where is the A.S.S. Blisters?

I just got the Igadzra where you have to test the Plasma siphon and destroy the Azgari warship A.S.S. Blisters and I have looked for hours but have not encountered it yet, does any body know where I can find her?


Look south... South by southeast. 😉 I can't name the actual system, but I remember finding Blisters near the border worlds of the galaxy. Keep looking, you'll find her...

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -


Is the ship really called A.S.S. Blisters? How crude... Oh! Pardon me. But my question is this: Once you have completed the very first mission for one strand, (namely those given on Miranu worlds) can any other strands mission start be accepted? There I go off topic again...

Apply When Wet


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
**Is the ship really called A.S.S. Blisters? How crude... Oh! Pardon me. But my question is this: Once you have completed the very first mission for one strand, (namely those given on Miranu worlds) can any other strands mission start be accepted? There I go off topic again...


A** blisters would be on your a**
go to south tip station and work for azzies.

=Spread the Chaos=


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
**Once you have completed the very first mission for one strand, (namely those given on Miranu worlds) can any other strands mission start be accepted?

Not without (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/dl-redirect.pl?path=evo/plugins&file;=TripleAgent151.cpt.hqx")Triple Agent.(/url) You can also join both the Zidagar and Igadzra by accepting the initial Igadzra mission from Kitrak, stopping at Pozdag-3 to defend it, and then finishing the Igadzra mission. No way to work in the Azdgari, though.

(This message has been edited by Blackdog (edited 08-25-2001).)

has anyone else realized the "joke"?

A.S.S. blisters = ass blisters

Lame, but matt propably thought it was funny

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
rookie's smiles:(url="http://"http://www.ezboard.com/help/help_howto_useemoticons.html")Cool Smiles(/url)
(url="http://"http://community.theunderdogs.org/smiley/gallery.htm")Cooler Smiles(/url)
AIM: Ferazel17

Yeh, knowing Matts sense of humor. 😄



Originally posted by Overrider720:
**has anyone else realized the "joke"?

A.S.S. blisters = ass blisters

Lame, but matt propably thought it was funny


You must mean Peter Cartwright? 😉

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"http://www.planetarion.com")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"http://www.toostupidtobepresident.com")Bushisms(/url).

Hey, he never said it was Matt's idea; he just said Matt probably found it funny. 😛

(This message has been edited by Blackdog (edited 08-25-2001).)


Originally posted by Blackdog:
**Hey, he never said it was Matt's idea; he just said Matt probably found it funny.:p

(This message has been edited by Blackdog (edited 08-25-2001).)**

But he inferred it to be a result of Matt's sense of humor 😛

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"http://www.planetarion.com")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"http://www.toostupidtobepresident.com")Bushisms(/url).


Originally posted by General Rak:
**But he inferred it to be a result of Matt's sense of humor:p

Depends on how you interpret it. If we knew that Matt had a tendency to laugh at lame jokes, his humor might be a result of the joke, and not the other way around.

(This message has been edited by Blackdog (edited 08-25-2001).)

A.S.S. Blisters, A.S.S. Scratcher, A.S.S. Hole...

And those Azdgari wonder what we're laughing at.. 😄


Alien 5672 - Pissed off Hinwar, Voinion hater, Strand slayer, Zacha Officer, and kitty-stomper.
Want me to beta-test a TC plug? Gimme a slap at Blackhawk86@hotmail.com
AIM: StrikerDragon

That's pretty good Alein

ASS Kicker too.


You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
rookie's smiles:(url="http://"http://www.ezboard.com/help/help_howto_useemoticons.html")Cool Smiles(/url)
(url="http://"http://community.theunderdogs.org/smiley/gallery.htm")Cooler Smiles(/url)
AIM: Ferazel17