Combat techniques

I usually move away from the ship I'm trying to destroy, staying just out of its range and fire at it with my turrets. Of course, this requires a ship faster than the enemy. Does anybody else do anything different?


Anougther person using the infamous Monty Python...

I say what occurs to me to say when I think I hear people say things, more I cannot say.


Originally posted by Zak:
**I usually move away from the ship I'm trying to destroy, staying just out of its range and fire at it with my turrets. Of course, this requires a ship faster than the enemy. Does anybody else do anything different?


Besides the monty python, try encircling your oppenent. Circle around him while firing your turrets. You can also spearhead him, lunge at him with guns blazing. This works becuase humans can inflict more damage than AI.

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Well, it depends on what I'm fighting. For now, I'll list what I do against each fighter out there, and maybe I'll list what I do against the greater ships around later.

Voinian Heavy Fighter: I've found that just 1 rocket disables the thing, so as it comes into view I blast it with one. Most of the time I can disable after it fires its first rocket, though I've taken a few down before they can do anything.

Voinian Interceptor: Not that different. I don't think this disables with a rocket hit, so you just gotta follow it up with a little primary fire. No big deal.

The Krait: Oh, c'mon.

Emalgha Fighter: Its slow, and thus not very difficult to deal with. Voinian ships beware, though. Strike it with rockets and/or your longer-ranged neutrons before it gets near enough to get you with those armor-shredding cannons.

UE Fighter: This is a tough cookie, its pretty fast and the shielding is decent, and the rockets can hurt. I try to take em' on one at a time and hit em' simultaneously with primary fire and whatever secondaries I happen to have. Its well-nigh impossible to kill one without getting shot though, unless you're in a very fast ship.

Crescent Fighter: With phase turrets or cannons, a piece of cake. With neutrons and blaze its a tad more difficult, with the slow-fire of the neutron and the relative weakness of the blaze. When turrets just won't do or aren't enough, simply hit em' with a dispersal rocket as you fire. Its dead in no time.

Zidagar Fighter: Same as the Crescent Fighter. Phased beams make it more of a pain.

Zachit Fighter: I let its missiles strike nearby asteroids (by keeping my ship behind them), then attack it just like I do with the Crescent fighter.

Azdara: A major pain, because you usually end up going against several of them at once. What I do is try lining them up right in front of my ship, then blasting it with a dispersal rocket to bring down the shields and finishing it off with primary fire. Its much easier with phase weapons. The Zidagar phased beam works even better than the dispersal, and the plasma siphon does an adequate job IF you don't fire it too early. If you do all it does is knock the Azdara away, where its shields regenerate in no time. The plasma siphon can be tough to work with successfully, but its worth getting the hang of for its unlimited usage.

I'll cover the other ships later as time allows.



Spearhead: You need a faster ship than your target, and a faster shield recharge. Note that if their weapons capacity is too strong this won't work (Crescent Fighter vs Igadzra), for example, and if they have forward rockets you must dance around them, making sure they run out, before using this.

Move away from the target. Hold down "align" (A), "forward" (up arrow) and "fire" (space bar). You'll charge at the target. You'll suffer heavy damage, especially if it's a Cres.Fighter vs Cres.Warship situation. So, pull back and recover your shields, and repeat as necessary. You'll be recovering much faster than they are.


That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

Monty Python is good in every situation for EV/EVO. EVN should cause us some trouble. 🙂

If after upgrades your ship is still not as fast as any enemy ship, then either its some kind of harmless fighter or you got a really sorry ship and should just run. 🙂

Knowledge is power, but ignorance is bliss.

As one who flies around in heavy battleships with neutron turrets, I rarely have to flee from my enemies or use the monty python. With crescent fighters as a secondary weapon and my aggy warship and cresc. warship escorts, enemy ships get swarmed and destroyed before they can offer much resistance.

In... my.... self righteous suicide
I.... cry.... when angels deserve to die!
| AIM: CrazyJ617 | B-net: Flatulence187 | (url="http://"")Pilot File Trade Network(/url) | (url="http://"")Test Your Reflexes(/url) |


Originally posted by UE Crusader:
**Well, it depends on what I'm fighting. For now, I'll list what I do against each fighter out there, and maybe I'll list what I do against the greater ships around later.

The Krait: Oh, c'mon.


If there's only one of them, sure -- but what about those times when 50 of the buggers attack you? They took out my UE Cruiser and Igazdra Izara in no time flat.


Originally posted by Dale Cooper:
They took out my UE Cruiser and Igazdra Izara in no time flat.

Hey!... Did they get a new ship? 🙂

When 50 Kraits attack you, use your afterburner very liberally, and have some fast firing turrets (phase, preferably). It takes about six phase shots to kill one, and about three neutron shots, but they usually hit you a couple times before going down.

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

If you have the cloaking device, use that liberally, too, and pray your fuel lasts long enough. Hope you got those fuel scoops :). Either that, or jump out immediately.



Originally posted by Opalius:
Hey!... Did they get a new ship?:)

(Insert indignation here.)

Hey, you try remembering all those durn names. Za-Ga-Zig!



Originally posted by Flatulence:
**...with crescent fighters as a secondary weapon and ...

The trouble with thinking of parasite fighters as a secondary weapon is that the 'ammunition' is so very damn limited! Expensive to replace, too. A trio of crescent fighters is three quarters of a million, and under AI control, your (unmodified) CF's have a nasty habit of charging battleships, and getting toasted.

(url="http://"")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)


Originally posted by VoinianAmbassador:
The trouble with thinking of parasite fighters as a secondary weapon is that the 'ammunition' is so very damn limited! Expensive to replace, too. A trio of crescent fighters is three quarters of a million, and under AI control, your (unmodified) CF's have a nasty habit of charging battleships, and getting toasted.


That's why you send 'em in when the enemy ship is getting swarmed by escorts... otherwise, you can draw the fire while your CF's hammer away at it. When you try to take over a planet, the defense fleet will go for you and not bother attacking your CF's.... so if they can kill the ship before it gets to you, will, you're golden 😄

In... my.... self righteous suicide
I.... cry.... when angels deserve to die!
| AIM: CrazyJ617 | B-net: Flatulence187 | (url="http://"")Pilot File Trade Network(/url) | (url="http://"")Test Your Reflexes(/url) |

However, ships that could potentially carry Crescent Fighters are usually too slow to be useful, at least in the Crescent. I stick to my trusty CF (my own, yes), outfitted with some useful Adzgari upgrades.

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

I find that the best tactic with Azdara is to travel as fast as you can in the same direction as they are coming in. Then blaze (or should I say Phase?) away...



The above post can be concidered
"Parlez vous sans mon derreire"
As the french probably wouldn't say.


Originally posted by Aben Zin:
**I find that the best tactic with Azdara is to travel as fast as you can in the same direction as they are coming in. Then blaze (or should I say Phase?) away...



Ah! The monty python in use again. I actually like to dance in circles around the enemy while blasting away.

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"")Bushisms(/url).


Originally posted by Lord Asriel:
**However, ships that could potentially carry Crescent Fighters are usually too slow to be useful, at least in the Crescent. I stick to my trusty CF (my own, yes), outfitted with some useful Adzgari upgrades.

Crescent ships are faster than voinian, human, ANY other ships! Just because they're bigger warships doesn't mean they aren't fast enough. An Igazra with the miranu upgrades is faster than any normal AI ship in the game (minus a few fighters) and it works perfectly fine for me.

In... my.... self righteous suicide
I.... cry.... when angels deserve to die!
| AIM: CrazyJ617 | B-net: Flatulence187 | (url="http://"")Pilot File Trade Network(/url) | (url="http://"")Test Your Reflexes(/url) |

When it comes to Voinians, I use my Mass Flare (something akin to a forklift) to take out the frigates, and sometimes the fighters, as well. I use my primaries (which includes beam weapons) to take out the cruisers and supply ships. When taking out cruisers, I recommend staying behind them so they can't hit you with their missiles/rockets. Sometimes I destroy the big boys with the Mass Flare and let the fighters swarm me while I use my primaries on them.
As for renegades, Mass Flare/Forklift is the key, unless they have some sort of an ECM, in which case primaries serve well. I have found it best to hit 'em with Mass Flare from a distance and then take care of the fighters close up. It tickles me when they're using their beam weapon on me and accidentally wipe each other out. I just sit in one place and let 'em have at it, then mop up the rest after.
One key to using the Mass Flare, especially in the crescent, is to get some distance away, turn, target your enemy, hit A, then fire.
I have the "Sound Makeover" plugin; this is a great plug which puts sound/voices to everything you do. For example, when something is hit by any weapon, be it a ship, asteroid, or whatever, you hear "Brutal!" Whenever a ship is destroyed you hear "Hector!"
I highly recommend getting this plug.
Even though it may be considered by some to be one of those "invinci-naughts" others complain about, I still like to fly around in the Green Bean, my green Frog.

Capt. Ace Harddrive
S. S. Green Bean
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


I tend to use defense pods so this is one of my techniques for when fighting a defend the system mission or any mission in which you fight mass numbers of enemy ships with some ships on your side. If a fighter comes at my UE Cruiser I engage and destroy it. Otherwise if it is a Cresent Warship that is hostile (red dot) to me I I avoid engaging it. Instead I look for large enemy warships(blue dot) engaged in long distance warfare with other ships. An example is a renegade cresent warship trying to kill a zachit arada with SAD's. That warship is so proccupied that you can fly right up to it without it firing a shot at you. Then WHAM!! Three to four salvos of defense pods with 8 lauchers, which is not long, he's history. I mean they really don't get a shot off. After you take the big ships out blue dots)the few big ships that were wanting to engage you (red dots)are now being engage by all your friendlies that you saved from destruction because they never had to engage a large warship at close range. I consider this a technique, not a cheat like the Monty P.