Captain Skyblade

I was wondering why and how you get a leagle record in this
forum, further more why are you a superhero instead of a member?

"A friend with weed is a friend indeed"

You get Karma by doing good deeds,like helping newbies to find where the Voinian missions start.
Likewise you lose Karma by continually insulting people or using profanities.
I heard that Skyblade got his "Superhero" rank one day when Andrew decided to have some fun:
However when people asked him for new ranks,they got ones they'd rather not.
I'm assumig this is why Flatulence is "The butt of the joke".

When seen from the fetid black hole which is my bedroom,time is slowed until it is infinite. Why bother doing that homework right now? You've got all eternity to do it.


Originally posted by rift:
**I was wondering why and how you get a leagle record in this
forum, further more why are you a superhero instead of a member?


As Shade has already mentioned, I got the "superhero" from andrew. He was having some fun one day (and in a very good mood ;)), and decided to start tagging certain members with titles other than "member." I somehow ended up with "superhero."

As for the karma, it's all part of the Ambrosia web board. The moderators distribute karma points when they see you have helped someone out, or flamed them. If you have provided useful information, then there lies a possibility of getting a positive karma point. If you decide to flame someone and show some nasty anger, however, you'll get a negative karma point (which could eventually get you banned from the Ambrosia boards if you aren't careful). All in all, just behave yourself, and you'll get some good results. If not, well... 🙂

Hope that answers your questions. Welcome to the forums!

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -