Reign of Chaos 2 - Chapter 2 Cont.

(url="http://"")Reign of Chaos 2 - Chapter 2(/url)

Please continue posting, although I expect Chapter 3 to begin in at most 50 posts (after the battle we'll move on)


Reign of Chaos 2
Created by SilverDragon

Moderated by SilverDragon
Co-moderated by Captain Carnotaur


MAP: (url="http://"")
Please allow 2 to 2537 days for the appropriate information links to be added (or a site made)

1. No single post battles or major events. NEW! No controlling other ships or the destruction of another's player's important ships (such as Aurora Battleships, Galactica Battlecruisers, or BASE ships)

2. No controlling of other people's characters. NEW! You may control as many other of your own characters as you want.

3. Moderators retain the right to deny any post, without explanation (although an explanation will probably be given).

4. No supercruisers are allowed. The Garland, Ragnarok and Savior are all BASE ships, and otherwise the limit is dreadnought. A supercruiser is generally any ship that can enter a battle against an entire fleet and win, or any ship where you'll actually actively talk about it - i.e. the Excalibur does this, the Excalibur does that, whereas Dreadnoughts or cruisers are just referred to as "the ships moved forward and attack". NEW! BASE ships can become full supercruisers only when specifically mentioned.

5. BASE ships cannot engage in battle, but have no size limits. It must be understrand these are like flying stations or planets - near impossible to defeat.

6. Technology must be stated when it begins, and any moderation on technology must be accepted. Moderators retain the right to moderate a technology as late as when it is first used, if they did not understand the capabilities. You are encouraged to add how far into development a technology you are researching is.

7. Please try and be fair in all your posts to avoid moderation and stalling of the game.

8. Specifics are not required. Economy reports do not exist, but you are asked to keep track of when you'll be low on money.

9. No time based technologies or otherwise invincible technologies. Also, the realms of sub-space are to be avoided (any technology that allows you to leave and re-enter the universe)

10. No killing anyone else's character without direct permission (unless they agree to this)


Topic Notes

- Thanks to EVula for being considerate in his closing of Reign of Chaos 2 - Chapter 2, which helps, since I would have strangled him had he made another topic. 😉

- Please do not continue on this topic after it's (nearby) ending. You'll see Chapter 3 around when I make it, and will know to post there. 🙂

- Just so you know, we need to a) see if Prylak or the allied forces win, and 🆒 see what happens with the allied forces. After that, it's pretty much Reign of Chaos 2 ending, and we open up Reign of Chaos 3 (without the horribly long delay as we had between RoC 1 and RoC 2)

- Please make sure you know where your donkey is.

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

MOD: RMA, Lythrawn could have taken out 1,000 of your ships in that charge. Your ships are not invincable, Galactica is taking the brunt of all this fighting. You would have suffered considerable losses in the battle.


Lythrawn grimmaced. He had lost simply too many vessels in the attack. He had to pull out. After firing off as many weapons as they could, the Prylak fleet in its entirety jumped out in the blink of an eye. Their destination; Pozdag, where the second Prylak fleet had already annihilated the colony as was preparing to enbark on their next attack...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

The Corsairs do their job well, and protect the Hera, using their radiation cloaks to block some fire from the Hera, while holding their weopons. The Hera, however, was not, and Radium rockets soared toward the cloaest Prylak fighters, and along with accasional Phhoton blasts from the Corsairs, about three prylak fighters go down, while the hera mostly just places mines between a small approaching Prylak frigate and the I'ase ship, and after the mines take it's shields down substantially, the corsairs and Hera's Photon turrets finish it off.
(reference to PRylak frigate, not I'ase fleet ;))

OOC: I know its not much, but we will do pretty much anything the I'ase tell us to do, of course, things that are reasonable, the Hera isn't going to self-destruct, unless a prylak fleet attacks it and it has no other choice.I just dont want it too look like my ships are jus' chillin. Posted Image

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 09-19-2001).)

Suddenly, Galactica, Azdgari and the Zacha realise that it has ended. The Prylak have gone, and the Battle of Achlos has reached it's conclusion.

Although the war will not be stalled for a second, at least this battle has ended.


Original: 2500 ships
Post Battle: 1000 ships

Original: 10,000 ships
Post Battle: 3500 ships

Original: 3000 ships
Post Battle: 1500 ships

Original: 5000 ships
Post Battle: 4500 ships

Mercenary Alliance
Original: ? ? ?
Post Battle: 80%


Thus the Battle of Achlos comes to an end, and the battered Galactica, Azdgari and Mercenary Alliance fleets ponder their next move.

At least, Galactica and the Mercenary Alliance do.

The Azdgari have already set off home...

Thus ends Chapter 2

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon