Starbase 64


Starbase 64 has undergone a major expansion and development stage this weekend. I need to know what you think and how I can improve it!

Thanks to all people who have given me content to put on the site, it will be put up there soon!

Ensign Paris

Visit StarBase 64 by (url="http://"") Clicking here.(/url)


I have added a Desktop Pictures section. I need desktop pictures for it if any of you kind people want to have the put on the imfamour starbase 64!


Ensign Paris

Visit StarBase 64 by (url="http://"") Clicking here.(/url)

It certainly looks very nice; the scripting and stuff seems well done, and I like the image maps. Also, of course, it has SCW as a download ... 😄

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
"Dad, how do soldiers killing each other solve the world's problems?" -- Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes