Emalgha/UE joined AND another

Okay, I have 2 questions:

I did the mission where Emalgha and UE joined forces. The Emalgha took over the Romit system. And that's the end. It didn't say I had to do anything else! So, is there any more to this mission?? I looked in all the UE systems and the Emalgha systems!

Then, here's my last question:

I did the mission where I was going to help the Hinwar be freed. And I took that one slave to a world. Then flew to another that he told me to go to. But now, it said I was wondering where I could find another band of slaves. Something along that line.
Anyone know where they are??

----The Beloved----


Originally posted by The Space Between:
**Okay, I have 2 questions:

I did the mission where Emalgha and UE joined forces. The Emalgha took over the Romit system. And that's the end. It didn't say I had to do anything else! So, is there any more to this mission?? I looked in all the UE systems and the Emalgha systems!

Then, here's my last question:

I did the mission where I was going to help the Hinwar be freed. And I took that one slave to a world. Then flew to another that he told me to go to. But now, it said I was wondering where I could find another band of slaves. Something along that line.
Anyone know where they are??


1- Free the Hinwar is the end of the UE string.
2- What you are looking for are troops to take the Gun Station. Look at the UE ouposts. (hint-hint= Commander d'erlons outpost= hint-hint)

Prepare to succumb to
superior intelligence

THANX! But um. . . where's that?? You can email me if ya dont wanna tell me on the board. It's dclark@rmci.net

----The Beloved----

the outpost that is closest to the bottom of the screen.


___ he he

(This message has been edited by floop (edited 08-10-2001).)

I think at Outpost Gamma.
I also think this mission is the one where you have to destroy a Voinian fleet in the Gualon system then take your 10 tons of marines to Gualon Staion.

Don't use phase cannons(or are those the U.E.cannons),I am using I think phase cannons now on the same mission and I can't pass it.Try neutron cannons or Elmaghia cannons.I'm also in a U.E. Cruiser.Buy some shield Batteries.I tried space mines but I couldn'get them to work well so don't use them unless you are good with them against Vionians.(even though they disable Turncoats with I think 1 space mine)I guess they are not good against Vionians.

Can you open this jar of pickles?