UE cruiser vs. Igazra

My vote goes to the Igazra. Be it that I always finish the UE thread last, I never get the chance to go for the UEC until late in the game. By that time I already have my super awesome Igazra and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I think the Igazra is overall a better warship... more space for cool stuff (can't take out fighter bay in UEC) and you won't get auto-attacked by Voinians in your Igazra (although that's a trivial matter).

In... my.... self righteous suicide
I.... cry.... when angels deserve to die!
| AIM: CrazyJ617 | B-net: Flatulence187 | (url="http://"http://pftn.evula.net/")Pilot File Trade Network(/url) | (url="http://"http://www1.minn.net/~fpeters/scripts/happy.html")Test Your Reflexes(/url) |

Bleh. I prefer my "Shoot me with hunter missiles" Borb class cruiser. The fighters may suck, and it may be deathly slow, but with bronev, 6 Neutron turrets, and and SAE's :).........


Originally posted by Admiral Falcen:
crescent fighter? I tear those apart in two seconds or less, and no good range.
or tell me a good way to upgrade it.

I use a UE-Adzgari pilot with a Crescent Fighter.
Shield Generator
Engine Upgrade
Adzgari Upgrade
4 Swivel Phase Cannons
1 Fuel Scoop
Dospect Armor

As for the topic debate, I say neither. I've used each once. I equipped the UEC with an Azdara bay and five phase turrets, and it still didn't do that well in the Crescent -- it's too slow. Same problem with the Igazra. Even with forty or more Dispersal Rockets, it's too slow to be really good. Use a Zidara if you want a good warship. πŸ˜„

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept


Originally posted by Lord Asriel:
**Use a Zidara if you want a good warship.:D

I personally hate the Zidara. It is too slow to dodge many missiles, has very little shielding, upgrade space is non-existant, the phased beam is the worst weapon + is unsellable, the fighters plain suck.

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"http://www.planetarion.com")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"http://www.toostupidtobepresident.com")Bushisms(/url).

Personally, massive warships just aren't my style. They're just too slow to fit my style of fighting. Of course, they're powerful enough that their speed isn't a problem, but I don't enjoy fighting in them or against them. I prefer all-around ships like the (url="http://"http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~dsghosh/evosite/shipyard3.html#arada")Arada(/url), the slower but more powerful (url="http://"http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~dsghosh/evosite/shipyard4.html#zidara")Zidara(/url), or the even slower and slightly wimpier, but cheaper, (url="http://"http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~dsghosh/evosite/shipyard3.html#lazira")Lazira(/url). πŸ™‚

Now on warships:

  • (url="http://"http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~dsghosh/evosite/shipyard1.html#uecruiser")The UE Cruiser(/url) is almost definitely the most powerful ship in the game, in terms of firepower, and its armor is good in the Crescent. It's dead slow, though ... But it has incredible firepower, it has very good shields (nothing to the Igazra, though), decent armor, pretty nice weapon space, and is fairly readily available.

  • Next is the (url="http://"http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~dsghosh/evosite/shipyard4.html#igazra")Igazra(/url). It has more shielding and armor than the UE Cruiser, but it's not much faster, and the UE Cruiser'll last longer in a battle in the Crescent. Also, this is a mite harder to get to, and has slower shield regeneration. Then, it's 4.5 million credits more expensive -- which is a massive amount of money. It does have five phase turrets, one point in its favor. Finally, though I can't be bothered to go check it carefully, I believe it has less weapon space than the Cruiser. They're about equal, all considered, but I prefer the Cruiser; if you have to have a slow warship, why not use the more powerful one, especially when it's cheaper? You can always retrofit it with phase turrets if you need them, and it's not that much slower ... πŸ™‚

  • Then there's the (url="http://"http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~dsghosh/evosite/shipyard2.html#vcruiser")Voinian Cruiser(/url) -- very slow, and almost as expensive as the Igazra, but it matches it in firepower and has the most armor in the game (after the (url="http://"http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~dsghosh/evosite/shipyard2.html#vdreadnought")dreadnought(/url), which hardly counts), which is very, very useful in the Crescent. It also has a massive amount of weapons space, and better shield recharge than either of the two ships above. I like the UE Cruiser better -- you can barely tell you're moving sometimes in the Voinian Cruiser, and the UE Cruiser is cheaper and has similarly huge amounts of weaponry. If you fight in the Crescent a lot, though, this thing is perhaps best for you.

  • Finally, the (url="http://"http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~dsghosh/evosite/shipyard3.html#cresw")Crescent Warship(/url) -- the best compromise between speed and firepower you can get, I think. It's faster than any of the three warships above, it's almost as well armed, it has a two-day jump instead of the three all the other ships take, you can sell its (url="http://"http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~dsghosh/evosite/shipyard3.html#cresf")Crescent fighter(/url) bay, and it's cheaper than any of the rest. πŸ™‚ Of course, its shields are the weakest of the bunch (except the Voinian Cruiser), it has less armor than the (url="http://"http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~dsghosh/evosite/shipyard1.html#freighter")human freighter(/url), and it's still not all that fast -- but it's still a cool ship. Plus, it looks better than any of the others. πŸ™‚

<edit> Urg, UBB weirdness ... </edit>

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"http://www.evoverride.com")http://www.evoverride.com(/url)!
"I have said that the soul is not more than the body,/And I have said that the body is not more than the soul,/And nothing, not God, is greater to one than one's self is." -- Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass

(This message has been edited by shayborg (edited 09-04-2001).)

