Reign of Chaos 2

Carnotaur smiled. "Thank you very much James. Then it is settle; we are now allies. However, you must excuse me for a moment."

Carnotaur then walked over to Redchigh. "Yes? What did you want?"

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Paladin looked only slightly impressed at the Sedran. "Not much of a dent. The entire UE navy is around the Renzokuken, in case you hadn't noticed. This attack on the blockade is dangerous, so you might want to leave it out of the fighting. If you still want to fight, we'll make sure it is well guarded."

Paladin checked the time. "Almost there."

OOC: I'd like to know how many ships you expect to be in one area, since the UE would have vague figures anyway. Also, I disagree with anyone who tries to say they have 5000 in one system which I have to pass through. <smiles> Space isn't straight lines, space is infinite passages.

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

Hawk laughed quielty at Paladin. After a bit, he stopped and said, "This ship can go head to head with a Carrier and win. She's fast and strong, and needs little protecting." Hawk looked at the time as well and nodded.

"If you'll excuse me, I'll be going now. If we go into battle soon, I'll be damned if I'm stuck aboard this ship. No offense, Paladin; your ship is well maintained from what I see. But I'm a fighter pilot, not a warship captain. I bid you good hunting, Paladin."

With that he left the bridge and headed for his arada. Some minutes later, the Zephyr broke away from the Renzokuken and took up postion near the Sedran.

Project Name: Drake Arada
Time til completion: 4 posts

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

All was quiet in the Fluoron system, as a few Galactica Fighters patrolled. Suddenly, many blazing points of light appeared. These quickly turned into ships, the very same ones that had mysteriously appeared in the Muid system. The larger ones stayed back, while the superquick Spy and Light Fighters flew around the planet a few times, observing everything.

The flew back to the Frigates and left the system, just as three GNN Aradas entered.

Carrier: 6 posts
"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

(This message has been edited by Lord Asriel (edited 08-10-2001).)

Red turns around to Carno.
"Captain Carnotaur, I hope you will be willing to help. The UE and Zidigar forces jumped into F-25, as you know, but the Battle was a hard one, and the UE and Zidigar have no resorces with which to repair their ships. I was hoping that you would be willing to help me get some equipment to them." RED hands carno the equipment list. "Even if you give me the equipment, we'll need a way to get it through the blockade... I probably have a way, but I'll need to leave soon to arrange it, how about I leave the equipment list with you, and I'll be back in a week or so to pick it up?"

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

You here rumors of a warship pilot named Stalker, it appears that he's had alot of combat exp, and is looking for some work with big pay.

Rumors say that he spends alot of his time in the bar.

A Renegades life is a life for me. laa laa la la dee.

Carnotaur smiled as he looked at the list. "Yes, we can get these, but not all of them immediately. I can have half of them ready along with 80 Ravens to transport it all. Now, what is your plan on getting past the blockade?"

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).


Originally posted by Stalker:
**You here rumors of a warship pilot named Stalker, it appears that he's had alot of combat exp, and is looking for some work with big pay.

Rumors say that he spends alot of his time in the bar.


Mysteriously, one day the Galactica Empire seize him, over thirty Galactica Cruisers moving round his ship. Stalker's pirated vessel stands no chance against Galactica's might, and as Galactica controls the entire galaxy - almost, a full 110 systems - they have no trouble apprehending him.

In a blaze of starbourne fire, the warship Stalker is in is blown to bits under the blasts of Galactica's considerable weaponry.


Stalker, I'm sorry, but that'd be what would happen. This situation is not a typical EVO webstory, as most of the EVO galaxy is controlled by the superpower Galactica. The UE, Zidagar, Azdgari and Mercenary Alliance (a good pick for you) are currently trying to fend them off.

Mercenary Alliance, led by Carnotaur, are a gathering for all mercenaries and former renegades when Galactica came to power. They are situated around Emalgha space, controlling around 6 systems. Check the map for more. Azdgari have their former space, as they revolted aginst Galactica, and the UE and Zidagar are nomadic, based around F-25 and blockaded by Galactica. The Zachit are also scattered, with a few ships and no land (Zachit include Miranu survivors also, based on one huge ship, the Ragnarok)

I hope this works out, and welcome.


That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 08-11-2001).)

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 08-11-2001).)

---Dateline, Fluron---

"Our top story tonight - more sightings of the mysterious visitors known as the I'ase. More of their vessels appeared in the Fluron system just minutes ago, our aradas arriving just moments too late to catch a glimpse. We do however have this footage of multiple hyperspace points closing as the ships exited the system. Witnesses report that events were similar to those in Muid, with the visiting I'ase ships refusing hails but actively observing the goings-on in the system. Again we stress that there is no evidence to suggest that these visitors are hostile. Anyone who encounters these visiting ships should act with caution, but DO NOT FIRE ON THE VISITING SPACECRAFT. You may inadvertantly start an intergalactic war. It is still our belief that the I'ase are just like us - curious.

