Voinians and Azdgari

This question is mainly being asked to the makers of EV:O, but anyone can answer. I've been working for the Voinians, and bought their Voinian Crusier. I then thought that I will work for the Azdgari so I could give my Cruiser the Sheild Generators. This would have made my ship very powerful, but I can't get the mission to join the Azdgari. I went to South Tip Station as I should have, but I can't get the mission. I am a "Good Egg" in all Azdgari systems, and hated by the other Strands. I keep doing Militia missions but still can't get the mission. Here is my question, Does the EV:O game prevent a player, who has been working for the Voinians, to work for the Azdgari? I even tried to work for Azdgari before I got the Voinian Cruiser, so it must be that I have been working for the Voinians. I am correct in assuming this? Please Respond.

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Well, I don't think there is anything preventing you from working for them, unless you did one of the other strand's missions (even just ONE). However, you wouldn't be able to complete the missions in the Voinian cruiser, because the thing is just too slow. There are a lot of time-limit missions, and you won't be able to do them in something with a long hyper-jump time.

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Yeah. I suggest that you get an arada or something fast like that. Then do all the Azdgari missions except for the one in which you get the shield generator. Go buy a Voinian cruiser, then go back and do the mission.

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Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

You need a good combat rating and a bit of luck ... it only appears 25% of the time or something. 🙂

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This has happened to me before. It made me go work for the Idagraza

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You don't need so much luck as patience. Whenever you abort a mission, the computer gets reset, so if you really want to be Azdgari (why? Azdara's cant survive even one SAE), just go to south tip station and sart accepting and abortinf missions, and check the bar in between. if that doesn't work, then you've gottern in with one of the other strands as has been suggested before. For future reference, mission bits only get set or cleared AFTER a mission, so you can start two otherwise mutually exclusive strings by accepting both start missions at the same time


Originally posted by Moe Ghandi:
You don't need so much luck as patience. Whenever you abort a mission, the computer gets reset, so if you really want to be Azdgari (why? Azdara's cant survive even one SAE), just go to south tip station and sart accepting and abortinf missions, and check the bar in between. if that doesn't work, then you've gottern in with one of the other strands as has been suggested before. For future reference, mission bits only get set or cleared AFTER a mission, so you can start two otherwise mutually exclusive strings by accepting both start missions at the same time

The azdara (along with dospect armour) is almost impossible to destroy. As well, how would the SAE catch up with you? Also, the Azdgari offer powerful manuverablity and shield upgrades.

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