Shayborg,you missed the Azdgari Warship.
Go Aggys!

Get some."-Me


Originally posted by General Rak:
**I personally hate the Zidara. It is too slow to dodge many missiles, has very little shielding, upgrade space is non-existant, the phased beam is the worst weapon + is unsellable, the fighters plain suck.


While much of which you said is quite true, I believe you have truely underestimated the power of the Zidara. I personally don't like the ship myself (though it is awesome), but it will pack a punch with its Zidagar Fighters and combined phase beamers.

-Cap'n Skyblade
(url="http://"http://www.saberstudios.f2s.com")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Azdgari Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon


Originally posted by Shade:
**Shayborg,you missed the Azdgari Warship.
Go Aggys!


I didn't count the (url="http://"http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~dsghosh/evosite/shipyard4.html#azdw")Azdgari Warship(/url), because you can't buy it. I do think it is the best warship in the game -- as it has the same wonderful balance of speed and weaponry as the (url="http://"http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~dsghosh/evosite/shipyard3.html#cresw")Crescent Warship(/url), except that it turns faster, carries (url="http://"http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~dsghosh/evosite/shipyard4.html#azdara")Azdaras(/url), and has better weapons. If only it was buyable ...

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"http://www.evoverride.com")http://www.evoverride.com(/url)!
"Common sense is not so common." -- Voltaire, Philosophical Dictionary


Originally posted by shayborg:
**If only it was buyable ...


It certainly will be in the Azdgari Graphic Expansion Set. πŸ˜›

-Cap'n Skyblade
(url="http://"http://www.saberstudios.f2s.com")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Azdgari Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon

Now that was a shameless plug. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜‰

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

The UE Cruiser and the Igazra are very evenly matched. Overall the Cruiser has 25 more space after mass expansions. Armor as a rule is 3 times better than shields in the cresent. I say this because phase turrets are 3 times more effective against shields than armor. The secondaries weapons except for defence pods and pursuit missles are even worse against armor. For this reason you can say that a UE Cruiser has 480 in shields and 40 in armor so that you can equate it to the Igazra. "60*3=180 converting armor to shields conservatively" The point of this is to show that the advantage of the UE Cruiser is the UE Fighers which can be used anywhere. The advantage of the Igazra is the extra acceleration and velocity. I do want to make the point that against Voinians the Fighters are a HUGE advantage if properly used. I.E. Attacking whith you fighters. In the cresent the speed advantage is not quite so advantageous. Here you only have to be as fast as the fastest capital ship that can attack you. I this case it is the Cresent warship or Azdgari warship. With upgrades you can be as fast as these ship in a UE Cruiser. It is important to have a speed of at least 175 because if you are slower than this you can be swarmed by fighters and the ship that launched them. Espeacially when fighting the azdgari warship it is important to kill the fighters before engaging the warship. Because the UE Cruiser can go 175 it really does not have a speed disadvantage. Overall there is a stalemate between UE Cruiser and the Igazra in the Cresent and UE Cruiser has the definate advantage in Voinian space. If there are any questions regarding what I have written please write back on this topic.


Originally posted by Jubee on Diff Com:
The UE Cruiser and the Igazra are very evenly matched. Overall the Cruiser has 25 more space after mass expansions. Armor as a rule is 3 times better than shields in the cresent. I say this because phase turrets are 3 times more effective against shields than armor. The secondaries weapons except for defence pods and pursuit missles are even worse against armor. For this reason you can say that a UE Cruiser has 480 in shields and 40 in armor so that you can equate it to the Igazra. "60*3=180 converting armor to shields conservatively" The point of this is to show that the advantage of the UE Cruiser is the UE Fighers which can be used anywhere. The advantage of the Igazra is the extra acceleration and velocity. I do want to make the point that against Voinians the Fighters are a HUGE advantage if properly used. I.E. Attacking whith you fighters. In the cresent the speed advantage is not quite so advantageous. Here you only have to be as fast as the fastest capital ship that can attack you. I this case it is the Cresent warship or Azdgari warship. With upgrades you can be as fast as these ship in a UE Cruiser. It is important to have a speed of at least 175 because if you are slower than this you can be swarmed by fighters and the ship that launched them. Espeacially when fighting the azdgari warship it is important to kill the fighters before engaging the warship. Because the UE Cruiser can go 175 it really does not have a speed disadvantage. Overall there is a stalemate between UE Cruiser and the Igazra in the Cresent and UE Cruiser has the definate advantage in Voinian space. If there are any questions regarding what I have written please write back on this topic.

Now SOMEONE has a bit too much time on their hands! πŸ˜›

Do-spect armor? Hah!
I Do'spect that you're going to die, mister Vonian.
Intercepted from the UE Cruiser Blockade Runner, during attack of Dreadnaught.

Naw not really. I just don't sleep a lot. πŸ™‚

I use ships that suit the situation..

The UE Cruiser is my all around favorite, both for it's stats and my patriotic sense! I find it serves quite well with it's blaze turrents in the crescent, since Azdara's are alomst stopped cold by the blaze's 'pushing' attribute! My UE Cruiser with 6 UE destroyers as escorts have never once failed. Simply, this is the ship of Alien, the Haywire Hinwar.

The giant yellow dildo, as I call it, is rather weak.. It's shields simply can't stand against the continous pummeling that they recieve from both the Zidagar, and Azdgari. Phased beams on one side, Azdaras on the other. HOWEVER, it performs better then any other against space pirates! The Zachit should look into gaining a few of these ships..

The Crescent Warship is definately the back bone of the Crescent. It is the all-around standerd warship. Nuthin guud, nuthin bawd! It's manuevering style, a wide banking turn intiated by it's triangular behind, is well suited for turning about and blasting foes with forward weapons, such as Dispy Rockets. It's three crescent fighters also make a nice addition. It is rather nice looking... but that doesn't stop my Hunter Missles!

Now the Vikimedigie Cruiser... This gaint tub of lard is probably the slowest little son of a CENSORED that ever CENSORED it's CENSORED way across the CENSORED galaxy!! This CENSORED bastard of a ship is CENSORED slow, so it couldn't hyperspace it's way out of a paperbag without having a hearnia! It is only useful in the crescent, where it's CENSORED conquering ways are still hated. CENSORED this piece of CENSORED, it's worthless!

Alien, the UE lovin Hinwar

Alien 5672 - Pissed off Hinwar, Voinion hater, Strand slayer, Zacha Officer, and kitty-stomper.
Want me to beta-test a TC plug? Gimme a slap at Blackhawk86@hotmail.com
AIM: StrikerDragon

(This message has been edited by Alien 5672 (edited 09-06-2001).)

Although I'd prefer an upgraded Zidara or Crescent Warship, between the UEC and Igazra I'd choose the UEC. Let's say a standard UEC, with no upgrades, goes head-to-head with a standard Igazra, no upgrades. While the 5 phase thingies do heavy damage to shields, they're almost worhtless against armor, and the blaze cannons are equally good against both shields and armor, combine that with 5 swarming little UE Fighters (with afterburners if you have 1.03), even the SAEs most likely won't catch up to them unless the fighters are going straight for the Igazra's extreme front. And all the while the UEC won't have to come within the Igazra's turret range because of hunter missiles, and even when the Cruiser runs out of missiles there's a crapload of rockets it can still fire. And by that time the Igazra will probably have run out of SAEs trying to take down the fighters (the SAE's launch in volleys of three so they're used up much faster). And even if the Igazra is faster and has more shields, it has a good deal less weaponry. You also have to take into account 20 blaze cannons and 10 voinian rockets being fired by the fighters. Overall, even if the Igadzra blew up all the fighters and still survived (which it probably would have), it'd most likely be out of shields and even missing some armor, and then it'd have to mix it up with the UEC itself at close range, where it would get its ass kicked by the blaze turrets and rockets. But, this is only my evaluation, and I say a properly souped-up Crescent Warship could blow either of them into next April πŸ˜› (but then again, that's still just my opinion)

Greetings from your friendly local cannibal, put in your town by the federal government to keep the human population in check.
If I were to face him now, I'd say he would probably beat me into the ground Β—Goku

(This message has been edited by ESPilot (edited 09-06-2001).)

Now the Vikimedigie Cruiser... This gaint tub of lard is probably the slowest little son of a CENSORED that ever CENSORED it's CENSORED way across the CENSORED galaxy!! This CENSORED bastard of a ship is CENSORED slow, so it couldn't hyperspace it's way out of a paperbag without having a hearnia! It is only useful in the crescent, where it's CENSORED conquering ways are still hated. CENSORED this piece of CENSORED, it's worthless!

....Snicker Now THAT is funny!
P.S. My CW still owns the UEC πŸ˜„

Battler of the unjust Forklift.
And still blowing them all up, 'cause the Aggies haven't given him the new shield generator yet.

The Igazra. Faster. better. More powerful. Weirder πŸ˜„

Y'a personne qui parle français ici?

Out of the Igazra and UEC, I like the UEC better, but then I've never flown an Igazra. However, neither of these warships is any fun to fly. Too big, too clumsy, too slow, and firepower doesn't make up for it in my opinion.

Of course, I much prefer the Azdara to any big warship, as it can outrun anything, and regenerate a hit almost instantly. If I have to fly a warship, though, I use a VERY heavily modified CW. No fighters, more turrets, all the engine upgrades, more shields and armor, and whatever other upgrades I can get.
