Reign of Chaos 2 - Chapter II

Rima recieved the messages with the worst grace imaginable. The messengers darted away when her stare settled on them and flew to tell what was happening. For a number of small objects were getting smashed against the wall.... by Rima. After awhile she came out as cool and calm as could be, but her eyes showed that one misstep would be that person's last."We can't just let them die... We've been fighting for so many years." And if we did run, then were would we go? Hide out scattered across the galaxy? no, that wouldn't do. She told a few of the officers what to do. They were to put everyone who wasn't needed for piloting, or running a ship onto Savior. Whether they fit or not didn't matter. they just had to survive. Perhaps the Mercenary Allince would shelter Savior. That's were they were going. Suddenly she went to the com for all her ships. "This is Rima speaking. Savior is going to get out of here, but many are not. 800 will stay of what's left of the fleet and fight. The rest will go with Savior. No arguements. My people, this may be the day we all die. Savior may not make it to the Mercenary Alliance at all. Perhaps we will all die here today. Or perhaps some will live to see tomorrow. But if this is the day we die, then remember, we are going down with honor against an evil force that wants to destroy us just because we want to go home. So fight! No surrender! And fight with Honor!"
She bowed her head and cut off the com. She turned around to go to her Kizat and found a number of determined officers standing there. One spoke up."I'm afraid your Kizat needs repairs. You shall not be flying today HonorBound." Her eyes burned like fire at them. The name they had used, HonorBound meant she had a responsibility to her people, and today it semmed, they meant for her to stay alive. She bet that her Kizat had another pilot on board out there in space already. She went back to her quarters escorted by the officers, and started breaking things again.

Of course Women don't work as hard as men....They do it right the first time.

(This message has been edited by Rima (edited 08-22-2001).)

BattleDoctor was reclining in his cushy chair, his feet upon the desk. Life is good, he thought, ... and victory is in sight. His enemies were about to be eradticated once and for all, this would be done with minimall losses to the fleet, and dinner tonight had been particularly excellent. Though he was saddened by the death of his trusted advisor High Admiral Hars, he was happier than he had been in years.

BattleDoctor summoned an aide in and asked, "I trust the battle is still going well?"

"Yes, Emperor," replied the aide, "Soon enough we will be able to begin landing our troops on F-25. If you give the order to, that is."

"Good, good. Who is in command of the 3rd Fleet now, since Hars died?"

"Let me see... uh... Fleet Admiral Voit. Another fine Voinian commander."

"Excellent. Notify him that he is ordered begin landing his troops as soon as possible."


UE and Zidagar ships were falling right and left as a group of 4 Dreadnoughts, 10 Cruisers, 14 Carriers and a few Frigates headed for F-25. A flight of Zidagar ships flew past, only to get shredded by Cluster Missile fire. The Cruisers were in a V formation in front of the group, clearing a path through any ships that came near.

The fleet stopped just as another enemy warship was pulled into the gravity well of F-25 when its thrusters failed. Fleet Admiral Voit's voice rang out over the comm systems of the 14 carriers. "Launch all landing craft and fighters now."

Fromout of 10 of the carriers flew the landing ships. Little more than civilian freighters with upped shields, they descended upon the enemy base planetside. The other 4 carriers launched Galactica Fighters, to provide an escort and give supporting fire to the troops. Humans and Zidagar alike looked to the sky and saw this force descending on them, then rushed off to grab their weapons...

(url="http://"")Lilly(/url). Answers That Matter.

Galactica's forces began to land, their goal obviously being the Garland itself. Paladin was currently standing in the Garland's huge bridge, which was empty save for him.

All the people on the Garland were told to do as they would, and Paladin knew almost all would be surrendering to Galactica. The time was almost up, only a few hours left until it would be over for him.

With a faint smile, Paladin walked over to the main console of the Garland. The Garland, such an advanced vessel, could make a greater explosion than any other vessel in existance. The only problem was that the Zidagar were apparently still fighting, as were the other remaining UE forces. Galactica had took losses, definately - almost half their force - but the battle was nearing the end.

Paladin couldn't see his own people die, and thus he stood there, his finger near the button to self destruct the Garland.

At that point Hawk of the Zacha walked into the bridge. Paladin turned, and smiled.

"Don't give me your crap, Hawk," Paladin stated. "Let's be fair with each other. I don't want any of your superior talk, and I won't give it either."

"There's a vessel on one of the fighter bays of the Garland. Totally unarmed, it's an alien ship called a Prylak Scoutship."

"If you want to escape, we could manage it on that, but I doubt you want to, and I don't either. But this is it for us, Hawk. You've come too far now."

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

Title: OmegaCon Project
Subject: Aurora Battleship
Time Till Completion: 8 Posts (research speeded up due to extra funding from Zacha)


Scorcher ordered a few Ravens to bring the Echo destroyer to a shipyard, then sent a message to the Zacha. "We greatfully accept your gift and hope that we will be strong allies for many more years to come."

Scorcher then informed Carnotaur of what happened, and then heard about what was happening at F-25. "Scorcher, I can't let the Galactica get away with such a victory. I want you to begin work on Sub-Space Inhibitor Technology. I also want you to increase Raven production to its maximum. We need those ships."

"Yes sir."


Title: Sub-Space Inhibitor
Time Till Completion: 6 Posts


35 Ravens Built - Total: 180
3 New Planetary Defense Cannons Built for Other Planets
1 New Shipyard being built in Kelmoan
2 New Cities built to help increase population and income
3/4 of Mercenary Alliance fleet either scraped or refitted

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 08-22-2001).)

Unbeknownst to all sides, two Echo destroyers, three Zacha fighters and an Zacha Arada had not joined the fray. Instead they had hidden in the shadow of f-25, hidden from sensors. It was unfourtuante.

Unfortunate for the descending Galactica ships, not the Zacha group...

The descending ships were proverbial sitting ducks and did not expect what was to come. All six of the Zacha ships silently targeted the Galactica ships and unleashed everything they could dare spare. SADs, missiles, even a mine or two were fired at the ships. This was combined with the devastating arrays of the whitefire beam emmiters from the destroyers and the whitefire cannon fire from the arada and fighters. The only thing those Galactica ships could do was to rise.

As Hawk headed to the bridge his face was grim. The decession was final and Hawk would carry out his plan; Thunder would be too late in finding the data, if he had bothered at all. On either hip was a weapon, a blast staff and a whitefire pistol, but that was nothing compared to what his weapon of choice was. Hawk’s right sleave was rolled back, and going down his forearm was a device that was bound by molecular bonding. In the ten years that Paladin and Rima had been gone and Galacitica had taken most of the known galaxy, technology had advanced considerably. The weapon Hawk bore was his own design, something from long ago; he called it an asir. The asir would work only to his specific DNA, and was thus encoded to; anyone else who used it would be shocked by an electro pulse. It was fired through the wielder’s will and silent command. Personal shielding would be ineffective to block it. The weapon itself was capable of many things, and could either draw on its wielder’s own strenght or use its own power source, a rare crystal of some potent power.

As Hawk Kael walked onto the bridge of the Garland, his face bore no regret for what he was to do. That would come later when he had time to do so. When Paladin spoke, Hawk heard the words but might as well been like hitting a stone wall with a small weak twig. They just bounced off.

The Kisani raised his arm and a small blast of white energy shot from the asir. It hit Paladin full in the chest but didn’t knock him down, although it did hurt some bit. “For more then two decades I have thought on what I would do. Those civillians never had a chance, and I’d be damned if I let the leader of the government who ordered their deaths live. My people have a saying, Paladin: ‘We are as responisble as any leader before us, no matter who they are.’ I’ll be damned if I let you so much as give a simple order or action. You are right in one respect, though. I have come too far now to turn back.”

Hawk threw his arm forward again, and this time a somewhat larger blast was released. It slammed into Paladin and threw the renowned leader back and away from the console. “I don’t care what happens in the next hour or so, but one thing is so very clear to me. Paladin of Earth, I am death come to claim you. For your government’s atrocity and crimes against the life of innocents, I have come to see that they are avenged. Damn the consequences afterwards.” With his free hand the Kisani drew his blaster and threw it at Paladin.

“Defend yourself, because it may be your only chance to fight back.” The Kisani’s eyes were full of fury and he meant every word.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

(This message has been edited by Captain Whitehawk (edited 08-22-2001).)

OOC: Paladin, is the Garland on F-25 or in space?

(url="http://"")Lilly(/url). Answers That Matter.

OOC: Battledoctor; the Garland is on F-25.


As eleven Galactica Frigates moved through the DSN-4689, on their way to F-25 to help reinforce the Galactica ships there.

It would be the last thing they thought before they died.

Suddenly, a massive fleet of 50 or so Ravens decloaked and hailed the Galactica Frigates. "FREEDOM!!!" The Ravens screamed forward, guns ablaze. The crews of the frigates barely had time to think before they were all blown apart by a massive barrage of weapons fire. The Ravens moved back into the protection of an asteroid field and awaited their next victims...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Admiral Ma'ose, waiting in the DSN-4689 system, suddenly saw a large fleet of Mercenary Alliance Ravens uncloak and destroy a squad of Galactica frigates passing through. He decided to send a message of peace to them.

-From the bridge of the Fireball-
-To the Mercenary Alliance Ravens-

Mercenary Alliance, this is Admiral Ma'ose of the I'ase forces speaking. I take it you are against Galactica's despicable actions in at F-25. We have condemned them for their blockade and continued harassment of the UE and other factions there. I offer to trade technology with you, that we might help each other in this way. (a Frigate for a Raven, something like that.)


The I'ase had left 25 Phantoms in DSN-6160 when they jumped out. The lead Phantom pilot, Tai, greatly admired the reluctance of the outnumbered UE and Zidagar to give up. They simply would not surrender. He detested Galactica's actions, on the other hand. He took in his squadrons for a closer look...

...And saw freighters depositing commandos on the surface of F-25! What were they planning now?, he thought. "All Phantoms, fire gamma field inducers on those freighters. We don't want them doing anything right now." The freighters suddenly found themselves spinning up and away from the planet.


The Nedra was going pretty well, surprisingly. It was half done, and as massive as planned. Most importantly, the Council has enough money left to spend on other things...

Title: Nedra BASE ship
Time till completion: 6 posts

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

Sorry if I've already posted this, but I will be away from this Friday (8/24) until about September 1.

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

ooc: I'm probably not going to be able to post tomorrow and maybe not Friday either. If someone wants to say they see Savior escaping that's ok. If anyone wants to know the reason I won't be on the computer, I'll tell them on AIM when I'm back on.

Of course Women don't work as hard as men....They do it right the first time.

Captain Keshane watched in awe as the battle continued. Even with the recent additions from the Mercenary Alliance and the actions of the I'ase, the battle was still firmly in Galactica control. "Look at that footage... we're going to have the best video ever! Bring us around 50 degrees and focus on that Dragon group."

"Aye, sir," Ian replied, with a somewhat disgusted tone in his voice. He was all for covering a big story, but his commander's attitude sickened him. As the crew of the arada looked on, two of the Dragons exploded in a ball of flames."

"Wow... did we get that on tape?" Keshane asked, awe and excitement in his voice. This comment was more than Ian could take.

"Is that all you care about?" Ian said in a disparaging tone, "Your footage? Your beloved pictures? People are dying out there by the thousands! Doesn't that bother you even a little bit?"

"What can we do to help them?" Keshane retorted. "We're one arada, armed with two primitive phase turrets and defense pods. It's not our place to fight - it's our place to sit here and record it all for the galaxy to see. The people must be informed."

