Reign of Chaos 2 - Information Page

Sadly, I cannot make my own web page for this, so a topic must suffice. This topic is to explain several things - a place for technologies to be placed, as Lord Asriel (Sattomax) requested such a topic be created, and also for general playing notes, so Reign of Chaos 2 works out well. I must say I fear it will become another technology race, so I'll try and clear up everything that has not been mentioned specifically already.

First of all, please understand that this will cover the mistakes and holes made in the original description, so any complaints certain people had, or attempts to change the set course, are out of place and everything should be explained here. Thus, the "you didn't say so before" excuse does not count - and I have seen it often.

Just to clarify, post any technologies you haven't posted, AND any you already have posted in the main Reign of Chaos 2 topic. I will now continue with as full a description of player notes as possible.

Player Notes

There has been some confusion into Galactica's capital, so I'm clarifying this now. The capital of Galactica (or Galactic Empire) was a large station, quite similar to the Citadel Class Station of Reign of Chaos 1, called F-25 Station. This may seem counter-intuitive, as it is in the path of the Garland, but this is NOT the case for the following reasons:
a) Galactican citizens are widely spread, for security reasons. However, no area of Galactica is 100% loyal - not Igadzra, not Voinian. You have to think to understand why even the Voinians aren't completely loyal, and remember that "Voinia" no longer exists, it's mixed race anyway. Thus, an area not connected to any old races would be best for a capital.
🆒 The F-25 Station was an incredible feat of engineering - the best weapon, and also best base, that Galactica had. Put it this way; it stopped the Garland, a ship taht could crush every Galactica ship on it's own. And F-25 Station disabled the Garland, forever. So, what better place than F-25 itself, where the Garland came out at? Galactica underestiamted the UE, and thought F-25 Station would crush them all. However, it still managed to disable the Garland, which now rests on F-25 planet.

So, to clear up the matter of the Galactica capital:

The new capital is a smaller station in Voinia. This station is just a station. It is not like F-25 Station, it is not even like the Citadel Stations in Reign of Chaos, which have been deleted from the new game as they were too strong (all extremely strong units in RoC 2 are pretty instantly brought out of the game).

The station is quite impressive, about 5km across in dimensions, and has a sizeable army protecting it. No particularly interesting weapons as of yet, but this station can be upgraded later if it is desired.

Battles should be carefully monitored by the writer , not just the moderator. This is a story more than a game, so keep total annihilation to a minimum. Heavy casualties is the best you can hope for, as escape is made easy in space, with hyperspace engines.

Signals from the GNN (Thunder's news network) are received all over the galaxy. Thus, every race knows about the UE and Zidagar, including the Azdgari.

Cloaking devices MUST have a weakness, otherwise I will not accept them. Devices to break those cloaking systems are always available to research, whether or not the designer of the cloak says his cloak cannot be broken.

The two hidden races will soon be brought in. I'ase are to be brought in almost straight away, and Prylak will come in once the I'ase have made an impression. Alliances are free to develop as wished.

Note for Galactica enemies: you are not extremely in trouble. It is possible to win.

Note for Galactica players: Don't whine about being attacked by multiple races. You outnumber any individual race massively, so you shouldn't complain. Also, realise this - to make a sizeable enough blockade against the UE and fight the Azdgari, you'll have barely any ships defending. Remember, you have a LOT of systems, and the combined UE-Zidagar alliance can break through a 1000 ship blockade - that's in one area, which is probably accurate at the moment (either break through with minor casualties, or win with about 30% casualties)

Moderation is final. I probably won't be too strict, except with one exception - you know who you are - so there shouldn't be a problem.

Race Fleet Numbers (Estimates)

Total: 11,050

Total: 75

Total: 600

Total: 3000

Mercenary Alliance:
Total: 1200

Total: 5000

Total: 15,000


Post away. Also post any other comments or questions.


That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 08-09-2001).)

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 08-24-2001).)


1-Almost all Crescent and UE techs, though they don't use all of them

2-They also have a large amount of captured ships, such as old Voinian ships and other ships from different areas of the galaxy

3-Anti-Proton Cloak (Being researched) - Info to come later

4-Proton Cannon/Turret - By using high energy protons instead of phased electrons or neutrons, the Mercenary Alliance has created a highly powerful turret and cannon weapon which has excellent firepower and great range.

5-Raven - Looking somewhat like a CW (I will make a pict later) except larger and faster, the Raven is packed with weapons and firepower and is quite deadly. Carrying proton weaponry, SADs, Dispy rockets, and Crescent Fighters, the Raven can take on even the once mighty Igazra and win.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 08-09-2001).)

