rope bridges

I am a ranger, tring to complete the elf's first quest. I am in the cave and have tried to explore all the areas. There are two bridges that will not let me cross. Can anyone give me a clue as to what to do?
I did complete the game as a swordsman.

I had that same problem when I was using the arrow keys to move my guy...try leading him with the mouse.



Thank you. I found by hit and miss that if I save, quit, reopen, I can then cross the bridges. The problem also happened in a different cave, too.


Originally posted by gamergramma:
Thank you. I found by hit and miss that if I save, quit, reopen, I can then cross the bridges. The problem also happened in a different cave, too.

I had that problem one time, I found using the arrow keys to try to get on the bridge diagonally worked.

"Laughter is in the ears that hear"-The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever

(This message has been edited by msalter (edited 12-24-2001).)

Had the same experience at times using arrow keys to navigate. This only seemed to occur for me when the rope bridge was horizontal rather than vertical. The "diagonal" approach (pressing say "8" and "6" at the same time) seemed to work. I also found that sometimes I needed to try "walking on the rope", rather than down the middle of the bridge.

I'm enjoying the game now as conjurer, having developed a swordsman and ranger character that can both whoop a sea giant in a couple of swipes. Conjurer is a little more challenging, but pulling an "earthquake" and having the strength to take out half a dozen liliths over on Reef Island is pretty satisfying!

Happy holidays,

