what do you do when...

You have a lazira, only armed with four phase turrets and a plasma siphon, th planet will not let you land, you have almost on fuel, and you are surrounded by 30 kraits?


Reech is coming.
Get ready for it.

1. How did you get four turrets on a Lazira, anyway?
2. Hope you have an escape pod installed.

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

1. Have an afterburner
2. Sit still, wait until most of the Kraits are near your ship, and use a space mine. A Lazira can live through a space mine, so long as the kraits don't do too much damage first, that is.

Unfortunatly, you probabaly don't have a mine launcher. With afterburner, you just might be able to get to the edge of the system and jump out, though.

Some call it newbie bashing. We prefer the term 'tactical destruction of potential future enemies'.

I assume you tried to bribe the planet to land...

If not, it seems to be worth the money, assuming you are on strict play.



Originally posted by Admiral Falcen:
You have a lazira, only armed with four phase turrets and a plasma siphon, th planet will not let you land, you have almost on fuel, and you are surrounded by 30 kraits?

Die. 🙂

If bribing the planet won't work, you could try bribing the kraits.

With a lazira? Kill the kraits. Turn on that siphon and those turrets and kill them. KIll!kill! Kraits aren't that hard if you can do it properly. just kill em one by one. Or two by two, whatever floats your boat.

The earth is burning up and were all going to die. are lungs burn for fresh air as we smother in ash