First off, thank you for this page. I'm not sure when I can come in, so if you could clarify this for me, that would be great.



1. Flak Gun/Swivel/Turret: No explanation needed.

2. Neutrino Cannon: Fires guided blast of neutrinos. Unlimited ammo, but takes a long time to recharge. Multiple launchers fire simultaneously.

3. Firestorm Rocket: Unguided burst of flame.

4. Gamma Field Inducer: Does no damage but screws around with target's electronics (i.e. weapons, engines, etc.). I know this may need moderation.

5. Wormhole Generator: Creates wormhole that lets ships pass through to reasonably close systems they normally couldn't get to. Takes a very long time to charge before use.

All movement relative to EVO. All I'ase ships are equipped with cloaking devices.

1. Phantom-class Spy Fighter
Permanently cloaked (of course you can break it, but normally its never uncloaked), most of this ship's energy has to be diverted to the cloaking device, and it does not carry any offensive weapons. However, it does carry a Gamma Field Inducer and Wormhole Generator, both potentially deadly in their own right.
Speed: 800; Acceleration: 750; Turning: 300 deg/sec

2. Pegasus-class Light Fighter
Slightly faster than an Azdara, this ship is armed with a trio of swivel Flak Guns, 1 Neutrino Cannon, and three Firestorm Rockets.
Speed: 600; Acceleration: 600; Turning: 180 deg/sec

3. Roc-class Heavy Fighter
A little slower, but still quite hard to keep up with, this fighter is armed quite powerfully, with five swivel Flak Guns, 2 Neutrino Cannons, and ten Rockets.
Speed: 425; Acceleration: 450; Turning: 150 deg/sec

4. Komodo-class Frigate
Most likely the fastest ship in its class, this is an extremely powerful warship, almost at the level of a UE Dragon. It is armed with five Flak Turrets, 5 Neutrino Cannons, and 25 Firestorm Rockets.
Speed: 350; Acceleration: 300; Turning: 120 deg/sec

I am also researching a Carrier (can I research yet?) that, while not having any offensive weapons, will have some very good defensive ones. I will post full stats when research is completed. Esponer, this ship will be able to carry any of the other I'ase ships, in relative numbers. Can I do that, or are even a few Frigates too big to fit on a Carrier?
Posts until completion: 10

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

<checks clock> Hmm.... Two minutes ago? Get posting, Asriel, for you're in. <smiles>

Just open some warpgate and come in. Best siding with Galactica, but it's your choice.

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

Yes!!!! I mean, thank you.

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

Zacha Special Tech:
The Zachit R&D;, based from their massive Carrier Ragnorak, have been deveolping a few new technologies to help them for their cause and protection. Over thepast few years, they’ve developed some impressive toys.

Whiteflame beam/emitters: This beam weapon is somewhat powerful. It is a meidum-ranged beam weapon capable of doing good damage against shields, just above that of a phase turret. However, when it comes to a ship’s armor, it is compareable to a phase cannon; not very good. These weapons have a certain disadvantage to this in that a ship as big the size of a Zidara can only hold three at most because their power requirement would overload the other weapons systems of the ship. The reason why they’re called Whitefire is because of the beam’s blue-white color. The emitters are the turret-like version and are usualy put along the hull to fire. They have are as powerful as their fixed counterparts and have the same disadvantage when equping on a ship.

Sensor cloak: This device is just what its’ name implies, a cloak to hide a ship from another ship’s sensors. It emmits a scattering field tightly over the ship so that an hostile cannot detect it through means of sensors and such. It messes up the guideance systems of missiles, SAD and SAE modlues as well as more advanced systems.

Zacha Ships
Because the Ragnorak acts as a ship-building drydock and a docking port, the Zacha can upgrade their vessels with ease. They have kept to their tradtional means of their Zachit fighter and Zachit Arada though they have updated them with the advancement of technology, but recently they’ve come to develope a few ship designs. One of them is the Echo-class Destroyer.

Echo Destroyer: This ship is an amazing work of art. Built for speed and strenght, they got both. A glorius ninety-seven meter long ship with a silver-white hull, it envokes grace and beauty when veiwed. Only a few dozen have been produced yet, but they are a captial ship the Zachit have long lacked. A Destroyer jumps somewhat faster then human ships and have been equiped by a sensor cloak.

Note: For shields and armour, I use ResEdit standards

Speed: 360
Acel: 250
Turn: 225 degrees/sec
Fuel: 6 jumps
Shields: 2300
Armour: 700
Max Cannons/Turrets: 3/3
Shield Regen: 90/sec
Cargo: 45 tons
Weapons: 50
Lenght: 97 meters
Mass: 250 tons
Crew: 45

Standard Weapons:
2 phase cannons
1 whitefire beam emitter
20 pursuit missiles(1 launcher)
docking hangar for three ships the size of Crescent fighter or less.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

About the I'ase cloaks: They are extremely efficient. They do not drain all shields on use, and fuel drain is almost nonexistent.

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

The Zidara: guess what this is!It's purple, a bit larger than a lazira and kicks but. Or it did. They've been revamped, updated and been made faster stronger more armer but there still the lovable Zidara. Advanced phase Turrets, A Humrugar bay with two Humrugar in it and 2 Isiki Turrets and one PhaseTurret. It also has 2 updated Phase Beams.

The Humrugar: This fighter was made originally 10 years ago a little bit before the Zidagars exile. they were made using both UE and Zidagar techs.They've strong shields and actually have a little bit of armor from the UE's side. They have 3 Isiki cannons on them and once in awhile a Phase cannon.

The Zakith: Bigger than a Crescent Warship, probably about the size of what a Igadzra was. A lot of space since that's what Zidagar are know for is how much space they can put into one ship. 4 Isiki Turrets, 1 Phase turret,Advanced Phase Rocket Launcher, and Humrugar bay with 3 Humrugar in it, plus a Ferkith Launcher.

The Kizat: a ship around the same size as a Crescent ship but with less shields and more armor. This thing is, oh my goodness! what is that color! It's... Neon Green. It's bright bright green with a few neon orange tips in diffrent places. What, is this ship supposed to blind the enemy? what were the Zidagar thinking?! Well this ship is also circular. It's Neon Green, mixed with neon orange, and it's circular. Does it really need weapons? of course it does! it has 2 phase turrets, and 2 Isiki Turrets. It has a humrugar bay with 2 fighter.(yellow,green, and orange mwuhahahah. I'm okay, really) It also has a Advanced Phase Rocket Launcher!

note: The Zidagar fighter went out of commision for the more popular and stronger, better Humrugar fighter. There may be some lying around but probably not.

The Isiki Turret, Cannon,: made out of special material that comes from something the Zidagar found about. They have to harvest it with special stuff that they invented. good on armor.

Humrugar bay: Made a short time after the Zidagar and UE went into the other galaxy, there are 2 versions of it.One holds 2 fighter. One holds 3. most ships have the normal version which hold 2. It's lighter too.The Zakith uses the bigger version.

Advanced Phase Rockets: there Phase Rockets except there a lot stronger. They've had update after update and are a strong rockets for today's techs but there slow to recharge and come out again.good on armor and ok on shields.

Phase Turret: The old Phase turret excpet better so it can compete with today's tech. good on shields.

Ferkith Launcher: It's a luancher for, errr, well, Ferkiths. Ferkiths are strange. They start as one but some how it splits into 3 diffrent little balls of,err light? they're good at shields.

The earth is burning up and were all going to die. are lungs burn for fresh air as we smother in ash


Originally posted by Lord Asriel:
**About the I'ase cloaks: They are extremely efficient. They do not drain all shields on use, and fuel drain is almost nonexistent.


Then what's the weakness, Asriel? Like I said, there has to be one, or I won't accept it. Things such as breaks in the cloaking or simple scattering of sensor readings have already been used, so be imaginative.

Perfect cloaking devices are just a little too good.


That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

oh, also, I posted this in the second page of RoC2 but forgot it here. The Zidagar have new and better shields. They're a lot better.

The earth is burning up and were all going to die. are lungs burn for fresh air as we smother in ash

Hmm...Ah, here we go.

On use, the I'ase cloak drains 50% of shields, and there is no shield recharge while the cloak is on (the Spy Fighter cloak is a different story. I'll explain that in a minute). Fuel drain is slow, but it happens. Also, all ships except for the Spy Fighter move slower while their cloaks are on, since power must be diverted from the engines to the cloak.

The cloaks normally work by bending light around the ship. However, the Spy Fighter's cloak works slightly differently. X-rays emitted by a star are collected by the cloaking device, and shot out at ships' scanners, disrupting them and preventing them from detecting the ship (this is similar to my gamma field inducer, but has different effects). All power produced by this ships' generators is diverted to the cloak or engines. Hence, this ship does not have any real offensive weapons. Shield recharge on this ship is fairly slow for a fighter, and there is no fuel drain.

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

SilverDragon was incorrect when he stated that the new Galactica Capital was in the Voinia System. Rather, it is in the system Galactica, which can be seen on both maps. 🙂

You know you want it. It's (url="http://"")cheese(/url).
If you can't afford a sandwich you can't afford explosives.

I'm going to take this time to give some background information on the I'ase.

We come from a galaxy of war, of suffering. Two civilizations -- if you could even call them that -- the Qiy and the Alt'z, have been warring for eons. We have always been the smallest, if not weakest, race. To keep from being destroyed, we have many specialty ships.

We are a race of spies. I will say that now, to keep from any misunderstanding later on. Our pride and joy is the Phantom-class Spy Fighter. It is the fastest ship ever made, to the best of our knowledge. It is also permanently cloaked, making for an incredible intelligence-gathering network.

Our government is a council of both commoners and high-ranking I'ase. I, Sa'amo Vaten, am the Leader, a position looked on with great reverence. I am seen as the savior of my people, to keep us from being destroyed in this cataclysmic war that ravages our galaxy. To the best of our knowledge, our technology is actually superior to that of the Qiy and Alt'z. However, both outnumber us in ships by at least four to one. Five years ago, our homeworld, Tokiy, was attacked by a Qiy warfleet. It was all we could do to drive them off, and we realized that we must find somewhere else to go...

Then it happened. A Spy Fighter pilot discovered a wormhole on the edges of the Ma'ial system. He went through, and unseen, observed the race we now know as the "Adzgari." He, unfortunately, went insane sometime there, due to the unknown culture he found...

When we realized that we must move or be destroyed, we sent a explorational fleet through the wormhole to the system called "Muid." That is where we stand now...

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

As this topic is for RoC 2 information:

Redchigh's second character can now be brought in, but he'll have to kill off his last one.

Also, Asriel, you might want to consider allying with Galactica. It's your choice.


That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

Anyways, time to show off my new Carrier. No, I don't have a pic, but I have some stats...

Reaver-class Carrier: A masterpiece of engineering skill, this ship can carry up to 80 fighters of any kind and 20 frigates, but is lightly armed (otherwise production costs would be too high). This is, however, an enormous ship. While I'ase techs made it as fast as possible, it is still rather slow.

It is armed with two Flak Turrets and two Negative Plasma Emitters, and one Wormhole Generator.
Speed: 180; Acceleration: 200; Turning: 75 deg/sec


The Carrier's new weapon, the Negative Plasma Emitter (NPE) is like no other weapon ever created. It is a beam weapon that shoots out in all directions from the ship in short bursts, annihilating any other ships that come near. You will find out more when I first use it.

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept 😄

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept


Originally posted by Lord Asriel:


Don't bother. I'll put a link in the main topic.

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

Khrm; SD, I've not been aware that I was in RoC 2. I thought it was Reign of Chaos I had signed up for. There's either been a mixup, or I did indeed sign up for RoC 2 but other elements of my schedule flat out pushed it from my mind (which is quite possible at this particular time).

I will try to start moving, but it'll take a huge effort to get caught up with what's going on. I guess I'll try going through the 1st RoC topic; though if someone else could quickly summmarize what's happening, it would save me a LOT of time.




Originally posted by UE Crusader:
**Khrm; SD, I've not been aware that I was in RoC 2. I thought it was Reign of Chaos I had signed up for. There's either been a mixup, or I did indeed sign up for RoC 2 but other elements of my schedule flat out pushed it from my mind (which is quite possible at this particular time).

I will try to start moving, but it'll take a huge effort to get caught up with what's going on. I guess I'll try going through the 1st RoC topic; though if someone else could quickly summmarize what's happening, it would save me a LOT of time.



Just read the history in the first topic. From there, the UE came in at F-25, Galactica formed a blockade around, the UE, Zidagar, two Zacha ships and a hundred Mercenary Alliance vessels destroyed one half of the blockade. The UE's side is weakened now, and Galactica has reinforced the blockade.


That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

I'll post about the Nedra here.

The most advanced ship ever created in the I'ase's home galaxy, the Nedra is beautiful as well as deadly. It is orb-shaped, like the Carrier, but many times larger. It can carry most of the I'ase's ships, as well as a large number of civilians.

Its weaponry consists of a large number of flak turrets and Negative Plasma Emitters, as well as about many Neutrino Cannons. It will probably never enter combat, due to the civilians on board, but it is quite prepared for it.


Read my post in the RoC II thread. It says that the I'ase are leaving their galaxy due to increased aggression on the part of the Qiy, which the I'ase can't survive.

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept