Idgazar HELP

I read in one of the posts about this, but it didnt help at all. How do you start the idgazar mission string? I heard like Kitrax or something in western miranu space, but i went there and nothing happened. Then i was something bout river eels(probaly a joke), but i bought some, cut didnt know what to do with them or where to sell thime. Do i need to be dangerous or have a high combat rating to start it, or what other perrequisites are there?

"Stop Whining"


Originally posted by DMBandRulzAll:
**I read in one of the posts about this, but it didnt help at all. How do you start the idgazar mission string? I heard like Kitrax or something in western miranu space, but i went there and nothing happened. Then i was something bout river eels(probaly a joke), but i bought some, cut didnt know what to do with them or where to sell thime. Do i need to be dangerous or have a high combat rating to start it, or what other perrequisites are there?


  • Completion of the Miranu Diplomatic Relations missions

  • A two (one) day jump ship

  • A map displaying the route between Kitrak and Igadzra

You will pick up purple river eels from Kitrak, and bring them to Igadzra. A high combat rating can't hurt either. You also cannot have done any of the other strands missions. They include the South Tip Station "Recover Cargo" mission and the Pozdag-3 "Defense" mission.

Good luck with the missions 🙂

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"")Bushisms(/url).

Another question....I captured a zidagar ship, which is much better than my old on. The problem is that the stupid Igdagar or whatever arent hostile to me, they love me(role model), but they still attackk me when they c me. Can i fix this?

"Stop Whining"


Originally posted by DMBandRulzAll:
Another question....I captured a zidagar ship, which is much better than my old on.

You must mean the Zidara? Hmm... the resale value isn't too high, and the fighters aren't replenishable (For a non Zidagar player). Overall, if you work up to a Crescent Warship or UE/Voinian warship, it will much better suit you.

Ships for pocket-warship style players:

  • Lazira- 3.75M

  • Arada (Igadzra or Merchant version) - 1.00M

  • Crescent Warship- 9.00M

  • UE Destroyer- 2.00M

  • Miranu Gunship- 2.25M


Originally posted by DMBandRulzAll:
The problem is that the stupid Igdagar or whatever arent hostile to me, they love me(role model), but they still attackk me when they c me. Can i fix this?

The Igadzra will attack any ship procured by the other Strands. It occurs because the ship is flagged to be used by the government that makes it, in this case enemy of the Igadzra.

The simple solution... replace it. Check the above list for possible choices.

Ships to avoid:

  • Azdgari

  • Azdara

  • Azdgari Arada

  • Azdgari Warship

  • Zidagar

  • Zidara

  • Renegade

  • Renegade Arada

Hope it helps! 🙂

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"")Bushisms(/url).

(This message has been edited by General Rak (edited 08-30-2001).)

The Zidara (The Zidagar ship you captured) has an inherent government flag. That means that the Igadzra think you're a Zidagar (and hence their mortal enemy), no matter how high your legal rating gets. You could be an Honored Leader in their systems and they'd still attack you. Unfortunately, the only solutions to this problem are to trade your Zidara in for a non-Zidagar ship, or to ignore their attacks.

Or, if you don't mind cheating, I think there are a couple plugins that might deal with that particular problem. If you're interested, you can checkout the plug-in archives at (url="http://"")http://www.ambrosias...evo/addons.html(/url)
Ad Astra Per Aspera - "A rough road leads to the stars"

(This message has been edited by Thunder (edited 08-30-2001).)

I don't think the addons page has it.


Originally posted by DMBandRulzAll **
The problem is that the stupid Igdagar or whatever arent hostile to me, they love m
(role model), but they still attackk me when they c me. Can i fix this?

If you post your email, I'll send you a patch.

(This message has been edited by Blackdog (edited 08-30-2001).)

no, thats ok. i got a worse ship, but i beat a few missions(finally found the string) and now i can buy a idgazar warship :)...anywasy thanks a lot.

"Stop Whining"

Hi - about that Miranu diplomatic relations thing...I think I have done it, I'm not sure. I know it begins in Mira, but what is the gist of it? I keep going back to Mira and get nothing in the bar. I've got the ultimate combat rating and am considered an Upstanding Citizen there. Do I have to be a role model? And another question - I have completed the first 2 'central objectives' in EVO - namely exploring the Ji and Proxima and pushing the Vonians back but I'm confused at the third. Do I begin acting as an agent for a strand or the miranu to begin solving the strand war? I've conquered every strand planet and each strandless and renegade planet except the vionians, who are too tough to conquer, and Igadzra who I plan on working for, as they consider me a role model everywhere. I dont know how to begin this.

Moriardi (anyone understand the referance? anyone? anyone?)


Originally posted by professormoriardi:
Hi - about that Miranu diplomatic relations thing...I think I have done it, I'm not sure. I know it begins in Mira, but what is the gist of it?

Another question..when do u know when you are finished the idgazar string? I did quite a bit( i have the siphon filter thingy), but is that it? I mean, it was too short. I think its not done, but where do i pick up?

"Stop Whining"


Originally posted by DMBandRulzAll:
**Another question..when do u know when you are finished the idgazar string? I did quite a bit( i have the siphon filter thingy), but is that it? I mean, it was too short. I think its not done, but where do i pick up?

The signal that the mission string is finished is when a mission successful textbox says-


Imprecise quote from Override mission text:
You have completed a central objective of Override, destabilizing the strand war.

You can find the second and final Igadzra mission string at Igadzra or one of the outposts.

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"")Bushisms(/url).