F-25 2.0 released

I think F-25 was a bit too ambitious. It's a damn big galaxy (even displaces the Voinians!) and something that big requires a LOT of playtesting. Version 2 was an extensive rewrite, so it didn't really benefit from the bug reports that version 1 generated. Perhaps we can hope for a 'v2.something' that resolves some of these issues, but it such a thing has been released, I'm not aware of it. Fortunately, _bomb remains committed to the F-25 concept, and he always seems to respond well to criticism, so you may well see a fix... unless we all get seduced by EV:N 🙂

(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/evodude2001/home.html")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)

I sadly agree.. F-25 was a wee bit untested. I've managed to beat some of the missions just by compulsively reading every detail, and then backtracking when even that doesn't work. But sadly there are a few lil things that just don't work. For example. If you are in a ship heavy enough to withstand the 30 crecent fighters attacking the colony, you are by no means fast enough to beat the dedline of collecting data from the station in the new area.. "Even though it never mentions a deadline, it kills the mission after about 15 days. Also, when you are looking for the "Unknown Intruder" the destination says "No specific system" and the best help you get was "Nowhere near Munb" Granted it tells you where they lost the ship, but after 2 hours of systematically grooming every system in the old universe.. I hit the "F@#K IT!" key and quit..
Cool plug, just many of the missions mechanics are completely screwed

Something has to change, Undenyable Dilemma, Boredom is not a burdan, Anyone should bear. -Tool