The Miranu Takeover

It is 2639.
The Voinian's have taken.
But now.....
The Voinian's broke through UE, taking planet's like Earth, Centuri, and Saalia.
The Emalgha bravely died fighting the Voinians.
The Hinwar have made Cruisers and Dreadnoughts.
The UE was forced back to the planets near Renegades.
Only the Hinwar can do it now.
But, oddly enough, the Voinian's broke into Miranu.
The Zachit was banned and thus began the takeover.....
MAPMAKER: The Voinian's have all UE planets not near the Renegades.
The Miranu are more than capaple of trashing the Voinian's.
Both Emalgha planets are colonized- by Voinians.
posted 04-16-2001 10:34 PM
Welcome to WARFARE!


BY REDchigh


C0-MODERATED BY: Esponer(if he accepts)
one more position open. post.

REDchigh: Emalgha
Kalle Koskinen: Miranu
Esponer: Zidigar
Sapphire: UE
NT renegades: Jade

1. You may control only your own character.
2. No total destruction.
3. Your posts may only account for one weeks time and one day's action.
4. No undefeatable protections.
5. Lifepads (small shield protection modules) may be used while aboard one's own or affiliated structure, and warsuit
(suits with life support and shielding) may be used given time to put one on before going onto a hostile structure.
6. Thread Moderators may revoke your posts at any time if they do not follow these rules.
7. No starting new Governments with out my permission.

Rules for researching:
1. You have to post saying that you have started researching something, and the researching of that thing is done.
2. Tech and Civil advances are made during the story timeframe.
3. All tech is the same as in EVO after all player missions, to get new tech you have to research it.
4. No Invincible ships. Stats must be posted on new ships, and must be edited if the Mods say they are too strong.
(from WARFARE)
BTW: I may seem new, but if you call me a newbie I'll flame you. After all, I am the first new member to use good posts, good capitalzation and good english....
Yes, I want to be a moderator. How much does it cost?
You can find people, and idiots, and idiot people, but why can't you find people idiot?

(This message has been edited by Skyripper (edited 08-08-2001).)

(This message has been edited by Skyripper (edited 08-09-2001).)

UE, btw.

Yes, I want to be a moderator. How much does it cost?
You can find people, and idiots, and idiot people, but why can't you find people idiot?


Originally posted by Skyripper:
...After all, I am the first new member to use good posts, good capitalzation and good english....

Good use of our language would dictate the use of a capital 'E' in English ๐Ÿ™‚
Never mind. Welcome to the boards, newbie!

(url="http://"")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)

GRRRRRRRRRRRR........ There is no written law that says you gotta make the word "English" have a capital E! I've already been on 4 different forums, so I would know! And I'm not a newbie.

Yes, I want to be a moderator. How much does it cost?
You can find people, and idiots, and idiot people, but why can't you find people idiot?

hate to say this skyripper, but we already have two webstories in progress and im not sure but i think i heard someone say that 2 webstories at a time.

I bet there darn tasty to.

Oh well....Going down?

Yes, two webstories is quite enough. Skyripper, you need some experience. That webstory isn't very playable anyway. I leapt in with Reign of Chaos, and made your mistake. Hopefully Reign of Chaos 2 isn't so much of a mistake, but you need to wait for a while. No-one is likely to join your webstory anyway.

Also, if you want to go for perfect grammar, try using "United Earth", instead of "Ue", and adding to odd capital letter in sentences, and avoid "btw"s, which are the worst form of grammar imaginable.

Finally, you are a newbie. Admit it - it doesn't hurt. When you finally admit it, and embrace it, you're no longer one.


That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 08-08-2001).)


Originally posted by Skyripper:
GRRRRRRRRRRRR........ There is no written law that says you gotta make the word "English" have a capital E!

Well, if you were to look in a dictionary (may I recommend the Oxford E nglish Dictionary?) you would find that every usage of the word is capitalised. The book is not a statement of law , certainly, since an inability to spell or use grammar does not break civil or criminal law... but it does embody a set of principles to which users of the English language adhere.

I'm not all that bothered, really. It's not like I have to mark your exam papers, or read a job application from you.

(url="http://"")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)

How nice and friendly all of you are. :rolleyes:

Yes, I want to be a moderator. How much does it cost?
You can find people, and idiots, and idiot people, but why can't you find people idiot?

Hey, you dug a hole for yourself on that one.

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**and avoid "btw"s, which are the worst form of grammar imaginable.


:redface:....Oops, i used that a lot.
Anyways, since english is not even my second language i think iยดm excused.

Kind sir, this is a notification that you are infringing on the laws of the WDC (Webstory Developer Commune). All or portions of your rules are property of the WDC and it is necessary to register as a publisher with us and make notation of them as 'Rooster's Law' in order to utilize them. Contact myself at to obtain information on what the precise rules are (you are currently using the first edition as practiced in the Horizon series) and then register through the same email with your basic information. If you cannot comply with this, you will need to remove the rules. Thank you.

WDC Administrator

It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.
(url="http://"")EVEA Webstory Board(/url) -- (url="http://"")
My fave 'THEY' rendering : <rooster> heh, pringles can't make more pornographic RPGs


Originally posted by roostersw:
**Kind sir, this is a notification that you are infringing on the laws of the WDC (Webstory Developer Commune). All or portions of your rules are property of the WDC and it is necessary to register as a publisher with us and make notation of them as 'Rooster's Law' in order to utilize them. Contact myself at to obtain information on what the precise rules are (you are currently using the first edition as practiced in the Horizon series) and then register through the same email with your basic information. If you cannot comply with this, you will need to remove the rules. Thank you.

WDC Administrator


Never, ya scumdog! ๐Ÿ˜„
(JK, but the never part is true and I meant "scumdog" a small bit)

Yes, I want to be a moderator. How much does it cost?
You can find people, and idiots, and idiot people, but why can't you find people idiot?

Then if this topic continues i'm sure Carnotaur will have it closed for your violation. Good day.

It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.
(url="http://"")EVEA Webstory Board(/url) -- (url="http://"")
My fave 'THEY' rendering : <rooster> heh, pringles can't make more pornographic RPGs


Skyripper; you're a newbie. Why? Because you aren't acting very smart. First you copy someone elses laws EXACTLY without giving credit to them. Then when you are told to stop it you copy the entire intro of a totally different webstory EXACTLY (to be precise, Redchigh's WAREFARE webstory) and you don't even edit it to try a cover up. Really smart. :rolleyes:

Mods; please close this topic.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

As a final note, not only have you lost favor with many other webstory writers, but I'm confident that you will never be allowed association with the Commune in the future. I suggest you apologize to the main people you've offended here (Carnotaur, Redchigh, and myself) and try to move on from this incident with a little more aptitude for dealing with public situations and other people.

It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.
(url="http://"")EVEA Webstory Board(/url) -- (url="http://"")
My fave 'THEY' rendering : <rooster> heh, pringles can't make more pornographic RPGs

He hasn't particularly lost favour with me, and I seriously doubt Red and Carnotaur will hold any grudges.

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

No grudges? Against someone who pirated his entire webstory preface? If at all not, it will be because he shapens up and acts right in the future. I won't hold a grudge then either.

It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.
(url="http://"")EVEA Webstory Board(/url) -- (url="http://"")
My fave 'THEY' rendering : <rooster> heh, pringles can't make more pornographic RPGs

Rooster, I don't care if he stole a couple of words you decided on. It doesn't mean anything to me, and it shouldn't really to you. Did you ever copyright those words? Could you?


That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

Taking someone elses work and posting it here is unacceptable, as well as the flaming thats gone on here.

"BTW: I may seem new, but if you call me a newbie I'll flame you. After all, I am the first new member to use good posts, good capitalzation and good english...." I'm not sure if thats part of what you wrote or copied, but either way it us unacceptable. Truth is, by posting that, it just shows how much of a newbie you are. Sorry this thread is closed.