Reign of Chaos 2 - Chapter II

Captain Firebird, leader of the Mercenary Alliance fleet that was encountering the I'ase ships, quickly responded. "Yes, we would greatfully accept a trade of technology between our two peoples, Admiral Ma'ose. However, please note that we are a relatively small government and have very limited technologies. We will send over the designs for our Proton Weaponry and Anti-Proton Cloak. However, we would like to keep the design plans for our Raven to ourselves for the moment. I am now initiating the transfer. Now what technologies do you have to offer to us?"


A fleet of about 20 Ravens had been assembled and set off for Captain Firebirds fleet to help reinforce it. Carnotaur was going to use this assembled fleet to try and help the UE, Zacha, and Zidagar as much as he could. Carnotaur knew he could never go into a full scale war with Galactica and win, but he couldn't just do nothing. Firebird was to stay in the only entrance to F-25 and do whatever damage they could to incoming Galactica forces.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Paladin sighed, and looked at Hawk.

"You just don't get it, do you, Hawk? So trapped by your own mind, your own ethics, you don't see."

Hawk turned slightly at the sound, but a laser took him in the head before he turned. Paladin's firearm, in hand and on stun mode, had been pointing toward Hawk's head.

Hawk fell back, and his eyes blinked. His was unable to move a muscle.

"What you don't know, is the truth. And I shall tell it," Paladin continued. "Those ships you saw - the civilian ones - were perfectly in the right. In fact, they were more than that. One of them, a Scoutship known as the Veradon, had just returned from a uninhabited planet east of renegade space, carrying a personage who had been captured by the renegades some time earlier."

"That person, to be specific, was Admiral Liewon, who, if you've kept any records, was a close friend of mine. It was the renegades who destroyed those vessels, Hawk. Never underestimate the power of them - you especially should know that. They took the UE vessels in the Pariah system during an unsuccessful raid, and we were unable to destroy them in time...They passed most of our patrols, as well, so I'll let you pass on feeling guilty," Paladin finished, managing a faint smile.

Before he had finished, however, Hawk was out cold.

Paladin turned, to the bridges automated defences. He went to the main consoles and directed the remaining power to them - two powerful fast firing railgun turrets. He then went to a small armoury in the bridge designed for this time, and took out a personal shield generator and a huge neutron blaster that had been acquired from the Voinians.

Switching the shield generator on, and holding the neutron blaster up, he said one sentence quite clearly.

"Computer, activate bridge guns, primary target bridge door, secondary target non-UE personnel."

As he said it, the railguns blasted at the mass, which was easier to pull down from thise side. The doorway was cleared in seconds, and all hell broke loose.

Paladin's words seemed to echo in the room just before the firing started - "I am Paladin of the UE, and I will fight to the death."

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

The few troops still inside the Garland were quite surprised, to say the least, when the bridge was suddenly opened to them. In the doorway stood the human, sporting a Neutron rifle. As he opened fire he exclaimed, "I am Paladin of the UE, and I will fight to the death!" 5 troops were shredded instantly by the Neutron fire. Nobody managed to get any shots off at Paladin, but one of the troops did manage to get to his radio.

"This is Lieutenant Toff, on the Garland! We're under heavy fire! Please send assistance!" said a voice in the troops' commander's comm unit. It took the commander a few seconds to realise what must be happening, but when he did he immediately yelled, "All Galactica Shock Troopers, get up the Garland's bridge NOW! The UE commander has opened fire on our troops!"

The air was filled with the noise of hundreds of rifles being armed. The Garland's bridge was just around the corner from the mass of soldiers. "Now remember, Neutron rifles on stun." reminded the commander. "This man is to be taken into custody. Go." At the commander's last word 20 of the troops stormed into the bridge's access corridor, only to be cut down by railgun fire. "Damnit!" yelled the commander. "Grenades, now!"

The troops nearest to the bridge's corridor lobbed a few frag grenades around the corner, and covered their ears. They they activated their guns' scopes, and peered aroudn the corner. Through the visors on their helmets, the troops could see whatever the gun's scope was looking at. one of the railguns had been disabled, the other was still searching for a target. From around the corner, 2 of the troops fired on the last railgun and destroyed it. Now all that was left to get through was Paladin.

10 troops began to run towards Paladin, guns blazing. Unfortunately for them, the shots were deflected by his shield and he mowed them down with his Neutron rifle. The next team to attempt to attack Paladin turned their shield on first, but they were gunned down just as easily.

For one long minute the commander puzzled about what to do. This Paladin person was in a very good position, had superior firepower, and had a shield. Finally, he decided to give the order for stun grenades to be thrown in. This was risky, because stun grenades were unreliable and often killed people. He dreaded what would happen if he were to accidentally kill this man...

Paladin was caught by surprise as dozens of stun grenades came flying at his suddenly. He dropped his Neutron rifle and immediately dived for cover. Unfortunately for him, he was just a little too slow. Though he was too far from the grenades to get stunned, the force of all the explosions propelled him across the room, and into the opposite wall. Instantly, he was knocked out.

As the troops were dragging Paladin from the room after placing several restraints on him, they noticed that the odd looking fellow they had seen earlier was lying on the floor, apparently unconscious. They placed restraints on him as well, and began to drag him alongside Paladin down to the captured UE base.

(url="http://"")Lilly(/url). Answers That Matter.

Lieutenant Darkthorne was a cautious man, the type of man who would never succumb to any overwhelming loyalty, or indeed emotions. He was a brawler, and his loyalty he knew was never thought of as very high. Ironic, it was, for Darkthorne to be standing there, over two Galactica bodies, one of the only soldiers in the Garland still fighting.

The standard P-51 Accelerated Proton Firearm in his hand was already low on power from it's last battery, and Darkthorne hadn't made it very far when it came to killing Galactica soldiers. As good as he was with the gun, he was nothing to the heavily armed and armoured Galactica troopers who had swarmed the Garland.

To many, escape was the last option, and also an impossible one. Darkthorne wanted to do one thing first.

Looking up, he found the ventilation shaft he wanted, and pushed himself in with much effort. He then proceded to crawl through the tight shaft, damning his fear of close places.

He was breathing hard, almost fainted from fear, when he dropped loudly into the bridge of the Garland. If he'd been a minute earlier, he'd have been gunned down by Galactica soldiers. As it was, through the blasted door from the bridge, Lieutendant Darkthorne could hear the voices of Galactica soldiers.

"...can't believe we got him..."

"...this guy, think he's that Zacha leader?"

"...nah, looks too young..."

"...but to catch Paladin himself..."

Darkthorne was stunned. They had caught Paladin? If that had happened, there was little for it. He walked slowly to the Garland's console, and viewed an obviously unused button, which was usually kept under a glass clasp. It read above, "armageddon", and Darkthorne instantly knew what it was.

His finger went out to the button slowly, a faint smile on his face. The Garland's explosion would wipe the system clean, but Darkthorne wouldn't care. He had no chance of getting out, and he knew he would be doing Paladin a favour. And he'd never liked Zidagar anyway.

As his finger crossed within an inch of the button, his heart began to beat faster...a millimetre closer his finger went.

And then, painful oblivion took him as a Galactica soldier shot him in the back. Darkthorne fell forward, and ironically his body smashed the glass clasp back into place, sealing it so that only Paladin could open it again.

"...damn UE, they're everywhere..."

"...think we've got them all now..."

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

Paladin and Hawk had been captured, and were now on board the fleet's command ship. The ship, called the G.S.S. Incursion, was totally surrounded by the remaining Galactica forces; nothing was getting near it. To insure his safe exit fromthe system, Fleet Admiral Voit sent out a message.

"To all Non-Galactica Empire ships. This is Fleet Admiral Voit speaking. I am willing to cease firing on all your ships if you will let my fleet exit the system. If you allow this fleet to exit, the Emperor will declare F-25 off limits to all Galactica ships, and you will be allowed to stay here, without fear of any attacks. Know also that I have Paladin and Zacha Hawk on my ship, and by destroying this ship you would be killing them."

(url="http://"")Lilly(/url). Answers That Matter.

Hawk’s eyes opened just a little bit. His ears picked up the sound of Voinians talking and he stiffened. In his mind’s eye he saw himself off the bridge of the Garland and somewhere else on the massive ship. He felt the dread slip away with weariness. The blasts had drained him and the shot from Paladin had done moreso. His eyes widened for a moment at the thought of the asir being taken from him, but the weapon was still on him, macthed to his skin as if to become part of him. His arms were also bound; what could be expected from an unconscious person.

Hawk suddenly groaned as a foot kicked him in the gut. He didn’t move however. He was kicked a few more times and a voice spoke, “He’s out, alright. Won’t be do much damage either. He looks familar though, however. Can’t seem to place at the moment.” The Kisani heard footsteps going away, but could still feel the prescence of someone over him. The asir heated up and was quietly disenigrating the restraint on the right arm. Through the bare slits, he could almost make out a hand moving back and forth over his face. That was one thing he hated.

Hawk’s eyes opened suddenly. The soldier uttered a deep oath, but that was all he managed. The Kisani’s right arm thrusted up and a blast of white energy was released from the now visible asir. It hit the Voinian in the chest and hurtled him up and across the room with great force. He was dead of course, but the blast wasn’t strong enough to vaporise him; but the body did have its uses. It crashed into a another soldier and knocked him unconscious, which in turn caused the other soldiers to look at their direction.

With a great speed leant by fear and determination, the Kisani was up and moving, avoiding blaster fire as he went. The guards of course, chased him across the room, and thought they had victory when Hawk was running straight towards a wall. It was a well known fact that Voinians were great tacticans and even masters of combat, but most of the race was just plain stupid at times.

Hawk leaped and his feet met the wall facing him. With exelent grace and accrobatics, the Kisani flipped over the soldiers chasing him and landed behind them. One flash of energy and they were no more. Weapons fire caused him to drop behind an enclosed console area. He ducked behind it and tried returning fire, but couldn’t at times. He mangaed to get off one shot and it hit an officer. This was followed by more enemy fire, until he managed to get yet another shot; he carefully considered his options. Paladin was there in the room with him, so it had to be the most likely choice. No information must fall into the hands of Galactica.

He decided against it and decided another course of action. In a sudden, intensive blast he fired at a guard and a great white light appeared. When the light returned to normal, the soldier was nowhere in sight. And neither was Hawk Kael...

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

MOD: Revoked, Hawk. That weapon wouldn't be in easy range.

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

I know that the post has already been revoked, but just so you know, Paladin and Hawk are in cells in the flagship's brig, surrounded by forcefields and watched at all times by a large number of guards. Sorry, but you two aren't really in a position to escape.

(url="http://"")Lilly(/url). Answers That Matter.

Ok, I spoke to Esponer, and the Prylak are coming into the galaxy. Also, he said that the research on the flash pack and Wraith fighter was finished.


'Open the hypergate.'

These words echoed the heads of people all over the Prylak galaxy. Lord Gwydion, the emperor of the Prylak, had ordered the worst fear of the Prylak was to be unleashed. He ordered that an entire galaxy be connected to another. A whole galaxy full of strange and terrifying races be opened to another full of the same.


The Prylak research division was celebrating the completion of the research of the Wraith fighter. It had dozens of successes against a pirate system in tests. In fact, it was so successful that the entire pirate system was put down with only three squadrons of four fighers.

Anyhow, after the completion of the Wraith fighter and flash pack, the research division was immediately set to work upon another project. The Prylak Supercarrier. It was to be feared by all, nearly 1 KM in length, holding 20 Plasma turrets, carrying an enourmous load of 20 Wraith fighters. And it's armour could not be penetrated by even a flash pack.


The hypergate was opened, and the sight of a strange, alien station came to view to the first squadron of Wraith fighers to see this new galaxy.


Research project initiated:

Project name: Prylak Supercarrier
Time before completion: 20 posts

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url) | (url="http://"")Daedalus Developers' Website(/url) | (url="http://"")Daedalus Developers' Board(/url)

"Wait wait wait, just say it once more, I promise this is the last time." asked BattleDoctor.

BattleDoctor's aide sighed and repeated, "Paladin of the UE and Zacha Hawk have been taken into custody by Fleet Admiral Voit's forces, and will head back here as soon as they can." The aide was growing tired... he had lost count off how many times the Emperor had made him say this.

"Ha-HA! I did it again! This great news... has torture of the prisoners begun yet?"

"I didn't ask, sir. I'll tell Voit you said to start right away."

"Good, good. Now go send the message. Oh, and tell Voit to keep them alive... I want to talk to them personally."


"Sir, I'm detecting a fleet of Mercenary Alliance warships on the edge of the system," stated the Communications Officer on the bridge of the Incursion. "I believe they are trying to prevent our exit from the system. Shall I hail them?"

"No," responded Voit. "What kind of numbers do they have?"

"At least 50 of their Raven-class ships, with an assortment of smaller vessels as well. Shall I send out the order to attack?"

"Indeed you should."

"Incursion to Galactica 3rd Fleet, begin missile barrage of the enemy fleet."

The Galactica fleet began to get into an attack formation as the forwardmost ships began launching volleys of Heavy Pursuit Missiles at the MA fleet. The MA was caught off guard, and several of the ships nearest to the Galactica fleet were destroyed within the first few volleys, including 10 Ravens.

The MA fleet was now aware of the attack, and kicked their thrusters to 100% as they charge weapons and raised shields. Their Ravens jetted toward the mass of Galactica warships, and began to fire weapons.

Frigates at the front of the Galactica fleet began to take hits from enemy missiles even as the Dreadnought arrayed out behind them incinerated enemy ships with their powerful Fusion Beams. The Carriers had scrambled their fighters, and 2 Ravens were swarmed and destroyed by Galactica Fighters.

The Mercenary Alliance's ships were superior to those of Galactica in terms of maneuverability, however, and as they reached the enemy fleet they weaved in and out of it, firing turrets while managing to evade most of the Cluster Missiles and Inferno Turret shots. Large, slow Galactica cruisers were quickly being destroyed.

Fortunately for Galactica, the MA fleet was both outnumbered and outgunned. As the battle progressed, it became clear that the MA had to make a retreat or be destroyed. The MA fleet began to disperse, and Galactica's warships once again were able to advance towards the jump point.

(url="http://"")Lilly(/url). Answers That Matter.

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 08-24-2001).)

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 08-24-2001).)

Paladin had been awake for several hours, but had been lying with his eyes closed in his cell since then, so as not to warn any guards. He knew exactly what type of situation he was in, and he had an escape, if he needed to use it.

Suddenly, Paladin's eyes came open, and he started a fit of coughing. Confused, two guards moved forward to open the forcefield, but the officer in command stopped them.

"What are you thinking? That man's dangerous. Leave him where he is!" the officer shouted at the guards even as Paladin continued his fit of coughing.

During his coughing, Paladin managed to cough up a small red and blue pill. He tucked it between two fingers without anyone noticing, then settled down where he was.

The pill was poison, and Paladin had swallowed it whole so it did not have the effect. He could break it open and take it quickly and easily now, should the situation require.

Paladin, however, didn't want to have to go down that way.

He knew there would be forcefields, he knew there would be guards. He knew escape was impossible. But Paladin wasn't going to die to some Galactica torturer. He would die his own way, in his own time.

Slowly, Paladin stood up. A set of phase rifles instantly pointed towards him, but he didn't seem to be of much threat. He staggered about, dizzy, almost sawing himself apart through the forcefield, then falling back against the wall.

His posture suddenly straightened, and he looked the officer in the eye.

" Paladin...of the UE...and I" he muttered as he had done previously, his eyes glinting, his mouth sore from being literally thrown onto the hard metal floor face down. "You'"

The Galactica officer laughed. "You're staying right where you are, boy! We're not going to let you out of this easily."

Paladin winked. "See this?" he seperated his two fingers enough for the officer to see the red and blue pill. "It'll end my life whenever I want it." Paladin then laughed. "Not to mention the effect it'll have on my cybernetic implants, but then again, you didn't know about that, did you? I died....long a race called the Prylak. My people brought me back, but not as what I was before!" Paladin was laughing almost hysterically.

"If I take this pill, you'll...well, boom!" Paladin's laughter seemed crazed, as did his wild gesturing."

"Sir?" one soldier asked, worried.

"I'm...not sure what to think," the officer replied. "Emperor BattleDoctor would kill us if we were to try and..."

The soldier nodded, and all three of them suddenly realised Paladin had stopped laughing.

"BattleDoctor?" he said warily. "So...that's who it was..."

The officer grinned. "The same one who beat you in Pokoren, the Great BattleDoctor."

Paladin nodded soberly, and he threw the pill towards the forcefield. It fizzled out of existance in a second. "BattleDoctor, formerly leader of the Voinians...a man who thinks it fit to kill us just because we want to return home...I would meet him. Send the message, send it now, that I request an audience."

Paladin's mind was clouded, even to him. Several words floated in his mind - the Sephiroth, the Excalibur, the Paladin, the Garland, the Ultima Project...... The Ultima Project, the most advanced technological project in the galaxy, a project to seek out the true power of existance. The project had not been worked on since Paladin had last controlled the UE. He remembered an update on the research...

_"Sir, the first emitter is ready," one scientist had said excitedly. "If we're correct, we should be able to use the power of the human mind as an organised weapon. This psionic emitter is only a first stage weapon, but it's powers are truly amazing."

"What about the wider range Ultima Project?" Paladin had asked.

The scientist sighed. "We know that the energy we call Ultima exists in space, but it's even more impossible to harness than tachyons. You see, Ultima...." the scientist had ranted on for some time...._

Paladin idly wondered what had happened to that psionics emitter. It had never been tested, or mentioned in any records. They had begun the Ultima Project not completely as a project, just idly. Doctor Kaelinsky, was the name of the scientist. Paladin never found out what had happened to him. One day, when he had been testing the psionics emitter, he had just disappeared. The emitter itself had been destroyed, and the memories were gone. The UE had been intending to continue work on the Ultima Project later, but never had managed it.

"And I request one last message to the outside world. To Carnotaur of the Mercenary Alliance, and also to the other man you apprehended. I beg of you," Paladin asked, waiting for a response.

Perhaps the project could be passed on to someone else, but how that could be done with a short, monitored message Paladin didn't know......

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 08-24-2001).)

The two guards looked at each other. This man was obviously near death... his sanity was slipping and he seemed weak. They weren't quite sure what to do.

"Sir?" one of them asked to the officer. "Can we let this man talk? He's nearing the end of his life, let him have one last request."

"Sure, why not. He's just lucky we're Igadzra." They all laughed at that.

One of the guards walked up to the forcefield and said, "Paladin, we've decided you can talk to the Emperor. Hawk is heavily sedated right now, maybe you can talk to him later. Let me just call Emperor BattleDoctor and I'll put you right through."

BattleDoctor was playing on a strange Azdgari horn, producing an odd sound that could hardly be called 'music' at all. He was thankful for the interruption as his intercom buzzed and his aide said, "You've got an incoming call from the G.S.S. Incursion, currently in hyperspace. It's from one of the prison guards."

"Is it about the torture? Is the torture going well?"

"Hold on sir, I'll ask." There was a pause, and then, "No, they haven't started the torture yet. Apparently the prisoner Paladin has requested an audience with you. Shall I put it through?"

"No torture yet? Damn. Okay, put the call through."

An Igadzra appeared on BattleDoctor's wallscreen. The picture quality was low, so he must have been talking to him through a datapad. "Sir!" The Igadzra saluted. "Paladin wants to speak with the Emperor! Shall I let him?"


The picture went blank as the pad was passed through the forcefield, to Paladin. "So," said BattleDoctor, disrespectfully, "Whaddya want?"

(url="http://"")Lilly(/url). Answers That Matter.

Paladin smiled. "Ah, BattleDoctor himself. I remember you, back from the battle in Pokoren... What do I want, you ask? I want you to know this... Back then, we weren't fighting each other, in those days. And my people called your blood. I had no choice but to attack, or lose my position."

"And I couldn't lose my position, not in those days...when the UE were in so much trouble. I ordered the attack, that is correct, and we marched to Pokoren."

"And died. We were slaughtered in the thousands."

"But my people...they died with honour...and for that I envy them. I intended to watch it go down, to stay on Paaren Station as I lost my people, to die with them. But Carnotaur stole that from me."

"Thus I ask you, BattleDoctor. Rid this galaxy of Carnotaur, as it was him and not you who ruined me."

"I know you hate me, BattleDoctor, but once we were as friends. I never betrayed you, not in my mind. If it was my choice, I would have fought the Odine and the Azdgari to the bitter end, but I didn't have that choice."

"I just want you to know that, and this...You'll get nothing out of torturing me, for I surrendered my honour long ago for my people on the fields of Pokoren."

Paladin's thoughts were raging. If the Zidagar moved to Carnotaur's space, they could stall any number of Galactica forces. Paladin was relying on the Azdgari, but first he needed to talk to Hawk. And soon.

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

As BattleDoctor cut the commlink he was left wondering. Was this true? Had Paladin been forced into betraying him by his people? Had Carnotaur really done all this? Could BattleDoctor really trust his old enemy? And was this torture ever going to happen? He was not quite sure about any of these.

After a long while of pondering it all began to become clear to BattleDoctor. Paladin had wanted to fight the Odine, and the Azdgari, as they were as much a threat to him as they were to me. But the UE people had wanted to fight the Voinians, and Paladin had had to betray the Voinians or lose his position as the UE's leader. There was no way to be sure about Carnotaur... but what reason did Paladin have to lie about this? BattleDoctor decided that for the time being, Paladin would be believed, and he would be spared from the torturer. What a pity, BattleDoctor so enjoyed the torture. Well, there's still Hawk.

He pressed the button on his intercom and asked his aide, "Will the Incursion be arriving here soon?"

"Yes, sir," the aide answered, "but Paladin may not last the trip... his health is not good."

"Tell the ship that by order of the Emperor, Paladin is to be treated at the ship's sickbay. Make sure they keep restraints on him, though."

"Yes, sir."

Paladin needed to be kept alive, at least for now.

(url="http://"")Lilly(/url). Answers That Matter.

Battle of F-25 Losses

Primary Numbers: 4000
Losses: 6 Galactica Dreadnoughts, 500 Galactica Cruisers, 350 Galactica Carriers, 750 Galactica Frigates, 1000 Galactica Fighters
Final Numbers: 1600

Primary Numbers: 750
Losses: 125 Dragons, 100 Drakes, 450 Wyverns
Final Numbers: 75 (25 Dragons, 50 Wyverns)

Primary Numbers: 1200
Losses: Unknown
Final Numbers: 600

Primary Numbers: Unknown
Losses: Approx. 10 Ravens
Final Numbers: Unknown

As you can see, the UE are almost totally crushed. UE command is switched to Rima of the Zidagar (Rima may send them messages as to where to head).


That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

MOD: Battledoctor, your third most recent post - the one with the battle with the Ravens - has been revoked, as Carnotaur would have left the system instantly. Sorry.

Just to remind everyone, the main Zidagar forces and the remaining UE squadrons are in F-25.

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 08-24-2001).)

OOC: Where is the Savior?

Also, let's assume that the I'ase either are following the Ravens (since they still need to give me my tech) or are waiting for the Ravens in the system that leads to F-25.


The fleet of Ravens (approximately 70 of them left) entered the F-25 system. It was the closest and safest port availible, and the Ravens needed to be rearmed, repaired, and refueled (the three Rs of what to do in a battle 😉 ) before their trip back to Mercenary Alliance space. Once they had done this (quickly) they immediately started to head back to MA space...


Back on Emalghia, the Dragon the MA had recieved from the UE was being analyzed, and the same thing was being done to the actual technology it brought back. Carnotaur wanted to have a design for the Dragon ready so the MA could build more of them. Carnotaur also wanted to upgrade the Raven even more with this new technology.


(We are currently working on some new sub-space inhibitor technology. Its purpose; to seal off the jumplink to F-25 and assure that no one will be able to exploit the technology of the Garland. However, we need help; we can't finish it that quickly, and so research assistence from you would be greatly appreciated.)


Title: OmegaCon Project
Subject: Aurora Battleship
Time Till Completion: 7 Posts


Title: Sub-Space Inhibitor
Time Till Completion: 3 Posts (research speeded up due to extra funding from Zacha, as well as from the technology taken from the Dragon)


30 Ravens Built - Total: 210
1 New Planetary Defense Cannon Built for Other Planets
1 New Shipyard being built in Kelmoan
All of Mercenary Alliance fleet either scraped or refitted

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 08-24-2001).)

Ariq Lance, commander of the remaining UE forces - not even a hundred ships - moved his personal Wyvern down to the Garland. The other UE ships followed.

He quickly rigged the up and sent a message to Rima of the Zidagar.

"Rima of the Zidagar, it is an honour to greet you. This is Major Ariq Lance, formerly of the UE Squadron Westwing. I am now the highest ranking UE officer surviving."

"We are remaining at the Garland for the time being, to try and intregate it within the planets suitable enviroment. I strongly suggest you get all your forces to Mercenary Alliance space right away."

"We'll stay here as long as possible. There are too many civilians still alive in the Garland for us to leave it, and too many technologies... Prosper, Great Leader."

Lance turned the off rudely, shivering slightly despite himself. He then prepared the United Earth forces.

Ten Dragons and thirty Wyverns were picked out to remain with the Garland, and the remaining forces set off for Mercenary Alliance space.

All officers of the UE had gathered in the Garland's briefing room. Ariq Lance sat in the place, but not in the seat, Paladin would normally sit at. Paladin's seat was in the corner of the room.

"We are no longer the UE, people. The UE died when we lost Paladin..." Lance began, leaping straight into the main problem. He was never very good with people. "So, we need a new name, and I would suggest.... That we become the Terran Colony, as that is what we are - humans, and new colonists."

No-one was leaping in joy about it, but it was done. The Terran Colony had begun...

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

The GNN Arada Observer 18 was idly hanging in space, awaiting orders from GNN headquarters. On the bridge, the captain looked across the table at his tactical officer and technician. Slowly he drew a card, and discarded another in it's place. Shuffling his cards a bit, he surpressed a smile. "Only two more cards..." he thought. His technician was next, snatching up the captain's discard and adding it to his own hand. He discarded another card of his own. As the tactical officer reached for the deck, the technician put his hand up, signaling for him to wait. He laid his own cards out on the table. "Gin!"

As the technician shuffled the cards for the next round, warning lights beeped from the command console. The captain lept out of his chair, running over to the console. On the viewscreen a strange sight could be seen - some kind of jumpgate had appeared near the edge of the system.

"What happened?!?"

"We've got a strange jumpgate and several unidentified fighters!"

"Are those I'ase ships?"

"I don't think so - no, the design style is way different. Like nothing I've ever seen before."

"Take us toward them, slowly." Cautiously, Observer 18 left orbit of the station, approaching the swift vessels. Luckily the alien ships were moving toward them, because they were obviously far faster than the GNN vessel.

"What do we know about these ships? Any other sightings?"

"No sightings reported - all we know is that their IFF transponders, or their equivalent of the IFF transponder, identify them as the 'Pyrlak'."

Slowing to a halt, the captain of the GNN arada opened a comm link and hailed the unknown vessels. "This is the captain of the vessel Observer 18 speaking. I represent the Galactic News Network, a peaceful civilian press organization dedicated to finding and reporting the news all across this galaxy. On behalf of the GNN and the inhabitants of this galaxy, welcome to the Milky Way." He closed the comm link, and waited for a response.

"I sure hope they're friendly aliens," he thought to himself.


OOC: Since Esponer never posted a moderation about the GNN arada in the Battle of F-25, I'll assume it survived to leave the system. If I'm mistaken in this assumption, feel free to revoke this part of the post, Esponer.

IC: Ian rushed across the bridge of the Reporter 5 as yet another alarm beeped. This hyperspace thing was more difficult than he'd thought. With his captain was still recovering in the medical bay, and none to happy about what he called "a trecherous act of mutiny by his crew," so it was up to Ian to get the ship safely out of F-25 to more peaceful territory. Even now he could hear his captain's rantings coming from the deck below. "...dare to defy my commands and then attempt to murder me! When Galactica finds out what you two did, they'll torture you to no end! When I get out of here the first thing I'm gonna do is turn you over..."

Ian knew full well that his captain was right - if he returned to Galactica space, he would be killed, and that was if he was lucky. More likely he would be imprisoned, perhaps even tortured. Kayia was in the deepest corner of Galactica space, no way to reach it. The bridge of the vessel began to shake, as the Reporter 5 made an undignified exit from hyperspace, spinning to a halt. Ian was momentarily disoriented, but pleased by what he saw. Dozens of vessels, all moving about busily. He opened a comm channel, hailing the nearest military vessel. "Mercenary Alliance vessel, this is acting commander Ian Kenneth of the formerly GNN arada Reporter 5. I officially request asylum for me and my technician."

Ad Astra Per Aspera - "A rough road leads to the stars"

(This message has been edited by Thunder (edited 08-24-2001).)

The mercenary alliance vessel hailed Firebird and reported the situation. The Vulture, Firebirds personal ship, moved forward and hailed the small Arada. After learning what they wanted, Firebird nodded. "You are more than welcome in Mercenary Alliance space. Please move into the middle of our fleet and stay close to the ships Majestic and Centaur."

And with that, the Mercenary Alliance fleet began to move forward and prepared to head back towards MA space...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).