In other news, a large meteor storm is in progress in the systems of Kirrim and Kitrak, making travel nearly impossible for smaller vessels. The storm, according to our spacial phenomona correspondants, should move to the galactic east, affecting systems as far east as Mira before it subsides around the end of the week. This has been GNN reporter Jen Kyla, live from aboard the arada Observer 9. Now back to regular programming."

Ad Astra Per Aspera - "A rough road leads to the stars"

"Well, Carno, turns out after careful thought, my plan would have a high risk of failure, how would you like to use brute force? The Galactica wouldn't be expecting it, We could deliver the materials directly to them. What do you think? Wouldn't you like to deliver a good blow? I'm an excellent pilot, Of course I'd help."
RED waits for carno's response...

OOC: Esponer, when does my race come in? Feel free to use a BD to kill off this character when it's time, unless you have a better idea.

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

"Actually," Carnotaur responded, "We have an alternative idea. We are currently researching a new type of cloaking device which should allow us to just sneak through the blockade in case we don't have the military power to actually break through it. The technology should be done in a week or so (3 posts). What do you think?"


20 Ravens Built
4 Shipyards Built
All New Stations and Colonies Completed
2 New Shipyards Under Construction in Emalghion

Total Credits: 14 million
Credits per day: 2 million

Title: Anti-Proton Cloaking Device
Time Till Completion: 3 posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

The scattering field has gone through preliminary feild testing, and it's special components are being designed now. Since it will not actually hide a ship very well, but cover an area with sensor disruptors, the size is far down from what was originally planned. As such, several other variations are being discussed.(1 post to go for completed research)

Preliminary reserach has been done on a point defence system, and several interesting ideas have been raised. The most promising however, utilises advances in energy projection. Using subspace fields to allow 'instant' projection and reach of energy, this is a massive advancement over previous incarnations.(4 posts)

Constuction of the stations is proceeding, and will take 8 more posts.
The reports of a new alien race appearing in the Fluron system had grabbed Vice-Emporer RMAs attention, and he set course to see who these aliens might be, and how they would fit into the galaxy. Galactica was strong, but another enemy would not be good. Galactica would tread carefully here.


BattleDoctor sat at his desk, reading the lastest Fleet Status Report from Galactica Fleet Command. It contained the latest numbers and deployment locations. The repost read as follows:

The Galactica Fleet is currently comprised of 15,050 ships. The Fleet is for the most part deployed between 3 major areas: The Blockade of the Ji Nebula, Western Galactica Space (Including in and around Galactica Prime), and the Galactica-Azdgari Border. We, Galactica Fleet Command, believe that these areas require urgent attention in order for the rest of Galactica Space to be kept safe.
There is currently a fleet of 147 ships (not including fighters) stationed at the Galactica-Azdgari border. If the Azdgari Empire begins to make additional raids into our space, more ships will be sent ASAP. The fleet at the border includes 3 Dreadnoughts.
Recently the Mercenary Alliance has been showing signs of activity. Their fleets are on the move, and space traffic in the area has increased greatly in the past weeks. If The Mercenaries decide to attack, the shipyards at Voinia and Galactica Prime itself could be in danger. 2,028 ships are currently stationed at Voinia, with an additional 1,122 spread throughtout the surrounding systems. The Galactica-Mercenary border near the capital and the new stations is patrolled by 1,506 warships.
Lastly, there are 7,892 warships blockading the Ji Nebula. This fleet is split between 2 major chokepoints: DSN-2322 and DSN-2791. There are also patrols deeper in the Nebula, and a force behind the main blockade guarding against possible attacks by the Mercenary Alliance.
The remainder of Galactica forces are spread throughout the rest of Galactica space, and are available to be sent into combat should the need arise.

You know you want it. It's (url="http://"")cheese(/url).
If you can't afford a sandwich you can't afford explosives.

Akrayhek System

About ten solar minutes from Kayia, a jump point opened. From it droped a silver-grey ship, noted as a Echo Destroyer. The jump point closed behind and the ship held postion for five minutes. The ship was dubbed the Mira, in honor of her captain's homeworld. Her captain was Sisay, a human/Miranu born and rasied Mira. At the age 60, Sisay had been part of the Zacha for many decades. He hated Galactica with all his heart but could do nothing about it. Miranu space was taken and could do nothing at the present, but he would retake his homeworld one day. Sisay was a married man, having a lovely wife and talented daughter aboard the Ragnorak; Sisay was also second in command of the Zacha.

Sisay had come to Kayia in hopes of getting an interveiw on GNN. If he could, then people would listen for all wacthed the show. This was at his own urging since his ship was on leave. He would be dropped here in his own personal and unarmed fighter and stay for six solar days; reservations had been made ahead of time for a reserved landing pad. The arada dropped from the ship, and a jump point opened. In seconds, the destroyer was gone.

Within six minutes, Sisay was within orbit of Kayia. He opened a seccure channel and sent a vid message to Thunder, head of GNN.

_To Thunder

Greetings Mr. Thunder. I am Captain Sisay of the destroyer Mira, second in command to the Zacha. I send you this message in hope of requesting an interveiw, to explain the details of the Zacha and their veiws in current politics. I have been granted permission to answer any and all questions you may have by my Commanding officer. If you can spare the time, I can be found in my Arada at Pad 32B.

Thank you for your time


With that, the link was cut and the arada dived down, heading for its reserved pad.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

Once again, the blinding points of light appeared, this time in the Mecha system. Once again, they grew. But this time, nothing appeared.

A few minutes after the I'ase fleet entered the system, three GNN Aradas jumped in, obviously following the alien visitors. They were confused, for the ships had clearly entered this system very recently.

Suddenly, the 300 ships of the I'ase fleet materialized into being, shocking the Aradas' pilots. They didn't know cloaks that advanced existed. One Arada was hailed by a I'ase Light Fighter. "Who are you. and why do you follow us?" the fighter pilot asked in almost perfect Galactic Standard.


The Carrier project was going well, back at Tokiy. Soon large numbers of them would be sent through the warpgate, to meet up with the other fleet. The only problems the technicians were having were in parts of the ship's substructure. The Carrier was so large that the original supports were not holding its weight. That had since been fixed by using a modified tucama hull. Tucama was a very dense metal, useful for building starships with.

Council Leader Sa'amo Vaten called Mats, his prime ship designer to his office. "You realize that by using this tucama hull, the price of this Carrier will jump by up to 30%."

"Yes, of course," answered Mats. "However, it is necessary to support the ship. We almost have a prototype ready to test."

"Very well," replied the Leader. "See to it that it is good."

Carrier: 5 posts

Esponer or Carnotaur, how much money do I have and/or make per day?

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

(This message has been edited by Lord Asriel (edited 08-11-2001).)

"I have an Idea.. would be faster..
How long would it wake to change the appearence and sigs of a few ships?
Oh, I dunno, make them look like L'ase? I hope you see where I'm going with this...
If Galactica thought that the L'ase was attacking them, that would put them into a panic, and rush ships to wherever the "attack" front was. Then there would be less ships on the blockade... not to mention the fact that Galactica would Attack the L'ase when they came into their space again, and we (merc alliance and Zid-UE) would have another powerful ally..... Think it can be done?"

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

Red, it's i-a-s-e. Not a L, a capital i.

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

Thunder had just gotten off the air from the daily breifing when two interns approached him. "Thunder?" they asked.

"Yeah?" Thunder replied.

"We've got a message here for you from a high ranking Zacha official - Captain Sisay. He wants an interview - here's the details," one of the interns said, handing Thunder a datapad containing Sisay's request.

"Have the main desk hold all my calls, will you?" Thunder instructed the interns. "I'm on my way to downtown Kayia City."


Captain Sisay had barely been in docking bay 32B for ten minutes before he heard a knock on the main hatch. Checking his external camera, he recognized the man outside. He pressed the key to open the hatch.

Thunder watched the hatch open, revealing a lone figure inside. Thunder guessed by the Zacha insignia on his jacket that he must be Captain sisay.

"Captain Sisay, right?"


"I'm Thunder, head of the GNN. Pleased to meet you."


After a breif greeting and conversation, Thunder got down to business.

"So, I hear you want a GNN interview. I can certainly arrange it. Did you have anything specific in mind?"


In the Mecha system, the pilot of the lead GNN arada was surprised to hear a response from the I'ase vessels. As far as he knew, he was the first to ever be hailed by the visitors. After the shock wore off, he managed to stammer a reply - "We're from a civilian news organization - the Galactic News Network. We cover the events of the galaxy, and report them to the general population across the galaxy. Your visits have caused quite a stir; we, like many in our galaxy - are quite curious as to your intentions and reasons for visiting us. That's why we've been following you."

Ad Astra Per Aspera - "A rough road leads to the stars"

Sisay nodded and replied, "As you know, Zacha are nomadic, but we do tend to pick up a lot here and there. I would like to discuss our technology, how the Zacha are not mercenaries for hire, and the specific reason of where the Zacha as a whole stand in the current status quo of politics."

The captain pulled a small data crystal from his vest pocket and said, "Also, our leader Hawk Kael, a Kisani of great repute and skill, has prerecorded a message for you so show. That is if you're intrested. When do we start, Mr. Thunder."

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

Red, you can't just make your ships look like mine and have Galactica think that they are actually I'ase ships. They would still have their old IFF codes, because I doubt that you know mine yet. Another problem: These ships are from another galaxy, and use materials you've never even heard of.


"I see," replied the fighter pilot. "I have heard that there is a great Leader in this galaxy called 'Paladin.' Would you happen to know where he is at this time?"

A renegade Arada suddenly entered the system. With surprising speed, three Heavy Fighters detached from the fleet and went after the renegade with Flak Guns and Neutrino Cannons. Too stunned at the sight of the I'ase to even send a message, the Arada was destroyed before it could react.


"So, the hull is tucama," remarked Vaten to Mats, standing in front of the prototype Carrier.

"Yes, and it is ready for a test flight. We can load some assorted ships onto it and see how it functions." replied Mats. "We also worked out how to get power to its cloak, through a network of fite wires." Fite was a superconducting substance.

"Very good," said the Leader. He was fond of that phrase.

Carrier: 4 posts

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept