What are good trading routes for money?

I just restarted EV:O and need to know some good trading routes around the human area so I can make some money and get out of this crappy shuttlecraft..


Food from Centauri to Earth and Fertilizer from the Atlantic station (i think) to Centauri.

Look at the stars, that's your life. Look at the dirt, that's your life too. Look to all sides of yourself and see what really isn't your life, but a fantasy dreamt of by others and forced upon you in whole.


<shameless plug>

Go (url="http://"http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~dsghosh/evosite/missionsjunk.html")here(/url) for information on all the junk items in the game, as well as a few of the most popular trading routes. All a part of the one-stop EVO information depot, (url="http://"http://www.evoverride.com")www.evoverride.com(/url) . 🙂


Seriously, if I had to find a commodity trading route, that is where I'd look ... 🙂

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"http://www.evoverride.com")http://www.evoverride.com(/url)!
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Originally posted by Type R:
**I just restarted EV:O and need to know some good trading routes around the human area so I can make some money and get out of this crappy shuttlecraft..


The most highly profitable-

Buy crassworms at Pax

Sell them at Omm

If the monks aren't striking, buy medical supplies at Omm

Sell them at Telnan

If the monks are on strike, just go to Telnan

Buy equipment (maybe metal) at Telnan

Sell it at Pax

Restart the cycle.

Hope this helps you improve your ship 🙂
Have fun with this route

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superior intelligence

The most profitable one is Misers Run. You buy stiff at Gribn, sell it at Therir, and then take stuff back. You can easily make a million or two on this run.

"The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Cygni.

After experimenting with trade routes in EVO for a bit, I've found that while taking weapons from Morin (is that the planet?) to Emalghia forces you to trek right across the galaxy, as well as taking huge amounts of capital to start, I can still make 3.5-4 million credits profit each trip in a miranu courier with human freighter escorts.

I hate having to pay escort fees more than I have to, so I just take my chances on the Thehir/Gribn run. I start off by renting normal freighters, then after saving up 5 or 6 million I fire them and go to Miranu space. I then rent 6 Miranu Heavy Freighters and return to Hatuli. Its a lot of cash to shell out, but once I have those you can make as much as 500k a go (at least, that's what I make selling equipment from Gribn at Thehir). With them you can make money leaps and bounds faster than you can with little human freighters.

Oh, and always put phase weapons on your ship, not blaze. If you rely on blaze to take down hostile Renegades, you're gonna get blown up sooner or later. For a guy like me who's crazy enough to fly on strict play a lot, I like to avoid that whenever possible....



(This message has been edited by UE Crusader (edited 08-07-2001).)

Yah, the Thehir/Gribn run is the best. I've made over 200million cred on the misers run.

The only evil is


Originally posted by forge:
**Food from Centauri to Earth and Fertilizer from the Atlantic station (i think) to Centauri.

Correct... but don't forget to buy metals on Earth, and sell them at Atlantic Station. It doesn't pay much, but it earns you enough to keep your escorts interested.


Originally posted by General Rack:
**...Buy equipment (maybe metal) at Telnan...

It must be equipment. They don't buy metals at Pax at all. Otherwise correct. (Some people have a better contingency plan for when the monks at Omm strike, though.)

I'm just a peaceful trader... who happens to enjoy trading his way around the galaxy in a Voinian Cruiser. I'd forgotten renegades could be dangerous. 🙂

(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/evodude2001/home.html")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)

It's not exactly a trade ROUTE per se, but all you really have to do is take med supplies from Pareen to New Calcutta, and use M H freighters. it takes about 5M to start, though, so you might do well to start by using human ships for it. make sure your mass is <100 tons, though, or else escort fees add up Once you have the big miranu ships, you can make about 600k + per run from Atlantic station (Pareen might be more profitable I'd have to check, but escorts are expensive)


Originally posted by Moe Ghandi:
It's not exactly a trade ROUTE per se, but all you really have to do is take med supplies from Pareen to New Calcutta, and use M H freighters. it takes about 5M to start, though, so you might do well to start by using human ships for it. make sure your mass is <100 tons, though, or else escort fees add up Once you have the big miranu ships, you can make about 600k + per run from Atlantic station (Pareen might be more profitable I'd have to check, but escorts are expensive)

Of course this only works if you haven't done the New Calcutta missions. :frown:

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superior intelligence

::notes quietly that the (url="http://"http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~dsghosh/evosite/missionsjunk.html")page(/url) he referenced earlier has most of these already:: 😉

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"http://www.evoverride.com")http://www.evoverride.com(/url)!
"Dad, how do soldiers killing each other solve the world's problems?" -- Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes

I made 10 million creds running medical supplies from New Riga (in the Tulir system) to Telnan (in the Ariane system).
Only took about half an hour. Just hire a full six human freighters and listen to some good music to reduce the boredom.
Very nice, short, safe run. You make about 200 thousand a go, for one jump.

Then I bought a Cresent Warship and was never bored again!!

How about the Miser run and you use your cloak to get past the renegades?

I LOVE that route. You can have a scout, and your convoy won't get scratched.

"I don't need romance." Zak Kebron told her confidently. "I have goldfish."


Originally posted by macmaxbh:
**How about the Miser run and you use your cloak to get past the renegades?

I LOVE that route. You can have a scout, and your convoy won't get scratched.


Very interesting... I'll try it sometime.

But I still think the Pax-Omm-Araine run is the best. I made 50M in 1 hour.

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MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"http://www.planetarion.com")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"http://www.toostupidtobepresident.com")Bushisms(/url).

just capture a bunch of mranu heavy freighters and use em for gribn and the thehir run, then again byu the time you can, you probably wont need the money!

No the best run is going from gibn to their or however u spell them in the system near huron. Get esscorts and take metal 1 way and equiment the other. U can make 200k per run including cost of escorts when using freighters

Wait, did you say:

<<No, the best run is when you go from Gribn, in the system Miser. Get escorts and take metal one way and equiment the other way. You can make 200k per run including cost of escorts when using Human freighters.>>
(edited by macmaxbh for readability)

If that's what you said, we already mentioned that, but thanks anyway. If not, please repost.

"I don't need romance." Zak Kebron told her confidently. "I have goldfish."