"And what about these people?" Ian spat back, motioning to the battle raging on the ship's viewscreen. "Don't they matter too?"

"They knew what they were getting into. The UE should have been prepared for a Galactica attack. It's their own fault. Now man the cameras and get a shot of those dreadnaughts off the starboard bow."

"No, sir," Ian said coldly, drawing a phase pistol from his belt. Keshane noticed and reached for the button that activated the protective force field around the captain's chair, but he was too slow. Ian fired three shots, the first one grazing Keshane's arm, causing him to wince in pain. The second and third hit him directly in the abdomen. Keshane slumped over, unconscious.

"Velare," Ian said, turning to a young Strandless woman who was the ship's technician, "take him to the medical bay. I only had the pistol set to stun. He'll recover, but he'll need to be treated for shock. I've got to see what I can do to stop this massacre."

"You realize, don't you," Velare said, "That you just broke about a dozen laws and GNN regulations."

"Frankly, I don't care," Ian answered. "There are universal morals and common sense that transcend GNN regulations." Velare smiled. Obviously she agreed. But she still had a worried look about her.

"We're one ship. One primitive ship. There are thousands of them. Do you really think we can make a difference?" Velare asked.

"I don't know, but I can't live with myself if I don't try." Ian walked over to the captains chair, helped Velare hoist Keshane's limp form over her shoulders, and then activated the comm panel. "I hope this isn't a mistake," he thought to himself as he opened a wide-band channel, set to maximum amplitude. It would be enough to cut through the comm chatter and reach every ship in the system. Nervous but determined, he took hold of the microphone and pushed the transmit key.

"This is tactical officer and acting commander Ian Kenneth of the GNN arada Reporter 5 speaking. I appeal to you, stop the wanton waste of life. This is no battle, this is a slaughter. Thousands of brave souls have died in this battle already, and continuing will only result in further loss of life. Galactica vessels, I realize that the UE, Zidagar, and Mercenaries are your sworn enemies, but you must realize by now that these ships pose no threat to you. They are badly damaged, barely capable of fighting. To continue attacking them would not be sound tactics - it would be genocide. Thousands of lives are at stake. Do you really want the destruction of an entire race on your consience? To the UE, Zidagar, and Mercenary vessels that remain, I urge you to get out now. If you stay, Galactica will crush you all, and wipe all traces of your civilization from existance. Please, save yourselves. I realize there is little honor in retreat, but there is no honor in extinction."

Ian released the transmit key, and slumped back in his chair, nearly in tears from the emotion of it all. If the Galactica ships didn't take it well, his life could very well be in grave danger. Still, he felt as though he'd done something that had to be done - something truly worthwhile. Only time would tell how it would work out...

Ad Astra Per Aspera - "A rough road leads to the stars"

(This message has been edited by Thunder (edited 08-23-2001).)

The ground shook as another UE ship was destroyed by the Galactica fighters attacking the UE base, and the Galactica shock troopers shielded their eyes and activated their personal shields as debris and shrapnel flew their way.


"God, make it stop, PLEASE!" screamed a UE official as another one of his toes was broken. A Voinian was behind him, chuckling as the human was tortured. Another toe was broken, then a finger, then an arm. The Voinian was just about to go for the other arm when his squad's commander came in to the room.

"Now Corporal Gera, is that really necessary? Stop torturing th poor human." lectured the commander, and a glimmer of hope appeared in the tearful eyes of the UE official. The commander continued, "How many times have I told you that all you need to do is slit their throats?"

"No no no, torture is fi-" pleaded the human, but his talk deteriorated into wheezing and bubbling as Corporal Gera sliced open his throat.


Such was the mood throughout the UE base on F-25. The enemies of Galactica had put up little resistance and the shock troops were having some fun with them. It was a leisurely afternoon for all.

However, one group's mission had not yet been completed. A detachment of 100 soldiers was in the process of securing the Garland. After a few of them had been gunned down by the ships auto-defense systems, they had returned in full body armor and with Neutron rifles set on full automatic. They had stormed up through the immense ship, gunning down any humans or Zidagar they saw.

Finally they reached the bridge. Surprisingly, the door opened without a fight... all the point man had had to do was press the Open button. On the bridge, the soldier saw 2 people, neither of whom he recognised. One of them looked quite odd indeed, the other (a human) was lying on the floor, and looked injured. The odd one turned toward the soldier and casually shot him through the head.

For a moment the rest of the soldiers hesitated. Should they go in? Another soldier in full battle armor had just been shot easily... it could be dangerous. What the hell, they thought. 20 soldiers poured out onto the bridge, and leveled their rifles at the odd looking one. "Stand down!" one of them ordered, "You're under arrest!" Everyone waited to see how this strange character would react.


Fleet Admiral Voit finished watching the message broadcast from the GNN Arada. "People should know their station in life," he said with disgust in his voice. "This one should know that he is nothing but a reporter, and should not be so meddlesome. Destroy his ship." With that, 10 Heavy Pursuit Missiles shot toward the Arada, and within seconds it, and Ian Kenneth with it, were nothing but spacedust.

OOC: By the way, the odd one is Whitehawk, and the human is SilverDragon. Oh, and damn that rule about not killing anyone else's character 🙂

(url="http://"")Lilly(/url). Answers That Matter.

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 08-23-2001).)

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 08-23-2001).)

John Hunt heard the message that had sounded. The Earth's Pride was blazing out of one small battle, debris of a Galactica warship and fighters left behind her. The ship had taken some damage during the battle and five of her eight mines were gone. When Hunt heard the message, he tapped his command console and opened a channel to the Galactica warships. "This is Commander John Hunt of the Zacha to all Galactica ships. I ask once more that you stop firing and power down all weapons. This is your final warn..." The Pride shook as a barrage of Galactica battery fire pommeled the ship's forward shield grid.

Hunt closed the channel without so much as uttering another word. "Helm take us to bearing eight by nine mark twelve. Power all weapons as well."

As the Pride headed towards the assigned postion, five Zacha fighters, a destroyer and two Zacha aradas came rushing from the battle on an intercept course towards the GNN vessel. Without so much warning they postioned themselves around Reporter 5 and stood motionless; they would macth every move Reporter 5 would make. In front of this appeared the Earth's Pride, weapons grid fully charged. The goal of the Zachit ships was very clear and simple: should any ship move on the GNN vessel, they would have to go through the Zacha ships themselves. And that amounted up to two Echo Destroyers and seven fightercraft. It was no joking matter in anyway. One arada went in as to so much as intercept the pursuit missiles heading towards the GNN vessel. The only ship that was space dust was that Zacha arada pilot that had given his life to save innocents.

Hunt uttered an oath so vial that even Voinains would blush at it. "All free ships target incoming coordinates. I want that ship out of the sky, now!" Within seconds, every ship that could be spared opened fire on Voit's ship.

(This message has been edited by Captain Whitehawk (edited 08-23-2001).)

Er... which post counts in regards to Reporter 5? My post was maed first, but the part about the Arada was edited in after... I don't know if the editing was before or after Whitehawk's post.

(url="http://"")Lilly(/url). Answers That Matter.

OOC: I just know Esponer will be throwing a fit of moderations on the last few topics, Thunder's excluded. Also I'm adding my thought on that Thunder will most likely object to this as well, and as the co-moderator and basicly a great writer, he would most likely see the problems with these posts as well. In this advent, I'm willing, even grateful for any moderation that comes along. But for now, I go with it. Oh and the reason why I'm saying this is because Esponer's my friend, I respect him a great deal, and considering the last few posts, wouldn't be surprised if he put strict limits on this. I also have great admiration for Thunder and his works, and respect him a great deal as well.

So until it comes to the point, I'm waiting for either or both Esponer's and Thunder's replies. I would ask the rest to do likewise, but heh, it's your own decission people.


(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

OOC:First off, I don't mind your killing my NPC, BattleDoctor. I expect a few of 'em to bite the dust 😉 I don't really think that NPC's should be given the same respect as players, and so I don't mind if mine dies.

Still, I would be inclined to say that the Zacha should be given a chance to defend the GNN vessel if they want to. I'll defer the ruling to Esponer, though, since I'm sure he'll have something to say on the matter, and I'm obviously biased since it's my NPC that's the one getting killed off 🙂

Ad Astra Per Aspera - "A rough road leads to the stars"

(This message has been edited by Thunder (edited 08-23-2001).)

OOC: I know it's fine to kill off your NPC... when I refered to the rule about not killing people's players I meant that any respectable squad of Galactica troops would have opened fire immediately on Paladin and Hawk, killing them both.

(url="http://"")Lilly(/url). Answers That Matter.

OOC: For right now, I'm going to do something that inspires my more creative side.

IC: Hawk looked at Paladin and then to the 20 troopers around him. He smiled faintly and said, "Paladin, it seems I'm not the only one who wants to kill you. In the future, if you produce any evidence of that attack, then perhaps I'll defer to my better jugement. You may in fact be a force for the greater good." The soldiers looked confused as the Kisani spoke. Their mistake.

Hawk Kael had seen many decades of battles in both space and hand to hand. He had been renegade and Zacha and knew one thing above all others: how to survive. The weapon on his arm was partly due to it. Whatever else the asir was, it was also a weapon of uninprecident power. The Kisani spun around with a speed so fast that no soldier could react. From the asir, seven rapid large blasts were fired, four of them engulfing all the soldiers. The other three headed out of the enterence to the Garland's bridge and a massive BOOM was heard. As it died down, a huge chunk of thick metal fell down to block the entry to the bridge. Another, less powerful blast was fired at that metal. As it engulfed the slab, it was suddenly fused to the door way. Hawk had to lean against the console to keep from falling down. The power had come from his own life force, not the asir's own power source and it had weakened him greatly.

But for the time being, Paladin and Hawk were safe.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

There was much confusion in the corridor outside the bridge. Several team members had been killed when the odd looking one had sealed off the bridge. The commander was shouting orders, but nothing could be heard over the din of the troops. Some were trying to kick the barrier down. Other yelled "Move out of the way!" then opened fire with their Neutron rifles. All of this was to no avail... the bridge remained quite sealed off from any Galactica shock troopers. The Galactica commander had no choice but to order his troops out of the Garland.

Once outside, the troops still had to find away to get into that bridge and either capture or kill Paladin. First they tried their shoulder-mounted Inferno Cannons, a smaller version of those found on ships. The troops aimed their Cannons at the bridge off the Garland, high above. The Cannons had no affect, as the Garland had some of the most advanced armor anywhere. Next they brought out 3 Magnetic Howitzers. As the explosive shells impacted the area around the Garland's bride, it became clear that this was not working. "Get me an engineer!" ordered the commander of the troops.

After inspecting the barrier blocking the bridge, the engineer turned to the commander and said,"There's nothing I can do. We could wait for the shisp to send down som e more powerful charges, maybe, but this metal is very strong, and it's fused to the walls and we aren't going to get through it easily. I could call in an airstrike, if you'd like. The Garland is tough but not invulnerable."

The commander replied,"No, no. We want the human alive, apparently. Fleet says they've got a cell reserved for him at Saalia Prison Colony."

"Ouch. I feel really sorry for him. That place is worse than death."

"I agree with you, but what can we do? Fleet orders, and I have a feeling these ones are from the Emperor."

The two continued to talk as they waited for bigger charges to be sent from the ships.

(url="http://"")Lilly(/url). Answers That Matter.

Tai was disgusted at Galactica's show of cruelty. He decided to do something about it. Armed with a flak rifle and flak grenades, he flew down to the shock troops and docked with the Garland. Moving toward the bridge, he wondered what would happen next...

Title: Nedra BASE ship
Time till completion: 5 posts

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept