the whole scheme of things, does that really matter? Just food for thought.

Hey, Look who's coming! It's Payback! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!


Originally posted by Payback37:
**This is just posturing, guys. I probably would get my butt kicked by either of you, but in the whole scheme of things, does that really matter? Just food for thought.

It really doesn't matter to them... it's just to satisfy their egoes 😉

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ok, so i got all this code layin about. a few classes that can make your multiplayer death match squabbles come true.

just post the specs of your evo ship and i'll put it in a game. i'm gonna kick all your arses in my turncoat with SAD's. one condition, no fighters. they're just mucked.


Where the Hell's my roof?

?? ?driginally posted by Payback37:
**Is it just me, or is this turning into a mix of two horrible threads?

1. When is EV Multiplayer coming out?
2. I'd kick your a**, I'm such a better pilot!

This is just posturing, guys. I probably would get my butt kicked by either of you, but in the whole scheme of things, does that really matter? Just food for thought.


It's just you.


It really doesn't matter to them... it's just to satisfy their egoes**


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Actually, neither of us (Captain Skyblade and I) were saying anything like that. I think sheer firepower would win, not my own skill, which I don't even believe EXISTS - oh, yeah, what an ego - and he thinks speed is more important.

Okay... so why are people screaming: I can crush anyone 'cause I have more skill than you...?

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Originally posted by General Rak:
**Okay... so why are people screaming: I can crush anyone 'cause I have more skill than you...?


Perhaps you need to bring such "I'm the better pilot and can slaughter you and day" posts to my attention, since I can't seem to find any. 😉

-Cap'n Skyblade
(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the United Earth Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon

(quote)Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Perhaps you need to bring such "I'm the better pilot and can slaughter you and day" posts to my attention, since I can't seem to find any.:p

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The (url="http://"")Zachit fighter(/url) and (url="http://"")Zidagar fighter(/url) are very good fighters. Both have a potent mix of speed and firepower in almost the perfect proportions. The (url="http://"")Azdara(/url) is still my favorite ship to fly, though, as it involves much more skill because of its decreased firepower. It packs enough punch to take out most ships, and its speed makes up for the rest.

Most of this topic is taken up by people saying, "if I had a (url="http://"")dreadnought(/url), I could crush your <insert ship here>!" This is just pointless, as the AI is much easier than any human pilot. With human pilots, sheer firepower is much more important than agility, as humans are smart enough to keep up a continuous barrage of fire.

I think that's covered most of what I wanted to say ...

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
"What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure." -- Samuel Johnson

And my sheer power is greater than your Shayborg of my ass

You are just ****ing sissies than forget your ancestors

Long life to EV




Originally posted by nananananana:
**And my sheer power is greater than your Shayborg of my ass

You are just ****ing sissies than forget your ancestors

Long life to EV



Ok, first off let me say that to me karma is unimportant at this moment, so mods slap me all you like.

Now, nanana, whatever your problem is two things can occur. One is you can stop these rude posts of yours before I track you down and physically injure you. Number to is go see a shrink about your problems.

And finally, I revive an old saying of mine, which is unfourtunately unorginal.

Shut the hell up.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

Nanana, nice to know you finally learned how to spell "EV".
We're all very proud of you!

coughcough* Posted Image coughcough*

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

(quote)Originally posted by General Rak:
**That enough;)

-Cap'n Skyblade
(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url)** - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the United Earth Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon

Na etc., don't you think this is just a tad immature? Do you realise IP bans are quite possible, and if so, you'll never post here again? Please, don't waste our time. For one, an IP ban might cut other people off, so just get the picture and stop it now.

Thank you, shayborg, for saying that. Those words clear it up quicker than I was doing it. A human ship with firepower is...well...not going to make the mistakes AI cruisers do.

AradaPilot: I know all the tricks, AP. You wouldn't have an inch on me, that's the truth. It'd come down to chance and nerves, where I'd probably lose out, but don't get cocky - we all think we're good pilots.

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

(quote)Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Actually, that is enough evidence. Maybe I should re-word that. I should have said "don't accuse everyone of something when only one person was involved.";)

Nana... please don't be so immature. If you keep it u, I would sincerely hope the mods would IP ban you. Now people, stop bashing him and see if he stops and corrects himself.

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Nanaetc, you seem to think you're invincible because you're unregistered. Like General Rak said, you're about halfway to an IP ban already. (Technically, just for clarification, moderators can't do these, but andrew usually listens to us.) I advise you strongly to clean up your act -- and fast.

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
"What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure." -- Samuel Johnson