Need help with the Miranu Proxima Nebula mission.

Hey y'all!
It's me, again! I've completed the Proxima Nebula missions up to the part where we have to evacuate back to Station Pybin. I've destroyed the Igadzra ship and have been told we need to evacuate before more Igadzra come. Now no matter what I do, even though I've tried launching and landing several times, and clicking on the news and spaceport bar buttons, no mission dialogue comes up. I've gone on to other mission strings...and back to the research base, but nothing comes up. Please help!

Captain Ace Harddrive
😕 😕 😕


Do what it says go to station pybin. Look in the bar.

A Spisak

Why have one when you can have two for twice the price.


Originally posted by Draxo:
**Do what it says go to station pybin. Look in the bar.

A Spisak


Thanx for the suggestion, Draxo, but I've been back to station pybin, looked in both bars, etc...nothing. I get the "we have to evacuate..." message, but nothing else. There's supposed to be something about packing up and moving out to station pybin. I guess I'll have to start the game over again.

Captain Ace Harddrive
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


If you have destroyed the Igazra, and gotten the "evacuate to Station Pybin" mission, it should work. Your pilot file may be messed up. I hate for you to have to try and start over, but you may have to do that. Good Luck!!

"No one will ever silence the voices of Obain"
-Admiral K. Ackgott at the moment of execution by Gaitori terrorists

I've checked the EVO resources, and I can't see anything you could be doing wrong. It may be that jbcwill is right and that your pilot file is dodgy. But don't bin that file just yet. You could try writing a small plugin that will give you a mission that sets mission bit 158, so that you can at least continue these missions. If your not great with ResEdit you could try PilotFileEditor, which you can get (url="http://";=utilities&display;=date&page;=1")here(/url). Or Email me, and I'll try and write the plug for you.

'You really want to know? Yes, I'll tell you. I'll tell you why I'm lying here. But God forgive me... And God help us all. Because you don't know what you ask of me.'

I think all you have to do is explore the Nebula. There should be a way via North Tip station.



The above post can be concidered
"Parlez vous sans mon derreire"
As the french probably wouldn't say.