strict play and the drednaught

By a show of replies whos beaten the drednaght on strict
play, and with what ships?

"A friend with weed is a friend indeed"


Originally posted by rift:
**By a show of replies whos beaten the drednaght on strict
play, and with what ships?


That's really easy.

My best ship I used against it? The Arada

I believe I've done it once or twice in my time I used a UE Cruiser, the other time I believe it was an Arada, heavily modifed.


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Hey rift, have you done it on strict play?

I try to think but nothing happens!- Ultimate Rebel

of course ive done it, i have the torture plug on which
makes every bounty hunter a drednaught, quite easy actually

"A friend with weed is a friend indeed"

That plug would be rather easy. The Dreadnought is not that tough (if you MP it) and because of its speed. I hate the darn speedy Bounty Hunters that come after me. I conquered a Volian Planet in the beginning with my Freight-Courier and the darn Bounty Hunters have been a real pain. I can't wait until I get Warship, just 1 million more.
::looks at topic::
Oh, yeah. Well, I have never played on Strict Play. But, in regular, the Dreadnought is not that hard to beat. I destroyed the Protoype before I even knew what MPing was. Granted, once I found out what MPing was I realized I did it. 🙂

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