
My plugin doesnt work. i have the new one, but the map is stuffed. I havent done any missions, yet i have the 'upgraded' f25 (the one with a real name). Since i have go the values set/cleared, i can play. Im knowlagable with ev-edit enough to find this out, but not to fix it.

btw: i played with all the F25 plugins, pilot builder, evo boom!, and display.

I dont have a signature


Originally posted by Chocolate_Ambrosia:
**My plugin doesnt work. i have the new one, but the map is stuffed. I havent done any missions, yet i have the 'upgraded' f25 (the one with a real name). Since i have go the values set/cleared, i can play. Im knowlagable with ev-edit enough to find this out, but not to fix it.

btw: i played with all the F25 plugins, pilot builder, evo boom!, and display.


Can you be a bit more clear on what exactly the problem is? If you can, I will have a better chance of helping you..



Originally posted by Bomb:
**Can you be a bit more clear on what exactly the problem is? If you can, I will have a better chance of helping you..


okay sorry. The problem is basicly that i cant start the missons. I didnt do anything, (and cant access the new places), but yet the colanised F25 is there. Because of that i cant start the plugin

I dont have a signature

You can check out Bomb's recent posting in the "F-25 2.0 Released" thread, where he posted an excerpt from the amended Read-Me for the plug-in. But in short, to start the missions you should go to Station Pybin in the Priat system, two jumps south of Mirava.

Pah. Okay, I am doing the Find the Intruder mission, the help message said that they chased near Pozgad. Uhhmm no where near there. Can someone plz tell me where it is at plz.

im playing the new F 25 plug andim having some trouble with the defend f-25 mission where u are supposed to find some big Kytaan fleet that is near F25. i went there and looked all over the place and there is no fleet. i opened it up with resedit and it looks like im supposed to get some completion text when i land on Anecia but im not. if someone could help me out that would be cool

Though I've searched through this web board and seen both threads regarding F-25, I still can't get past the second mission, where you bring the convoy to F-25 through North Tip Station. I tried just going to F-25 as I though at first, then read through the web board and found you're supposed to go to Munb after. Did that. Still have the mission, though the equipment is gone now. I'm using a freshly downloaded 1.0.2 version of Override. Any help?

I would start a new thread as this one seems dead but aren't allowed to register at the moment.

Anyway, I've noticed a few things about F-25 2.0 that bug me and wonder what others think (especially the maker, Bomb):

  1. Many mission briefings require multiple visits to the bar. A number of times I don't realise that more is to come and race off to do the obvious thing (like defend F-25) and get confused when nothing or strange things happen. Some times I will just get the continuation of the briefing at the new location (which is kind of disconcerting until you understand what is happening). I would suggest that all continuing briefings have "to be continued..." added to the end so you know to stick around and go back to the bar.

  2. I am doing the Xarnez string and have enlisted the Querin's help. There is a problem with my Querin escorts though.
    a) If you linger too long in a system they jump out and are never seen again (bit of a problem if you want to use fuel scoops to refuel on a long trip).
    🆒 In the mission to capture cargo from a Kytarn transport north of Tre'Lan the escorts destroy the transport before you can blink - I had to use (a) to have a chance to get the cargo but now have no escorts for the rest of the campaign - not a problem because the Kytarn are easy to destroy but it takes a lot of time when they have a large fleet
    c) They insist on fighting the Bomaari whenever they meet - this doesn't seem right and is annoying if I need to refuel in Bomaari space

And now some trivia: I am using a souped up Lazira and see no need to change to anything else. The Kytarn are just like Voinians, really slow, and their weapons do diddly squat damage to shields. What are other people using?

I'm having a spot of difficulty in the early mission in F-25 where you have to kill some 5-6 Zidaras - if I even get near the cloud of zidagar fighters that appears at the outset I die within seconds. So far I've managed to kill the fighters with a sort of monty python manouvre with the crescent fighter, but after that I run into two more problems:

1 - the Zacha do nothing, they just follow me around
2 - I can't use the same manouvre on the Zidaras because infallibly, at some point, one or two of the Zacha start attacking me!

Anyone have any tips for this mission?


Originally posted by Karril:
**I'm having a spot of difficulty in the early mission in F-25 where you have to kill some 5-6 Zidaras - if I even get near the cloud of zidagar fighters that appears at the outset I die within seconds. So far I've managed to kill the fighters with a sort of monty python manouvre with the crescent fighter, but after that I run into two more problems:

1 - the Zacha do nothing, they just follow me around
2 - I can't use the same manouvre on the Zidaras because infallibly, at some point, one or two of the Zacha start attacking me!

Anyone have any tips for this mission? **

I'm having exactly the same problem! I think it is because the mission dude uses a standard Zidagar govt (which allies with the Zachit). For other missions like this, EVO uses a "psycho" govt which 1) always attacks and 2) has no allies.

Does anyone know if there is a patch which fixes this? It's very frustrating to barely be able to start the plugin...



Originally posted by Magellan:
**I'm having exactly the same problem! I think it is because the mission dude uses a standard Zidagar govt (which allies with the Zachit). For other missions like this, EVO uses a "psycho" govt which 1) always attacks and 2) has no allies.

Does anyone know if there is a patch which fixes this? It's very frustrating to barely be able to start the plugin...



Check the other topic for strategies to beating the Zidagar...



Originally posted by Ezikeil:
Pah. Okay, I am doing the Find the Intruder mission, the help message said that they chased near Pozgad. Uhhmm no where near there. Can someone plz tell me where it is at plz.

Try Kavkaz.


**im playing the new F 25 plug andim having some trouble with the defend f-25 mission where u are supposed to find some big Kytaan fleet that is near F25. i went there and looked all over the place and there is no fleet. i opened it up with resedit and it looks like im supposed to get some completion text when i land on Anecia but im not. if someone could help me out that would be cool


You need to observe several ships in the RS-76890 system.


**Though I've searched through this web board and seen both threads regarding F-25, I still can't get past the second mission, where you bring the convoy to F-25 through North Tip Station. I tried just going to F-25 as I though at first, then read through the web board and found you're supposed to go to Munb after. Did that. Still have the mission, though the equipment is gone now. I'm using a freshly downloaded 1.0.2 version of Override. Any help?


The trip is Mira-Aenecia-Munb.
(Aenecia AKA F-25.)




Originally posted by Skippy the Bush Kangaroo:
**I would start a new thread as this one seems dead but aren't allowed to register at the moment.

Anyway, I've noticed a few things about F-25 2.0 that bug me and wonder what others think (especially the maker, Bomb):

  1. Many mission briefings require multiple visits to the bar. A number of times I don't realise that more is to come and race off to do the obvious thing (like defend F-25) and get confused when nothing or strange things happen. Some times I will just get the continuation of the briefing at the new location (which is kind of disconcerting until you understand what is happening). I would suggest that all continuing briefings have "to be continued..." added to the end so you know to stick around and go back to the bar.

  2. I am doing the Xarnez string and have enlisted the Querin's help. There is a problem with my Querin escorts though.
    a) If you linger too long in a system they jump out and are never seen again (bit of a problem if you want to use fuel scoops to refuel on a long trip).
    🆒 In the mission to capture cargo from a Kytarn transport north of Tre'Lan the escorts destroy the transport before you can blink - I had to use (a) to have a chance to get the cargo but now have no escorts for the rest of the campaign - not a problem because the Kytarn are easy to destroy but it takes a lot of time when they have a large fleet
    c) They insist on fighting the Bomaari whenever they meet - this doesn't seem right and is annoying if I need to refuel in Bomaari space

And now some trivia: I am using a souped up Lazira and see no need to change to anything else. The Kytarn are just like Voinians, really slow, and their weapons do diddly squat damage to shields. What are other people using?**

1. Well, generally, if you read them carefully enough, they end abruptly and you say..
"That can't be the end of it..." and go back into the bar. Either that, or check your mission box before going anywhere. Usually it has a little note on what to do. More often than not, it's "Land to complete the mission" or something to that effect.

2. a. They shouldn't just vanish like that. Then again, there are few stretches in the galaxy where you're ever too far from some kind of bribable/friendly port... That, and many of the ships have disgustingly large fuel tanks.

b. If I wrote the mission correctly, there shouldn't be any penalty for overzealous escorts, which may be the point of the whole thing, that it really is impossible to get anything out of the mission. But if it isn't and the mission fails, then I'll find a way to fix it.

c. The Querin fight the Bomaarii? That shouldn't happen. As for the Kytaan, yes, they definitely should fight the Bomaarii and Querin.. and Centurians, and the Imperial Dominion... and just about everyone else, too.

I usually go for one of four ships... If I'm helping the Bomaarii, I go for a B.C. If I'm working with the Querin against the Kytaan, I'll get a Marauder because it is considerably faster than any other capital ship. If I'm just going around aimlessly killing things, I'll go for the Querin Battleship. Most powerful non mission ship in the game. And if I'm fighting with the Kytaan, I'll go for either a Marauder or a Kytaan Cruiser because it inevitably becomes the most dangerous ship in the galaxy.


Thanks for the answers Bomb. I can, however, confirm that the Querin fight the Bomaari. Also the Querin escorts jump out of the system if not much is happening and do not return (although you can get them back by quitting the campaign mission and taking it again - you generally pick the string up right where you left off). As far as working out that there is more to a briefing - most of them it seems obvious but some just really throw me.

In a related matter I was particularly frustrated with a mission in Campaign II to escort some marine carying transports to K...? I (a Kytarn outpost about to rebel) - having escorted them there nothing obvious happens when I take off from K...? I. Although the mission is still active you have to notice that the little red arrow has shifted back to the Border Post to complete the mission. I had expected that completion would occur when you succesfully transported the marines to the system rather than back at the Border Post - a little message telling you to go back to the Border Post would have been handy.

Basically you might want to work on the continuity some more.

Having progresses further I am at a place where a thorough application of DDT may be needed. In "Campaign II", once again working with the Querin against the Kytarn I have the mission to deliver a (presumably explosive) package to an associate at Defence Post II. When I take the mission no special cargo is loaded into my ship. When I land at Defence Post II a message says "Nobody about, you depart quickly" (more or less) but a special cargo labeled "samples" is put aboard. Nothing happens after this whereever I go until a timelimit expires and the mission fails. I can not progress and have followed instructions to the letter. So, what's up? Bug? Subtle plot device? Has anyone else experienced this?


i have a porblem with F-25. I am on the last mission on the Xarnez campain where I have to destroy the remaining Kytaan fleet. I forgot where the Kytaan fleet was. Its DSN something.

email is aspisak@mac.com