Why can't I get these missions?

As the title would suggest, I've been having trouble getting the strand missions. Actually, it's just getting the Agziwhattablahwho missions. The people with the green speedy ships and the shield rechargers. I've read other posts, and they all direct me to South Tip Station. Perhaps it's my 1.0.2 version? (I just downloaded it.) But I'm a Good Egg or Decent Individual in all of their systems, as well as hostile with the other two strands, and a deadly combat rating. For some reason, though, I haven't been getting the missions. I even started a new pilot, went directly to south station and got my way up to Dangerous..still no missions. What's the real system I need to get to, and what must I accomplish before the little green goblins pay attention to me?!

Do-spect armor? Hah!
I Do'spect that you're going to die, mister Vonian.
Intercepted from the UE Cruiser Blockade Runner, during attack of Dreadnaught.

South Tip Station. Must have done Miranu diplomacy mission. Must not have done any other strand missions.

Oooooh....The alien relation missions. Thanks!
Er.....where are those? And what do I have to do to get -them-?

Do-spect armor? Hah!
I Do'spect that you're going to die, mister Vonian.
Intercepted from the UE Cruiser Blockade Runner, during attack of Dreadnaught.

The Miranu diplomacy mission is available at Mira.


Originally posted by Kill THIS With A Forklift:
And what do I have to do to get -them-?

No preconditions.

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"http://www.planetarion.com")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"http://www.toostupidtobepresident.com")Bushisms(/url).

Yup. Miranu are friendly..... unless it's about profit...

Alien 5672 - Pissed off Hinwar, Voinion hater, Strand slayer, Zacha Officer, and kitty-stomper.
Want me to beta-test a TC plug? Gimme a slap at Blackhawk86@hotmail.com
AIM: StrikerDragon