Combat techniques

How do you edit a post because I seem to find the mistakes after I hit the "submit reply" button?


Originally posted by Jubee on diff com:
How do you edit a post because I seem to find the mistakes after I hit the "submit reply" button?

Only registed users and moderators can edit a message. Also, your strategy is what I consider the third cheapest abuse of the EV/EV:O AI 😄

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"")Bushisms(/url).

What's num. 2?????


Originally posted by CaptAceHarddrive:
When it comes to Voinians, I use my Mass Flare (something akin to a forklift) ...

Evil! Evil!

My strategy's based mostly on speed -- either keep strafing them, for the (url="http://"")slow-firing and slow-moving Voinian ships(/url), the circling around and firing for most other warships, and fighters aren't too difficult -- just afterburner out to the edge of the system, and the fighters will usually come out to you individually or in small groups, no big deal with phase turrets (against most ships) or blaze or Emalgha (against Voinians).

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
"Common sense is not so common." -- Voltaire, Philosophical Dictionary

Well, the obvious strategy is to avoid getting hit. Promotes longeivity :).

What I actually do depends on two things: what I'm flying, and what they're flying.
If I'm in a fighter (which is the usual, just look at my username) the idea is to dodge their secondaries and then move in and circle.

If, on the other hand, I'm flying a warship, I can usually flatten them in close range. If the enemy is a tougher but slower warship, I use the tactic described above.

(P.S., yes, this is my first post. But don't call me a newbie: I've been reading these boards for months.)



Originally posted by General Rak:
**Ah! The monty python in use again. I actually like to dance in circles around the enemy while blasting away.


No no! Monty Python involves running away, this tactic is remaining equidistant to the target, and is used on really fast enemies.



The above post can be concidered
"Parlez vous sans mon derreire"
As the french probably wouldn't say.


Originally posted by Aben Zin:
**No no! Monty Python involves running away, this tactic is remaining equidistant to the target, and is used on really fast enemies.

Sorry for the misclassification :frown:

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Originally posted by Azdara Pilot:
**No no! Monty Python involves running away, this tactic is remaining equidistant to the target, and is used on really fast enemies.

i thought that was the monty python, gettin urself up to the same speed as the target ship and staying equidistance away and firing at them while u remain untouched.

anyways... one tactic i like to use in conjunction with the monty python (at least my definition of it) when fighting big, slow ships (like the dreadnought) is using the caps lock. basically u get urself traveling at the same speed as the ship and then hit the caps. watch closely to make sure they dont gain on u or start to fall back. when u need to readjust ur speed just take off the caps and make the necessary adjustments, then turn it on again. this can save u ton of time if, lets say ur in an arada goin up against the dreadnought. be warned tho, if ur not paying attention u can loss ur ship in the blink of an eye.

PS: in regard to one of the previous posts: the A key aligns? lol, ive owned evo for like 3 years and i didnt learn that til today. neato!

/ a c h

<edit: i some how messed up the quote by Azdara Pilot. i must have accidently deleted one of the tags. it should be fixed now.>

(This message has been edited by Xach (edited 09-14-2001).)

A side-effect of increasing or decreasing game speed is what weapons the AI will use.

<testing updated signature>

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